
SNOW: The adventures of Potter Snow

A young lady of unknown source has a great magical power, equivalent to the power of a god, Boto. She wants an ordinary life. In her adventure,she fell in love with a human General. The three forces of darkness rise against the world, killing the humans to avenge the Talented ones. She is the only one that can stop this war,as a descendant of Boto. Would she remain ordinary,or intervene in the fight for peace?

imona300 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Chapter 2

Episode 2

Previously on Snow...

The wind blew the girl's white hair. She broke the bread into two parts. "Announcing lady Ella's return!" A maid announced as Ella entered.

" Her pneumonia is getting better, milady"the older lady said.

" Run, Winsley! It's a polar bear! It's coming to rob us of our berries!"snow shouted, running with Winsley.

" My bad. I'm Alice. Alice Cooper" Alice said, as if realizing that she was wrong.

"Actually, I've been thinking of going into town too" Snow said and smiled.


" Walk faster,buds. It's getting late by the minute" Alice said in her smart and inquisitive voice. " Potter Snow never gets tired. We're almost in town"snow said. She fed the tired winsley some berries.

Suddenly, snow stopped, sensing the presence of some people. She dragged Winsley and called,"Alice" in a small voice. Alice looked back at her questioningly. "What? You tired already?" She asked. "Some people are coming. They are around us. I can feel it" Snow said. Alice walked closer to her. They both bent behind shrubs. Some men were on horses

They were soldiers, from the way they dressed. They barked at their horses,"Ihyah! Ihyah!".Their horses neighed as they whipped them to run faster. Their hoofs strengthened by keratins made deafening sounds on the ground,as the men rode.

"They are Lord Gerald's men. They are probably going to spy"Alice said, looking informed,and not as curious and puzzled as Snow.

"Quick, let's go into town. We must not be caught" Alice said,as Snow was lost in thought. She was thinking about home.

*. *. *. *

A woman, looking sad sat by a fountain. She had on a nice dress. Her hair was golden brown. Her cheeks were red,as she flushed the running water with her hand. The water made slurpy sounds. The surrounding was beautiful. Maids tended to flowers around, swept the compound and going up and down.

"Milady,the Lord is worried you would catch a cold. Please come inside for a nice cup of tea" a older looking lady came to her,her hands on her stomach,and her head bowed a bit. The woman gave no answer. She continued flushing the water with her hands.

She wielded her hands unknowingly, and beautiful,young flowers blossomed. "Milady, I'm sorry,but this must not get to the public eyes. The Emperor has ..."

The lady stopped her by getting up," Never mind. No one saw that. I've been keeping to myself for too long"she said.

" My Lord only wants to protect you from the emperor's screening eyes. He cares about you, milady"the woman said.

The lady's dress swept the ground. It was a sexy, blue dress,that revealed her cleavages. She was lady Myre. Married to the General of the state since sixteen,she had not brought herself to like him. She was also an 'ostracized' as the emperor had named. The 'ostracized'were the people with supernatural powers. Such people were banished from the kingdom.

Lady myre walked into chamber of her husband,who was seven years older than her. The handsome man had his brows furrowed together in a frown,at the map he was holding.

The woman who had been following myre before closed the door as she entered. Her husband was looking more and more youthful as the days passed. He had grey eyes and black hair,which was combed down to his neck. He was not in his uniform. He was wearing a robe,but his manly features were still obvious. He had loved Lady Myre since she had gotten married to him,but she had always given him attitude.

"My Lord" she said, obviously hesitantly. He looked up and saw his wife. He accessed her,and his frown disappeared suddenly.

"Lady Myre, you've been out in the cold all day. Shall I ask someone to make you a cup of tea?"

" No, Lord Lucas. Harriet Beecher had already asked me. I want to know if I'm needed in any way. If there's nothing,I shall take the entire day to rest"she said, turning to leave,when he came behind her. He hugged her from behind. " How lovely you look this morning"he commented.

She didn't like this. Whenever she didn't want something,and she got angry,she would destroy anything around. She tried to cool her anger by saying," Thank you,my lord. But I guess you were on official duties before I entered?"she asked, reminding him,so that he could release her. " Your presence melted my anger,how could I let you go so easily?"

She was starting to get furious, but then,he released her,only to turn her to himself,to look at her as much as he wanted. Firstly,he caressed her neck,then his hand moved down to her cleavages. Myre couldn't hold it in any longer,as he bent his head to kiss her. He heard a crack behind him. He knew it had happened again. He released her and looked back to see that the globe on his worktable had cracked up,almost broken. He looked at his wife,"Must you crack up the whole house before I get a single kiss? We've been married for six years,yet all I get to do with you is just glance. What is the matter? I ..."

" My Lord! It's an urgency!"a man,who was lower in status came in quickly, barging in. He knelt and paid obeisance. Lord Lucas looked at the man,"What's the matter, wright?" He asked

"The Emperor seeks for you. Says Lord Gerald's men found some things in the temple Lady Myre goes to pray!"

" Gerald! How could he do this to me? That young thing"Lucas flashed Myre a quick look," Go into your chamber,and do not come out,no matter who is seeking"

" Yes,my Lord"she said,and courtesied,and she went out.

*. *. *. *

"So,tell me, who's Lord Gerald?" Snow asked as they entered town. "The youngest General of the Wolf army division. He's the talk of the town,and many ladies crush on him. Including the popular lady Ella,who has been betrothed to the gentle Lord Simon"

Snow found that she had missed so much about the town. But it didn't matter to her, because she didn't know where she came from. Her father had so many questions to answer. But where was he? Nobody was available to give her any answer. She just wanted to live a peaceful life,is all. Her roots could go to blazes.

She felt like her mission would be delayed today, because of her newly met friend,but she had kept her company. She thought quickly;she needed a trick.

"Ay, Alice, I thought you were in town for fun?" Snow asked.

They just entered the market and Alice was getting carried away with colourful things. People had their wares up and down, and the market was busy.

"Of course. What do you want to do?" Alice asked, making eyes at the butcher at the far end of the market. The man made flirty advances to her too, and she smiled seductively.

Snow,on seeing this took advantage of it,to vanish. She took Winsley with her,since he would be needed. Alice looked beside her and was surprised that Snow was gone. She went to meet her butcher,anyway.

Snow had the hoodie of her cloak up. She dared not take her White hair into town like that,for the fear of being considered strange. She was walking fast. She saw a bakery beside stall. She smiled, realizing that food was sure today. The Old town was awake today,as ladies walked around. The men were also up and active. She entered into the bakery,and walked towards the owner,who was at the counter. The sweet smells of bread and pastry hung in the air. People were inside,but were few. Snow watched from the corner of her eye,a couple who were discussing and eating pie at the end of the shop. Winsley felt affected by the aroma too,as he scrunched up his nose. Snow's boots made sounds as she walked on the wooden floor.

"A plate of pie, please." she said. The man at the counter turned back to answer her order. He was huge,and bodily built. Snow was starting to feel like she had made a mistake by coming here. She rolled her blue eyes to Winsley,who took action immediately. The man turned to her with a hot plate of pie. She collected it,and felt the man's eye on her as she went to sit,at a place very close to the entrance. She looked at the richly baked pie. Hunger gnawed at her belly. She pounced on the pie,but ate slowly,in an attempt to give Winsley some time. She glanced up occasionally at the baker,who was looking at her suspiciously. She ate the last crumb on the plate and the baker was coming towards her. "Pay up,girl. You finished the pastry." he said,now in front of her, glaring down at her. "What do you mean?" Snow asked.

She glanced at the back of the baker, and saw Winsley coming out with a couple of bread and pastry wrapped in a huge newspaper in his mouth. The other customers had left now,and the baker didn't seem to observe. Snow took the chance now. She got up and looked him fully in the eye,"What if I don't pay up,you oaf?"she asked. She pushed his chest with her hand. He closed his eyes in fury for a moment. Winsley quietly went out of the shop. Snow smiled approvingly.

Then,he held her by her collar,"I knew you were up to something when you came in. I knew you would be no different from the trollop that came here the other day, making eyes at me. Now, pay up while I'm being nice with you, bitch"

" Hit me up. Why don't you? I have no penny to pay you."she said adamantly, bringing up her jaw,so that her cheeks faced him. He was angry now,that he slapped her,but still refused to let go of her collar. He was about to punch her,when someone shouted,"Stop!"

Both the baker and Snow looked back. There stood a man,whom Snow had never seen anything like before. He was tall,his face fine like clay. He had green eyes and pink lips. He was clean shaven,and he had no stubble whatsoever.His hair was braided in long weaving patterns. He was young,so young that it was obvious. But he was dressed in soldier's uniform, three men behind him.

Snow observed that the baker had loosened his grip on her a little,so she hit his hand off her and ran away. In her run,she hit the young soldier with her body and her hoodie came off. She splurged forward. The soldier's eyes widened. She had white hair! She could only be one thing,'An ostracized'.

"Get her! Now!" He said to the men behind him. They rushed after her.

Snow knew the soldiers would be after her now, since her hoodie had come off. She knew Winsley would have gone a little bit far now,but she still had to steal some coal for fire at night. She ran into the market,along the way she had come into town. She burst into a girl selling cheap tatties. The girl cried out. The soldiers were still after her.

Alice,who was busy flirting with the butcher saw that soldiers were running after someone, shouting,"Get her! Get her!"

The people stood, watching the scene, and making way as the soldiers approached. Snow came to a dark alley and saw that the men were no longer after her,or maybe they were still some miles away. So,she stopped behind a house that had probably been abandoned. She saw the men running off. She felt relieved,and her fast beating heartbeats came normal. She was starting to relax. She would have sat,but for her white cloak. The most important of her possession.

Suddenly,she felt a wet liquid on her hand. She jumped. But when she heard the familiar breathing sounds,she knew it was winsley.

She saw that he was tired. He had been running. She smiled with delight, seeing the huge newspaper with bread and pastry still in his mouth. "Old boy,I always knew you were smart!" She rubbed his head and collected the newspaper into the tattered bag. She hugged him. He murmured, hugging Snow back.

"Now, let's get the other things and get going. The soldiers are after me, and it's getting late."

*. *. *

A large room like an emperor's work space was shown. The room was warm and neat. Several scrolls were on the table. There was a table that had fruits in an iron bowl. The Emperor stood by the window, looking downstairs. It looked like he was taking a break. He had a golden crown on his head. He was wearing a robe. From his back view,he was a man in his late fifties. He was Emperor Gilbert.

General Lucas entered and bowed, showing obeisance. "Your Highness!" He greeted in deep voice.

Emperor Gilbert looked back. He was a man of fifty nine,as predicted. He had a grim and cold face, and he looked fearful. He had a big beard and mustache.

"General Darlington,you are here after centuries. What work could you have been doing to defy my order?" He asked.

" Forgive me,your Highness. I started coming here immediately I took your order. I didn't mean to come late"

The Emperor went to sit back behind his work table.

He picked up an apple from the bowl on his worktable. He munched it.

"Lady Myre is suspicious, isn't she?"

"Your Highness,my wife only goes to the temple to pray for the State and the Empire. She has no hurtful motive" Lucas said.

" Really? I thought that was it,but I've observed that each time she visits,some animals would be found dead on the way to the temple,and they were found in confined places. They had scars caused by claws each time. How does it happen?"the man questioned calmly.

" It was just a coincidence, My Lord. I looked into it,and she said it got her scared too,each time. I stopped her from going to the temple for a while, so that she wouldn't get hurt by whatever was killing the animals"Lucas said, the lies flowing freely from his mouth. He knew he must not waver,or appear scared, as the emperor would notice.

The emperor got up,walked closer to him and stooped low. Lucas lowered his gaze.

"We both know that I have my eyes on the Lady. Do not take any chances to relax. I'd let her off the hook this time. I really want her to be caught red-handed" the Emperor said,and got away from him.

"You may leave" he said,with a wave of his hand. Lucas hurried out.

Gilbert continued munching his apple.