
Chapter 3

After packing up his things and saying goodbye to everyone Alexander walked to towards a wooded area outside Hage Village a few hours later he arrived at a old house for a old house it gave a sense pressure and strength Alexander went to knock on the door when he felt an urge to dodge Alexander leaned back narrowly dodging a wooden stick after that Alexander jumped back gaining distance from the sudden attack "Not bad but still in a real fight you would've been dead child" an old short lady said.

(PS when it comes time for the magic knight Arc Alexander will be the same height as Yuno)

Alexander looked at the lady in admiration before bowing and saying "Please take care of me Ms". The old lady nodded in satisfaction "good a brat with manors Father Orsis did say you where a well mannered child" After that the old lady revealed her name was Mary Linda but said to just call her Sensei Alexander nodded before asking "Shouldn't we have a spar so you can see my abilities" .Mary shook her head, "Your better than anybody your age and I can sense your worthy enough for training well young child welcome to hell".

Alexander felt a chill down he's spine and nodded as he walked inside the old house when he walked in he was shocked to see dozens of katanas laid out on a table Alexander saw this and felt a tremor of excitement in his heart but hid his emotions with a calm expression. Mary seeing this let out a chuckle "I'll allow you to pick and customize one of these swords to your liking when you finish your training " Alexander nodded and would soon start he hellish training

(3 months later)

*Huh* *huh* huh* Alexander lays on the soft snowy grass while holding a wooden stick (Snow Creation Magic Snowangle) he covers himself in snowflakes while slowly healing in these short 3 months Alexander was going through hell while also training in his magic control he managed to make his first defense spell (Snow Creation Magic Guardian Golem) the spell basically sends out a 25 meter tall snow golem then it transforms into a hexagonal shape snow barrier. "Finally I'm making good progress I should learn to make some wings or a spell to fly" Alvion on the side watches Alexander train while having an amused expression on its face.

"Alexander when you enter the magic knights I'll teach you how to use (Spirit Magic) but for know you should worry about your control" Alexander nods even though he was interested in this special magic he knew that rushing progress and learning to many things at once will limit his potential Alexander gets up while holding his wooden stick and begins to start swinging the stick once again.

(30 minutes later)

*497* *498* *499* *500* "I should stop right here this is the 3rd set of reps my arms feel soar even while using my recory magic" Alexander begins to walk back to the old house Alvion flys and lands on Alexander shoulder "Child your progress is going well keep working hard to accomplish your dreams and goals" Alexander lets out a small smile and opens the door to the old house Mary sees Alexander and nods "Alexander after 9 months I will apply you to the Hunters Guild so you can gain combat experience and earn money" Alexander shows a somewhat confused face "I understand Sensei but wouldn't that cut training time in half". Mary smiles and explains to Alexander that joining the guild will give him benefits Alexander understands and goes into his room he's staying in to rest.

Alexander would train his magic and swordsmanship for the next 9 months in these months Alexander developed 2 new magic skills (Snow Creation Magic Mystical Wings) this skill resembles large hawk wings that appear behind Alexander helping him move through the air the other skill was (Snow Creation Magic Snow Hawks) this skill is when Alexander shoots multiple snow shaped hawks that can target enemies at a far range with great accuracy. "I should tell Sensei I'll be heading to the Guild tomorrow.

As Alexander walks in the old house he dodges pulling out his stick and blocks Mary's stick "Not bad kid before you go to the Guild tomorrow let me see how much you grown this year" Alexander swings his stick towards Mary before fainting and sending a horizontal slash at Mary She blocks the the attack and sends her own attack. They would continue to spar for a few minutes before Mary would nod her head in sasfication before putting her stick away "I'm surprised your a natural brat but don't get arrogant I wasn't even going 10 percent of my true strength" Alexander sweat drops at this before he thanks Mary and walks to his room.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Treyvon_Blackcreators' thoughts