
Snow (Primeval)

Snow is a dinosaur novel that will consist of three parts. Every part can be found here and will be found under Vol 1-3. Right now part 1 is being serialized. In the small town of Maple diamond town a rookie police officer, Vincent(Henry ), was given a security guard job to look after an old family property with an old family friend. A little girl goes missing which sparks a competition between Vincent and a old classmate. Vincent soon finds out 5 Utahraptors are in the old property basement. A discovery leads Vincent to befriend his neighbor youngest kid and older sister in order to help them since he finds out they could be the next victims to go missing. A massive snowstorm approaches the small town and free the Utahraptors who go on hunts throughout the small town. Vincent has to deal with the escape Utahraptors as well as comfort his past.

DjangoFredericks · Horror
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Chapter 9: The First Shift - Part 1

Once Vincent entered his home, he placed his grocery bags and the map Diego gave him on the dinner table. Vincent decided to put his groceries in first before changing into more comfortable clothes to wear. As Vincent was changing his clothes he noticed it was noon so he decided to make lunch. Once he came down he decided to look into the fridge for food to eat and he decided on eggs since the day so far has been weird. He took the egg container out first and then the other ingredients needed right after. He decided to turn on the TV while cooking the food and he switched the channel to the news one. The news wasn't special at first so Vincent didn't pay attention to most of it while he started beating the egg mixture. While he was beating the eggs Vincent decided to look at the TV once more to see if anything new was on. What he noticed surprised him to the point of him nearly dropping the bowl of eggs to the floor but luckily he stopped himself in time. He saw that Maria had gone missing just recently and that thought made him look back at the map Diego gave him. Vincent wondered if there might be a correlation between the two. Vincent shook his head and decided to change the channel since it was not his business as he was still a rookie cop and this would be a matter for Ben and the higher-ups to do. Vincent changed the channel to Robo the Pup to lighten up his mood. Vincent didn't want to hear one more thing about his past as it had gotten to the point of becoming annoying. Now all Vincent wants to do is change his mind on something else, especially since his new job starts today. "It should be fine with Ben handing the case most likely," Vincent thought, since Ben usually takes up those kinds of cases. After eating food and washing the dishes Vincent decided to waste some time by reading some books to pass the time. Vincent had decided to head for the job a little early so 2 hours before his shift and got up to take a bath and put on some appropriate clothes for the job. Once he was ready Vincent exited his house and got into his car to make the trip there. The manor was located east of the Pumpkin Theater so it was located in a very rural part of town. There were two ways to get to the manor and that was the Pumpkin Theatre way and the forest way with the first way being along the farmland path with you driving by the Pumpkin Theater. The other path will be a more tree-filled path with forests on both sides of the road. Vincent decided on the Pumpkin Theatre path as it was safer and had more lights than the forest path. The drive to the manor wasn't eventful but it was pretty windy when he was driving to the destination with his windows. 16 minutes later Vincent finally arrived at the manor. As Vincent exited his car he noticed someone was waiting for him and that the manor had a vintage feel to it but still looked new. It was Jason there sipping coffee with a stern look on his face while waving to me. He then gestured to Vincent to come inside the manor. Once inside Vincent noticed the manor had an old European feel to it. The manor has 5011 square feet and has 3 floors and a roof area. The foyer of the manor was nice and had a mix of both old and modern décor with a European-style chandelier. Jason led Vincent to the manor kitchen where he began to explain the rules of the job in more detail. Jason give him the basic rundown of the job with the duties he would be responsible for. Jason held a video pad in his hand explaining that this video pad is connected to all the security cameras of the manor except for the ones in the basement. "Your job is to just keep an eye on the camera and make sure that no intruders enter the manor, if an intruder is seen then use this teaser to handle them" exclaimed Jason. "If there are a lot of intruders just click the green button on the right of the video or the emergency button on the left to call for the cops" explained Jason also. "However I doubt anyone will come to this manor since it is so far away from town. Also, you can go anywhere in the manor to do your work" said Jason. Jason then proceeds to give Vincent a tour of the manor. Jason first showed him the basement and made sure to tell him this. "Make sure not to go into the basement kid," said Jason in a stern tone. "What with you and the basement, didn't you say he was taking care of an exotic animal when we first met" asked Vincent. "Technically more than one animal but they can be quite dangerous creatures, we even had to fortify the fences today to make sure they don't escape when I take them out" explained Jason. Vincent said "More than one, just how many animals are there" Jason responded with five. Jason then changed the topic and continued the guide of the manor. The manor had a pretty big backyard with a small pond and many facilities in it like a gym, music, and dinner room. Once the guide was over Jason gave Vincent good luck before retreating into the basement. Vincent decided to walk for a bit until his first shift started. Vincent decided to go into the kitchen room to do his first shift as it was a weird kitchen with a couch in it and a TV being there as well. Finally, the clock hit 10:00 pm and now the first shift has started.