
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Anime & Comics
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171 Chs


A general, a drunkard and a reincarnating wizard walk into a room only to meet a young Atlas Specialist tied to a chair and hear guns pointed at their heads.

It sounded like the beginning of the weirdest lewd joke in all history.

Unfortunately for Ozpin, it was no joke and he now had to find a way to diffuse this situation.

"Well, are any of you gonna talk?"

"Yes, if only you could point those away from us." Ozpin said with a smile as he panicked inside. It had been quite a long time since anyone had managed to sneak up on him. He needed a way to distract him now, there was no way he would lower his guns. Therefore Ozpin would have to find a way to…

"Sure." Or he could just lower his guns with a grin. "What do you wanna talk about?"

This wasn't in his plan! He had no idea what do do now!

"Umm yes. My apologies, I believe you are..."

"Adrian Radcliffe, alleged hitman and professional wet dream material for ladies." The very much proven hitman said with a smile as he offered his hand for a shake and Ozpin took a moment to look over the young man.

Cause that's what he was, young. He probably was maybe a year or two older than Winter Schnee, whom they really should be untying instead of having this conversation, with dark skin and white hair and also...

"You have silver eyes."

"I would say they are more light grey actually, but whatever you say." He said with a shrug, seemingly unbothered by an old man being interested in his eyes.

And an Atlas general pointing a very large gun at his head.

"Adrian Radcliffe, you have the right to remain silent, put your hands behind your head and get on your knees." Ahh James, always so willing to go against danger; though Ozpin would have been far happier if he did that away from him.

"Yeah, I don't think so pal." Adrian scoffed and, before the general could do anything, his hand flew up; right before the front half of James' gun fell to the ground, split with the cleanest cut Ozpin had ever seen. Courtesy of a white curved blade in his hand that had replaced his gun.

"Seriously, you actual fighters had no chance against me and you think you do because you brought your compensation tool? I feel slighted." The professional hitman said with a shake of his head while James looked ready to attack. Which he did try, as Adrian whipped his hand again, and...

"The hell?"


"Yeah, now that general Morning Wood has calmed down." Adrian said as he looked at the very not calm general with a blade with crimson guard spinning between his fingers.

"I believe we can talk now." Adrian said and Ozpin tried to feel as calm as he looked, unlike Qrow who had been laughing at the name given to James by mister Radcliffe.

"Yes, yes talk. Mister Radcliffe..."

"Just call me Adrian. Mister Radcliffe just sounds like an asshole."

"Adrian then. As I was saying, I am here to make you an offer." He said, only to be cut off by Adrian snorting.

"Which is a pretty way of saying you want something, spit it out old man."

"Very well." Ozpin sighed while internally fuming at being called old, no matter how true it was.

"I would like you to come to Beacon and join our faculty as a teacher. A new beginning where you'd have a chance to interact with the youth and help them, guide them to new..."

"Not to mention I would be away from your ex wife, I'm guessing?" And then there was silence.

Ozpin's speech that he had created years ago in order to con intelligent but not very smart people into becoming teachers was cut off, this was a moment where he literally had no response to. A situation he never expected. Even Qrow and James had gone quiet, something that he had once thought to be impossible while they were in the same room.

"And how, exactly do you know about that?" Ozpin asked slowly, not exactly sure what to do as Adrian snorted once more.

"A few years ago, a little over a decade, that pale cougar tried to recruit someone I know. She might have even succeeded if it wasn't for my handsome presence making my friend stop from agreeing to such a stupid offer." Adrian said with a shake of his head.

"Anyway, you know that I am talented and strong. And you don't want the cougar to get her hands on my ass so you are trying to recruit me first, did I miss anything?" The hitman said with his arms crossed over his chest, looking very unimpressed.

"You missed the part where I wanted you to teach our students." Ozpin said with a shrug while Adrian looked at him funny.

"Wait, you were real with that? What would I even teach them?"

"A class about criminal activities. After all, who could know more about such a subject than an authentic criminal." Ozpin said with a smile and a nod while Adrian looked at him with eyes before...

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" He started to laugh. And then he continued to laugh for a minute before pointing at him.

"You! Hahaha, you're funny!" Well, it was nice to have somebody who finally agreed. Even if it was before he actually made a joke.

"Ok, ok but! I got a condition." He said with his finger raised.

"I have two very dear friends, I want them to come with me to the school."

"I have no problems with that as long as they don't hurt my students... seriously... outside of lessons." Ozpin shrugged.

"But I do hope you know that we will have to give you a... 'minder' if you will." He said with a calm gaze while Adrian just smiled.

"Then I have another condition." He said with a smile before...

"I want her, to be that minder." He pointed at the bound form of the Winter Schnee who had been trying to free herself and Ozpin had to admit, he had kinda forgotten that she was in the room.


"Cause I find it funny." Well, that was a valid reason he guessed.


"I have not approved of such a plan Ozpin." The general of Atlas said with a glare, still in the position he had been when he had tried to attack Adrian.

"Every moment he is in Beacon is another moment you won't have to deal with him." Ozpin said with a roll of his eyes as he saw the conflict in James' eyes.

He knew, that if he agreed, it would be like throwing young Winter to the wolves. To a man that had humiliated her in battle and wanted her around as amusement. But the promise of not having to deal with him reminded him of something.


Sacrifice was acceptable in war.

"Cool, then we have a deal." Adrian said with a smile as he offered his hand and Ozpin shook it,; ignoring the dismayed cries of Winter Schnee, the frozen form of James and the dumbfounded Qrow.