
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Anime & Comics
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173 Chs

Always the Quiet Ones(Naruto/WC)-2

Hmm, I felt like my dear cousin Neji had not taken his loss against me in that last spar well. My first clue, the murderous glares he had been sending at my back whenever he thought that no one was looking; which I had no idea how he decided since we lived among a clan of people with three hundred and sixty degree x-ray vision.

Honestly, maybe I should 'accidentally' bump into Tenten and give her a few tips about how to handle Neji. Maybe she could pull out the massive stick in his rear without needing Naruto to use talk no jutsu. Then she could even put a real stick in there! Not like such a thing could affect him in a way that would turn him worse than he was now.

Hmmm, ideas. I would likely do that a few weeks after the graduation, if I didn't forget about it.

Speaking of graduation, I probably should pay proper attention at Iruka but to be perfectly honest, the man was just boring. Which was kinda sad when you thought about the fact that he was technically something between a big brother or a father figure to this world's messiah.

"Therefore, I hope that you all realize how proud I am of all of you and hope to see great things in your careers as genin." He was also a bit too soft and optimistic. Most of the class would be failing their exams and get shipped off to the genin corps after all, not everyone had the power of clans like the clan children or the power of plot like Team Seven.

"I hope to see you all soon once more, this time as fellow shinobis of our village." How corny, might as well be corn panzanella.

Still, at least he did his duty and revealed our teams; which were completely same as that of canon with only the fact that some of the members were girls instead of boys being the difference. On an unrelated note, both Kiba and Choji made cute girls in their own rights.

Kiba had the whole unruly tomboy thing going for her with her shorter spiky hair and muscular body while Choji had a more chubby and adorable feel to her, kind of like a living marshmallow or something.

Unfortunately, the so called savior of the world and his darker and edgier best friend were still boys, rather feminine looking boys but definitely boys. Nothing that couldn't be fixed with a little bit of makeup, pretty dresses, new diet and some alone time with Inculcation talent; but still a bit sad.

"Hey Hinata, we're going out to eat. You coming?" Kiba asked, trying to make her voice sound as gruff as possible.

"Of course." I said with a smile, that made the dog trainer girl blush, as I got up from my seat and followed after her. Where I had a proper view of her behind.


Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out.

She did those exercises several more times in order to calm herself down, there was nothing to be nervous about after all. This was merely a team dinner, nothing that was non platonic about it.

Even if Hyuuga Hinata, the single most beautiful and kindest girl in the Land of Fire, was a part of this dinner.

Seriously, it wasn't like Kiba saw Hinata as anything other than a friend. A very good friend. A very good friend that just happened to be very beautiful. A very good friend that just happened to be very beautiful and made Kiba wish to spend the rest of her days together with her.

"Kiba, the meat is cooked." Hinata said with an angelic smile as she put the freshly cooked meat on Kiba's plate.

'Fuck, I wanna marry her!'

"Come on, it will get cold." She said with her smile becoming even more beautiful. Kiba did not know what she had done that made her worthy of being in a team with Hinata, and Shino too she guesses, but if there was a god out there that made these decisions; she had one thing to say to them.

'Thank you!'

"Kiba, are you ok?" Hinata asked as she put a hand on Kiba's forehead, making her cheeks heat up immensely.

"Y-Ye-Yes! Yes, I am fine!" She squared out, cursing her voice for sounding so feeble and weak. Which seem to have made her words sound less than believable to Hinata as she turned to Shino.

"Shino, I am sorry to cut this dinner short but I will be taking Kiba back to the class so that she can rest." The heiress of the Hyuga clan said as she pulled the Inuzuka girl to her feet before looping Kiba's arm on her shoulder, which had the delightful effect of putting Kiba's face very near to Hinata's chest!

"It is okay. Why, because I too believe that Kiba requires rest before meeting our new instructor. I shall join you two soon." The heir of Aburame clan said with a nod but to be perfectly honest, Kiba's attention was far more focused on beside her rather than her teammate.

"See you then." Hyuuga heiress said and Kiba felt herself move at speeds she had never experienced before and then they were back at the class.

Shunshin, she had seen it being used several times but this was the first time she had experienced it herself; it was an enlightening experience. Though Akamaru did not seem to think that way going by the way he was groaning. Great, he definitely was going to be asking for extra treats tonight.

"Please lay down." Hinata said as he lad Kiba down on one of the desk, which allowed her to look down at the Inuzuka girl. Much like an angel would look down at a mere mortal.

"Hinata, I am…" Her words would be forever unknown as Hyuuga heiress merely placed a finger on her lips and shushed her.

"No more talking, just allow me to help you… relax." She whispered the last word in Kiba's ear and the daughter of Inuzuka Tsume finally reached her limit.


And fainted.


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