

Morpheus, trapped in the cosmic abyss, awakens with unique abilities in a universe of stars and dreams. Confronting life, death, and a mysterious system, he must navigate a world of infinite possibilities to discover his purpose as 'the dream weaver'. English is my second language so it’s definitely not perfect. If there’s any misspelling, please let me know! Let me know if you like it!

Hermodr · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Death is no more than a transformation

Men, like flowers, follow an ephemeral cycle in the midst of this vast cosmic flicker.

In the blink of an eye, a man dances with life in its fullness. He laughs with joy, cries with sadness, fights against adversity, suffers in the silence of his loneliness, rejoices in triumphs, mourns losses and loves others with passion. And finally, he faces the inexorable and cold death, the father of all beings, in a constant reminder of the transience of our existence in this enigmatic universe.

In that fleeting and supreme moment, when the shadow of death looms, the man, like a child throwing a tantrum, denies his destiny, refusing to accept that in this universe the ephemeral and temporary is the norm.

He clings to the illusion that his time will never come, unaware that his body and even the atoms that compose it are not his property, that the air he breathes is a loan and that, at some point, he will have to pay off his debt. So, death arrives as a warden, to collect that last loan, no matter how loud the protest is.

Before we were born, we spent an eternity without existing. So, giving back to death what is its own is natural, when the ephemeral nature of life is understood, it becomes valuable in every heartbeat. Man should not reject its icy embrace, on the contrary, he should remain serene when he crosses the threshold towards transformation...

All this, Morpheus reflected in the midst of the unfathomable blackness of space. As he floated in that deep darkness, he felt that space itself became an endless abyss, a vast ebony canvas in which the stars had no place. It was as if he were suspended in the cosmic void, where there was not a single point of light to break the darkness.

As he floated in that starless space, Morpheus felt smaller than ever. It was as if the vastness of the cosmos had completely absorbed him, making him feel like an ephemeral dot in the middle of eternity. The darkness around him became a silent echo of the transitory nature of existence.

The unfathomable space became an abyss of reflection in which Morpheus contemplated his own existence. He realized that, like the endless blackness around him, his life too had its fleeting moment on the stage of the universe. Every heartbeat, every sigh, every joy and sadness were part of this great cosmic theater, where the blackness of space became the backdrop of its own narrative.

In the midst of the prevailing abyssal gloom of space, Morpheus was in a state of deep contemplation, lost in his thoughts that floated like shooting stars in his mind. However, suddenly, his reflection was interrupted by an unusual sight that left him amazed. In that cosmic abyss, thousands of rays of light intertwined in a mad dance around an empty and dark object, as if they were fireflies dancing in the eternal night. It was Morpheus's first time encountering one of these cosmic mysteries, and curiosity prompted him to approach the puzzling opening cautiously.

However, as he approached, he experienced an overwhelming feeling. It was as if the very fabric of space-time twisted and stretched around him like rubber. Morpheus fought with all his might to resist the merciless pull that was dragging him towards the abyss of the black hole. Each attempt to maintain its position in dark space was a desperate act of resistance in the face of the powerful gravity of an unfathomable cosmic phenomenon.

At the suction force, Morpheus felt like a tiny creature trapped in the turbulent vortex of a whirlpool of water. Finally, he crossed the event horizon, where the known laws of space and time were becoming blurred. Venturing into the unknown again, his vision darkened, similar to his previous experience. In the midst of cosmic uncertainty, he could only hope that what awaited the other side was better than the monotony of this place...

A brief period in the darkness, and when Morpheus opened his eyes again, he was stunned. In front on him lay a vast cosmos, a painting of stars twinkling in a kaleidoscopic dance.

The stars, in their diversity, twinkled with intermittent brilliance, as if sharing ancient secrets. But what really took his breath away was the frenetic activity that filled this new world.

Here, galaxies spun in a perpetual dance, while streams of energy crossed interstellar space like rivers of light. Every point of light in the cosmos seemed to have its own purpose, and Morpheus found himself immersed in a scene of ceaseless activity. It was a place full of vitality, where every star and galaxy contributed to the symphony of the cosmos. Morpheus could only marvel at this new reality, where ceaseless activity was the norm. As he marveled at the astonishing cosmic spectacle, a robotic voice abruptly interrupted his thoughts.

"Starting the Morpheus system; the weaver of Dreams… System activated. Host, please check your skills panel and profile."

At this, Morpheus raised an eyebrow in surprise. In his previous life, he remembered reading fiction books related to the crossing, in which the protagonists acquired special systems that allowed them to obtain unique abilities and reach the peak of power.

Now, he found himself in a situation that seemed straight out of those stories. His thoughts stirred as he considered the possibility that he himself was one of those protagonists, immersed in a completely unknown world full of mysteries to reveal.

But after spending so much time in the cosmic void, Morpheus had become a person who did not worry about matters outside his control. Instead of continuing to dwell on the matter, he decided to act and pressed the button that appeared in his field of vision.

Profile: Morpheus, host of the Morpheus, Dreamweaver system.

Age: Unknown.


1. Dream Manipulation: Ability to immerse a person in the world of dreams, where Morpheus is invulnerable and has absolute control.

2. Spectral Manifestation: Can assume an ethereal form in the real world, with the limitation of not being able to interact directly.

3. Dream perception: Passive ability to listen to the dreams of others.

"Host, please note that all skills can be improved. You can improve your ability to induce more people to dream simultaneously and learn to cross the barrier between dreams and reality over time, and you can acquire more abilities in the future. All up to you. Explore your skills and see where they can take you. The universe of dreams is in front of you!"

Morpheus felt more than satisfied with his abilities, and this satisfaction grew even more after reading the last paragraph. He realized that his skills had great room for improvement and almost unlimited potential. With a thought, he decided to close the system and fell into reflection on the next step to take. After a while he thought of something. He opened the system and activated his dream perception ability.

From one moment to the next, like a tidal wave of thoughts and dreamlike whispers, thousands of voices flooded his mind, dragging him along in a whirlwind of information. Morpheus was momentarily overwhelmed by the immensity of the voices that seemed to collide and merge in his head, as if the dream universe itself had come to life in his mind.

Unable to deal with that overwhelming cacophony of voices, Morpheus deactivated his ability and panted heavily while rubbing his temples. The silence that followed was a relief, allowing him to regain control of his thoughts and emotions.

Then, he took a deep breath and, with a little caution, reactivated the skill. Instantly, thousands of voices returned to his mind. But this time, Morpheus didn't let himself be overwhelmed, and focused on tuning into one voice at a time…

After a few seconds that seemed like an eternity, he finally managed to tune into a dream. Morpheus's forehead broke out in light sweat from the effort, but his face lit up with a smile of victory. He had overcome the challenge and was ready to explore this new world of possibilities…

First time writing something like this. I hope you, readers like it!

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