
Snake Valor another death another rebirth

life and death a cycle that causes nothing but misery and strife yet once a kind soul is broken from that cycle a raw emotion locked within everyone's soul wrath/anger remove all mental limitations and you have a unstoppable beast. Once a regular kid now having to keep his guard up in the physical and mental plane will he be able to make up for a person's own sacrifice so they may live again or will he let his rage consume him and all those around him leaving nothing but a black spot in history.

hunter_holtmyer · Book&Literature
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12 Chs


In a modern-looking hallway with white floors and a black ceiling, a figure walked towards a heavy door carrying a folder filled to the brim with files. As they stepped towards the door it opened silently in the back wall of the room a figure was chained to it a frail tree nearby "he...lp me" the figure mouthed bruised and blacked all over. The person handed the folder to another and left briskly heading towards their next task. The person took off their pitch-black shades revealing their bright blue eyes. "now what have you been up to my little mouse?" he opened up the folder searching over the contents a vile smile appearing on his face the figure chained started to move against it as if they knew what the figure was thinking. The man called out "come out I know you here." In an instant, the girl from before appeared behind him putting an arm on his headrest "what you want I was in the middle of an interrogation." She held up a broken tooth as to relay a point. He looked back at her "you saw him didn't you?" She stayed silent He asked again louder "did you see him." She looked down at the ground. "yes." she said silently. He got up moving behind her "what did I tell you about your "trips"?" "But I needed to make sure it w..." before she could finish talking her bashed her head against the desk he was at golden blood dripped from her head "you will do what I fucking tell you or you will be like that!" he pointed to the figure on the wall "is that clear!" She said yes trying to hold back the pain. He let her go "then go to your room and wait for my orders." he said coldly. She disappeared without a trace he took off his shirt covered in golden blood and looked at the phone on his desk. A sharp pain raced through him he reached for a bottle of pills on his desk he slammed a few down his throat waiting for the effects to go away clenching his hands on the desk his knuckles white as he left a small dent in it heavily breathing he walked out of the room down the same hallway the other person walked towards the room before arriving at a sleek obsidian desk scrawny looking gentlemen with glasses looked at him "what can I do to help you today sir?" He loomed over the man behind the counter his blue eyes starring into the others soul "is that thing ready" he asked in a tone of a man ready to go to war. The fellow looked at his monitor "it is sir shall I get it pr." before they could finish he slamed his hand down cracking the desk "tell them they have 10 minutes to get it ready." He walked away going down the labyrinth of the compound entering a room changing his attire and began to laugh like a madman does.