
Gaia's Awakening and Upgrading

  The earth is a planet that has given birth to many lives. It has been ordinary for hundreds of millions of years, but it slowly absorbs energy from the universe, and huge energy is accumulated in the planet.

  When the energy reaches a critical point, certain changes must occur, and the earth is at this critical point. Without the slightest awareness of life on the earth, the earth's heavenly consciousness "Gaia" awakens.

  "Gaia"'s awakening did not alarm any creatures on the planet. "It" is making some preparations for its "upgrade".

  The awakening of "Gaia" directly exposed the earth to some "unspeakable beings" in the universe. Gaia, who is about to be "upgraded" in Their eyes, is undoubtedly a delicious cake.

  The "upgrading" of the planet is a mysterious ritual that transforms the energy of the planet from inertness to activity from the planet that gave birth to life, and transforms the planet from a inactive world to a magical world.

  In the process of planets "upgrading", the planet consciousness will surrender its own "authority" and reintegrate it into the heavens and earth, and then the powerful creatures on this planet will take over these heaven and earth authority, and these creatures with authority are called "God".

  When any one of them reaches a certain limit, the consciousness of the planet will reawaken.

  The consciousness of the planet after reawakening will have new changes, and all spirits in the universe will call it a Titan.

  The upgrading of planets is a slow and dangerous thing. Those "unspeakable beings" in the universe will sneak into these planets to obtain these powers after the heavens and the earth surrender their authority.

  And these "quasi-titans" who have been taken away from the "authority" of the world are often reduced to death stars.

  "Gaia" is at this critical moment, and the energy attracted by hundreds of millions of years is enough to make all beings covet.

  Gaia's consciousness is in these self-bred lives. And has selected a group of talented and transcendent creatures, injected them with some original energy, strengthened their talents, and let them welcome those from other worlds.

  Those "unspeakable existences" in the universe are attracted by Gaia's energy stored for billions of years, and why isn't Gaia? Knowing that the same authority can also merge with each other.

  "Gaia" only wakes up for a short period of time. "It" was originally born from the condensed body of sentient beings' consciousness. As a magic-free world, the earth has never been born with powerful creatures, so where can a powerful consciousness come from? To support Gaia's long-term awakening existence.

  After making some preparations, Gaia fell asleep again.

  Without the slightest awareness of the creatures on the earth, the "upgrade" of the earth began.The planet began to expand slowly, and the energy gradually became inert and transformed into activity. Some rules began to manifest. Storms, tsunamis, thunder, flames, heavy rain...These natural disasters became more violent as the authority merged.

  The energy is more integrated into the bodies of creatures and some matter of the planet.

  The world is fair, "it" treats every creature equally, but who can say about talents? The talents that our ancestors have evolved over millions of years are our greatest wealth.

  Wisdom is the product of human evolution. It has turned us into the largest group of mammals on the planet and distinguished us from other living things.

  The changes in heaven and earth were first known to mankind and gained huge benefits. The animals are more passive.

  But the same sentence, talent, who can say it accurately?

  In this great world, who can take over the power of the world, who can become a god. Who can say with certainty?