
Snake Charmer

THIS IS A Harry Potter FANFICTION. A girl who lives 3 lifetimes. He is her Destiny and She is his Doom. How long can a Gryffindor remain a Gryffindor?

LunaNightShade2023 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter One:

Albus stared at his daughter, Asteria. Her leg bounced and her night clothes were drenched in sweat. Her long stark white hair was just like her papa's. Her crystal blue eyes darted around the room, like she was waiting for danger to just pop up out of no where.

                                         "Listen to me. I need you to put me in suspended sleep. This is the only way. The things that he will do..I trusted him. He was my friend and I will never forgive him for what he has done." Nagini lay over the tops of her feet and she forces a smile down at her. The snake use to her cousin's. But he had died. So her Father brought it here. Albus inhales a long slow breath. He knew the day would come when she came into her seer powers. But she was barely sixteen.

                                          "What have you seen little Dove?" Asteria's eyes harden as she lifts just them to look at her father.

                                                                                               "He will become a Dark wizard. Killing thousands. I have to be put to sleep until the time is right. I must remain the age that I am now." Albus begins pacing back and forth.

                                           "If I do as you ask your papa will be furious with me." He states calmly not looking at her. Asteria shakes her head violently.

                                                                                            "He was trying to do the same thing! Tom will do it! You arent understanding me father. Put me to sleep and put me in the room of Requirement. I have to remain in the castle while I sleep." Tears spilled over her eyes as she drops her head into her hands. Albus stopped mid-pace and looked at his daughter. It was like a light bulb went off in his head, his heart hurt for her. Rushing to her side he sat next to her. Taking her into his arms he held her tightly.

                                           "You love him." Asteria didn't answer her father instead she cried harder. The betrayal that she fekt ran deep. But she knew what he was really like now. And the fact that he had been using her the whole time. She had to be the one to help stop him. Even if she had to keep putting herself to sleep to do it. She didn't care how long it was going to take her to do it!

                                            "I will do, what you have asked of me. But know that doing this, you could end up suck in your memories until you wake." Asteria pulls away and tries to smile through her tears.

                                                                                           "That doesn't matter. No matter how long it take I will make sure that he is stopped." Albus sighs and shakes his head. Asteria had always been a head strong girl. A brillant witch.

                                                                           ******** ********

                                     Asteria smiles sadly at her father as he holds the potion out to her. Her eyes flicker to the vial of silvery liquid. She inhales a deep breath steeling herself for what was to come. She would be stuck in her memories of Tom. She snatches the vial and drinking it in one go. Then slowly lays down on the bed that had appeared in the room of requirements. The Castle knew what she was doing and it was here to help.

                                     "I love you little one. I'll see you soon." Asteria smiles softly.

                                                                                          "Tell papa I'm sorry. But I had to do this." Albus nods and leans down placing a kiss on her forehead.

                                     "I will tell him. I promise." Asteria took her Father's hand and held it tightly. Albus places his other hand on top and watched as her eyes slowly began to close.