

Anastasie doesn't have a typical life. Recently, she found her brother dead in the dining room of her house. Though it appears to be a suicide, she feels that it was murder. She knows that her brother wouldn't just kill himself. In order to find out about her brother's death, Anastasie finds the private detective, Mateo Bianchi. With his help, will Anastasie find who killed her brother or will she find something else? [semi-hiatus]

Lilyphonic_ · Horror
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13 Chs

The Investigation

"Good morning, Ms. Berger. I am your defense attorney, Brian Wilson."

"Hello, Mr. Wilson."

This is my very first time getting an attorney. I worry about this. Will he be able to prove my innocence?

"I'm going to be asking you a few questions, if you don't mind, Ms. Berger."

"I don't mind."

"Great. Now, first question, what were you doing around 12:45 pm the other night?"

"I was walking home from having a drink with Mr. Bianchi and his partner." I answered truthfully.

"I understand. And did you happen to walk upon a murder? The murder of Mr. Parker?" He asked.

"How did you know?" I was shocked. He was the first person to ask me that question. Everyone else just assumed I had killed Don Parker.

"Defense attorneys always have to believe in their client. I believe that you happened to walk in on the murder instead of committing it. However, the question is how do we prove your innocence."

"That is a big issue." I then remembered about the tattoo. "Wait! There is a way to prove my innocence!"

"How is that?" Mr. Wilson asked.

"On the left wrist of his arm, Mr. Parker has a tattoo. Right now I'm having Mr. Bianchi check it out." I explained.

"And what does that tattoo have to do with anything, Ms. Berger?"

"It has everything to do wi-" I then remembered. That tattoo doesn't have anything to do with it. In fact, all the tattoo will do is prove that I was at the murder scene. It will also show that I was near the body, not that the picture didn't prove enough that I was near the body. "The tattoo would prove that I seem even more like the murderer, won't it?"

"Yes, kind of. If I were you, I would do all you can to keep that evidence a secret. I'll make sure to inform Mr. Bianchi that the evidence isn't needed."

"I understand. I was so sure that it would prove my innocence." I said in a sad voice.

"Don't seem so sad, Ms. Berger. I'm sure that there is some evidence that will help out. What did the murders look like? Did you see?"

"Well, there were four men. They were wearing masks and cloaks. It was dark, so I didn't see the color of their skin. Also, I heard that one of their names was 'Gully.'"

"Gully? Is that the name of the murderer?"

"He did kill the man with a pistol, but I think the other man was in it too. He told Gully to 'do it.'"

"I see. So, we have two murderers?" Mr. Wilsom concluded.

"No. Actually four. There were two men holding Don Parker."

"That's understandable."

"I have one question."

"Yes, what is it?"

"If I was framed for the murder of Don Parker, wouldn't I have a motive?"

"They suspect that you do."

"They did ask why I did it, but I never explained it. How can they be so sure of my motive? I never met the man before until the night of the murder!"

"And that's why we will prove your innocence, Ms. Berger." Mr. Wilson patted my head. "Tomorrow will be the day of your testimony in court. I will do my best to help you through the trial. I promise..." Mr. Wilson gave me a smile. "You will be proven innocent."

His smile was meant to reassure me, but it did the complete opposite. Why did I feel even more uncomfortable than meeting with the prosecutor?