
smut collection

just a collection of smut. none of this is mine if the owner wants it removed just say so and I’ll remove it. This is for complete degenerates if you’re not one the same for you.

But · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

chapter 9


Familiar faces start to react and talk about Benedict Unos press conference

"well it seems our two participants are really getting into character" Mxyzptlk said gaining the applause from the audience "one going full villain...the other trying politics..that is another form of villainy am i right?" the audience laughed at the joke "well folks with the pieces moving i can say we are on for a good show" he said in happy tone "but the question is...what they will do next and also would they meet at some point? all this will be answer...after some words from our sponsors!!"


(Else where in a secured secret government facility)

A scene from Benedict Uno's earlier press conference was playing

"So I say to those that oppose my agenda..." The flames exploded into a towering inferno shooting up into the sky as he exclaimed, "HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT!"

Before it paused with the scene zooming out showing that the scene was being played on a computer in a large meeting room that stood silent for several minutes before a voice spoke up, "Most intriguing.."

Spoke a bald man with a black goatee with a smile looking at the screen with a slight smile as he rubbed his chin, "Quite a unexpected turn of event would you all not agree?"

He asked his colleagues at the table with the man next to him giving a growl, "What it is is a threat to national security!"

The man balding with grey hair and mustache wearing a general uniform barked at Dr. Strange as he glared over at him with his cold blue eyes, "It's bad enough we've got the Justice League building a army now."

He crossed his arms staring over at the large figured African American woman wearing a blue business suit, "The last thing we need is to give them a ally seating in one of the most powerful positions of power in this country!"

He yelled banging his fist against the desk

Amanda Waller looked at the screen in silence, but if anyone looked closer they could see a steel glare and a hand closing into a tight fist.

"What i want to know" the woman said with controlled tone "is how is that a meta like that one escaped our radars?" she asked "Something so volatile should have appeared as a mention, a fire incident, a rumor or anything for us to follow"

"Well.." Another voice spoke up beside her in a speculating tone with a man gray haired and bearded man wearing a doctors uniform rubbing his chin in thought, "The man himself did state he had been afraid of his own powers for a number of years."

He looked over at Amanda Waller, "Perhaps this lead to him taking every measure he could to not only control but hide his abilities." The man Professor Emil Hamilton theorized

"Umm such control is quite rare and quite admirable" Strange said "fire archetypes tend to be quite volatile...easy angered...unafraid of status or a mix of the three...the fact he had been able to hide that power yet act normal is quite impressive.

"Hmm perhaps more than you think." Spoke the last figure at the meeting table a woman with purple hair and transparent blue eyes wearing a loose red business suit with a tattoo just above her cleavage spoke up staring thoughtfully at the footage, "His powers while I would need to see the man myself to be sure."

She looked over across at Amanda, "I believe they originate from a mystical source like my own...talents~" She said finishing with a smirk this was Tala a powerful sorceress and Project Cadmus division head responsible for magical and mystical projects...or mystical threats.

"so not only meta but magical as well?" asked Waller before a fist made the table shook.

"I dont care what hocus pocus he is...all i want to know is when are we going to send the marines to put him in a cell!!!" General Eiling cried in anger.

"and pray tell my dear General" Hugo strange called "of exactly what are you going to accuse him of? Making the world´s most annoying toy song?" the doctor was quite immune to crazy patients and their antics...but if he heard the Joker sing the rainbow monkey´s song again he is going to lobotomize him in the moment

General Eiling gave a growling scowl at Hugo, "Are you death man!?" He asked pointing to the paused recording of Benedict Uno. "He all but shouted his intention to become President!" He shook his head in disgust, "We should have him shot for that alone." The man said in a dark growl

"Its not illegal to say that" said Waller "however it could be dangerous having someone like him even try for it" she turned to everyone on the table "Doctors be honest with me..does he have any chances of pulling this off?"

I'm not quite sure." Professor Hamilton spoke up with a frown, "Politics are hardly my area of expertise after all..." He admitted under the stares of his colleagues. "But.." He frowned in thought before looking up, "I do think the fact that he's been so forthcoming revealing his secret to the world..'

He gave a shrug, "And the novelty of him being a meta human at all will likely attract a number of voters and supporters."

He told the table before Hugo spoke up, "Hmm personally I would have to say the man could very well find himself in office."

He said causing the others to frown as Hugo spoke with a thoughtful tone, "We have here a man with already a established reputation among the American people through their children.."

He scowled, "As well as a man who is no stranger to the power of PR." The fact he could sell so many of those rainbow monkeys alone was proof of that, "Combine that with his newly revealed status as a meta human, and his claims of desiring to help the meta human population.."

He adjusted his glasses, "If not for the fact that a certain backer of ours was also running as a third party candidate I would say this election would as they say be in the bag."

"That reminds me we need to call Luthor and make sure he doesnt make something stupid against Uno" said Waller.

"So are we not going to arrest that freak!?" asked the General.

"Unfortunately Eiling we dont have nothing criminal against him to do so" she frowned "outside being an unregistered Meta but we all know thats not illegal..yet" she continued "However we could use this in our favor" called the woman "like him there are plenty of hidden Metas that we dont know about and if he gains followers..."

"Umm we could use the chance to ran some background investigations in said followers and learn if they are metas too" added Strange.

"After that we only need to..persuade him to drop the campaign or make sure Luthor win" finished Waller "people will forget about him and we will gain new prospers for CADMUS"

"You really think it'd be that easy?" Tala spoke up staring with a arched brow over at Waller who frowned, "After all this man not only avoided our radar but managed to get ahold of that evidence."

She finished with a slight smirk, "That plus his abilities paints the picture of a very dangerous man don't you agree?"

Waller frowned at that...she didnt knew what evidence that meta managed to find..or how.

"We need to find out what he knows and make some cover up" said the woman.

"Difficult considering the only pieces of evidences are in the hands of two women known for having heroes keeping an eye on them" Professor Emil called knowing pretty well getting something out of Lane would be a failure

"Hmm and the man also said he had other copies he secured that he plans to leak." Strange spoke up with a hum before looking at Waller, "Like it or not my dear covering things up will be easier said than done if possible at all."

Waller frowned.

"A toymaker like him couldnt have come up with that info alone" she said "check the servers for any leak and lets hope the list just have small names we can..depart from"

"Understood.." General Eiling said with a nod, "And rest assured if we have any traitors or whistle blowers i'll deal with them personally." He added in a dark tone and frown, "But still leaves the matter of this threat."

He said not feeling fully confidant on Waller plan despite his respect for the woman, "Are you sure there isn't more we can do?"

He asked before his stare went to Hamilton, "What about Project Galatea this could be a excellent way to test it against magic on the field." He remarked

Professor Emil tensed at those words.

"i wouldnt recommend that" he said in hurry.

"and why not?" Eiling narrowed his eyes in anger.

"Because my dear general..." Strangr called "right now all the eyes are on the toymaker...who also has reported government involvement in the whole Vegas incident...if suddenly an unknown superpowered being clashed against him...i can bet the Justice League will be on the scene faster that you can think"

"Yes you'd all but shouting to the world that everything he accused the government of was true." Tala stated in a dry tone arching a brow at the general, "Not to mention putting the League onto Cadmus trail even more and risking them finding out about our little operation."

The general growled..he didnt like having to wait.

"For now we will observe and find an opening we can use to either take this campaign of his to our favor or finish it" said Waller "also get someone of the PR department get in contact with the president so he can be ready to deny anything those documents can tell

"In the meantime we'll be doing our best to keep a close eye on Mr. Uno." Waller said with a dark tone as she narrowed her eyes staring hard at the image of the screen of the man surrounded by a inferno of flames

"and at the first wrong move i want this fire extinguished"

(Outer Space)

Floating in Earth´s orbit, a giant satellite/space station known as the Watchtower.

The HQ of the Justice league was finishing the last details before the newest members would arrive in a day or so...however this display of technology was already fully operational and ready...and of coarse not empty as in the very top of it was the meeting room where the...6 (former7) original members and founders of the League were called for a reunion by the man of steel himself

"Thank you for coming." The man himself wearing his signature red, blue, and yellow with his family emblem S displayed proudly said with a slight smile at his friends and comrades, "I'm sure you're all aware of the topic of this meeting."

He began causing another at the table to snort, "Understatement if there ever was one Supes." Said the fastest man alive the Flash looking at the man of steel with a grin, "I mean Mr. Rainbow Monkeys a meta and running for president.."

He let out a laugh that also showed a undertone of shock if not awe, "I certainly didn't see that one coming.."

"What about you GL.." He asked looking over at the Green Lantern (One of many from the space police organization) John Stewart with the bald goatee African American frowning over at the Flash, "This isn't the time for jokes Barry.' He stated in chiding serious tone

"Jeez whats got you on such mood?" asked Flash "Still thinking about Shayera?"

GL sent him an angry look.

"The issue is not only did we learn one of America´s richest men is not only a meta but is also running for president" the professional tone of Batman called everyones attention "but also the fact he somehow got his hands on some sensitive information...information that none of us knew about"

Although his tone was the same as always, those that knew him pretty well could tell he wasnt happy about a third party finding info that he hadnt found related to the Vegas incident

While he fully intended to investigate the information and if proven true bring the parties to justice, this highlighted not only a failure on his part.

But also brought attention to a new factor and potential threat, "So what's the big deal." Flash said with a shrug and smile, "The guy wants to run for president and help meta humans what's the harm?"

He asked with a arched brow under his mask

"you mean outside somehow getting his hands on official government documents?" called GL.

Overall he was a Marine and the fact someone managed to steal from the government didnt gave him a good feeling.

"Not to mention that he openly challenged CADMUS to face him" said the dark knight "either he is a fool that doesnt know what he is facing against...or knows it and has a way to go against them"

Reading the document gave Batman quite an understanding about the organization and the fact they were operating with government support didnt paint a good picture to the dark knight

The others at the table also shared dark frowns as they weren't pleased of what they learned about this CADMUS

Superman himself had a dark scowl on his face remembering a name that was on the documents a name that till now he had thought he could trust or call friend Emil Hamilton someone that had disappeared into the wind shortly after Benedict Uno press conference which couldn't be a coincidence and served as good as a confession

"Are we not perhaps acting rashly judging him so harshly.." A stoic voice spoke up at the table causing Superman to look up at J'onn otherwise known as the Martian Manhunter, "After all this Benedict Uno has done nothing to establish himself as a enemy."

"Nothing except critic what our influence has done to meta humans you mean." Stated the sole female at the table Diana of Themyscira with the amazon beauty crossing her arms with a brief scowl

"was anything he said wrong?" the martian asked gaining a surprise look from everyone (sans Batman) "Although the League has done great good our growing numbers do make Mr- Uno´s question valid...is really become a fighting force for either good or evil the only ways open for those with super powers?" he asked

"Hmm hate to say it.." Flash spoke up rubbing his chin, "But the green guy's got a point." He said with a shrug, "I mean don't get me wrong being a hero is awesome." He said with a wide grin, "Wouldn't trade it, helping people, or you guys for the world."

He explained before frowning thoughtfully, "But is kicking bad guy butt really the only use for our super powers?" He asked in both a serious yet thoughtful tone

"Statistically speaking its not" said Batman "there are multiple areas outside crime fighting where the powers of a meta could be of use" and he should know as he had toyed with the idea with plenty of his own rouge gallery "The problem is we havent come across one that doesnt want to use its powers to do so...or one that wont try to use them against us"

"Plus you have to admit the danger it could pose to others if somehow they began using them in public areas" called GL "at least with us they have the chance to use them for something good that wont risk others"

"That is true.." Superman said with a nod toward GL frowning thoughtfully, "Only now it seems Mr. Uno wants to change that.."

He stated to those gathered at the table, "And honestly I can't say that's a bad thing." He remarked after all thinking about it more meta applying their abilities in other ways to help people besides crime could do a great deal of good

"Besides.." He frowned deeply, "I'd honestly rather have him in office than Luthor." He stated bluntly since the League had been on edge for a while after Luthor own announcement of intended presidential run especially after their experience with the Justice Lords and how their President Luthor killed their Flash and gave them the first push into becoming tyrants

"Luthor in the chair is a bad scenario but we cant rush taking Uno´s side so easily" called Batman "We dont know if there is any hidden agenda behind his actions"

"Hey the guy openly outed himself as a meta after years of hiding." Flash pointed out frowning over at Batman, "Plus he seems pretty intent on giving kids like that Kitten girl or those two meta from Dakota a second chance."

He looked across at the table, "I don't know about you all but I say that buys him at least the benefit of the doubt don't you?"

"Thats the only reason im openly discussing about him" said Batman.

"Personally i think its risky siding politically with anyone that has such an extreme point of view against the government or us" said GL "Not to mention his ideals although good, will make plenty of people nervous...do we want that kind of attention also on the League specially now that we are about to open to new members?"

"Let's face we've already got people particularly those in power nervous with how many heroes are joining the League." He stated bluntly, "Showing support for this guy will just add more fuel to the fire."

He said crossing his arms with a frown, "But did we not found the League to help the world." J'onn pointed out with his own thoughtful frown, "Helping Benedict Uno could be a beneficial way to do so in a way that isn't combating criminals."

"I agree with J´onn there" called Flash "i know some metas in central city that arent comfortable with the idea of fighting villains and want to live normal lives but are afraid of showing their powers...this could actually be good for them"

"I know you mean well Barry but i dont think its the right time to try something so radical" called GL "and as i said we will be only putting the League in a bad spotlight"

Superman hummed.

"Mr. Uno´s ideals have a good heart behind them...but John also has raised some good points " the man of steel finally said "People already are giving us a lot of freedom allowing the League to expand...if we began supporting political agendas like this one so suddenly it could make that same people nervous"

"It could also escalate things.." Batman gruff spoke out in a gruff tone as he narrowed his eyes, "With the existence of the this Cadmus organization in play we already know there are those in the government both in and outside the US who want us and potentially all meta humans brought into line.."

"Or dealt with.." He finished in a dark tone, "If we support Uno we risk giving them the excuse they need to push forward with their agenda

"So we cower and do nothing than?" Wonder Woman asked with a undertone of anger and indignation, "I agree that supporting the mans ideals is risky but we owe to the people we vowed to protect to do something.."

"and we will" interrupted Batman "But we lack to much information and charging head-on wont do us any good" Explained the dark knight "We need to observe and investigate CADMUS to see what we are facing against and also keep an eye on Uno until we are sure he doesnt have hidden motives behind his actions"

"And than what?" Flash asked with his arms crossed, "Say he isn't doing this with some secret evil agenda.." He leaned forward tapping his hands on the table, "What do we do?" He looked across his friends, "Because honestly if it comes down to it and if it helps meta humans I don't mind giving the guy a hand if need be."

"and what if those plans have a meta-supremacy ideal on them?" asked GL showing his annoyance at Barry "Dont forget that as there are extremist anti-meta groups there are also those on the opposite side that see normal humans as inferiors"

"And the man did seem focused on helping meta humans in particular.." Wonder Woman pointed out causing Flash to wince, "Point.."

He said acknowledging this fact with a frown, "But he's got a new ward who isn't a meta human herself so that's a good sign.."

He said looking over at Batman, "Killer Moth's daughter...wasn't he one of your D-listers?" He asked in curious tone

"He was..but he moved out of Gotham years ago after being declare sane in the asylum" said Batman "last thing i heart he got custody of his daughter after his ex-wife was found drugging herself in a private yacht in the mediterranean sea" he frowned "will admit the mutation is recent too"

"Sheesh poor kid a drug addict and a super villain.." Flash remarked with a frown, "Not exactly parents of the year.."

He remarked with no humor in his tone leaning back into his seat, "Hopefully Benedict will give her the family and environment she needs.."

"Robin sent me a detailed report about the incident she was involved in" said Batman "in his words she is a brat but basically harmless"

This caused them to blink somewhat before Wonder Woman spoke up, "Hmm than whatever our doubts about Mr. Uno he might at least be the caretaker the girl needs to turn her life around."

She said with a faint grin however GL than spoke up, "That is if he's on the up and up.." He said with a frown, "Remember we still don't know his agenda and for all we know taking the girl under his wing was just a way to buy more good press."

"Its a possibility..but the girl´s body language during the speech was only fake or close to it when she talked about being sorry about the incident...if anything during all the event she was calm and actually seemed to be enjoying herself" Batman explained

"Yeah even Lois said on the way back to Metropolis that if the girl was actually remorseful about her involvement in her father stunt than she'll kiss Luthor."

Superman said with a slight frown though with a shred of amusement in his tone causing Flash to snort, "Okay so she's a bit of a brat.." Flash shrugged, "Considering her previous caretakers she could have turned out a lot worse.."

"But point is.." Flash frowned over at GL, "Whether he bailed her out and made her his ward out of genuine desire to help or for press like you think.." He added with GL merely looking at his friend with own frown, "It's clear that the kid needed this little intervention before she ends up following in either of her folks footsteps."

"On that i agree" said Batman "thats also a reason i want to watch over Uno´s movements before making a decision like this that could affect the whole League"

"Yes perhaps a more cautious wait and see approach is needed." J'onn said with a nod, "Keeping a eye on Mr. Uno and the situation as it develops before we decide a appropriate course of action."

"Fine.." Flash said with a slight eye roll, "Though.." He paused as a thought hit him, "You know people are going to be asking us not to mention all the newbies about our stance on all this right?"

He leaned forward on the table, "So what do we say?" He asked before adding on, "And how should we handle any new members who might try to speak out with their own opinion about all this?"

That made everyone think.

"We cant stop people from sharing their opinion" said Superman "But maybe it would be good to leave clear that if they talk about this they shall talk only personally and not as league members" he looked at Flash "same for us...let it be clear our personal opinion is not shared by everyone and that is not the opinion of the League itself"

"Hmm..alright." Flash agreed with nod of his head, "That sounds fair to me and works for me too." He said with a grin, "And in the meantime we just let things play out while keeping a eye on the situation?"

He stated/asked while looking over at his friends

"Its the only plan we have for now" said Batman standing up "If there is nothing else to discuss i need to return to Gotham as i have a case to return to"

that made some of the others look at him in confusion.

"you still havent found that convict of yours?" GL asked confused. "i thought after a week he would be caught already"

"Its not like you to take so long to catch someone" said Diana.

"thats what worries me" added Batman "Lloyd Ventrix is just a normal criminal...so the fact he has been missing for so long without a clue is concerning"

The dark knight said with a frown as the circumstances behind his escape alone were concerning as someone had gone through the trouble of freeing Lloyd the only question was why?

And fact the trail had gone so cold with lack of answers was greatly concerning. Add onto the recently revealed existence of this Cadmus and outed meta Benedict Uno intent to run for office.

Every instinct he had honed as Batman was telling him that a storm was coming and the League had to be prepared

(Dakota-New Meta Detention Center)

Being one if not THE city with the largest (known) Meta population, it was no surprise a detention center was made especially for those with superpowers birthed by the Big bang incidents.

in this special center those with super powers were forced onto restraining power collars that cut the majority of powers...those with mutations (like Talon or Aquamaria) were forced into special suits or restraints.

At that moment the majority of the prison were on a "recess break" when the news broke out.

And as such were all staring with various mixed expression at a tv hanging on the wall of the "recess room"

When the news conference first started airing just a few in the room had been watching it to pass the time but as it played out there wasn't a meta human in the room not watching and listening to every word said from Benedict Uno accusations toward the government, his reveal as a meta human, and of course his announcement concerning two of their own.

"So I would like to announce my intent to pay bail for the meta humans known as Onyx and Puff and offer them positions under me as bodyguards!"

"As part of a second chance program of sorts~"

Said the man on the broadcast causing a slight stir among the inmates before voice shouted out, "YES!" Causing many to turn toward the source at the large muscled purple skin figure with black eyes and yellow irises doing a fist bump before he turned to the feminine figure sitting on the table next to him staring at the screen with shock, "Did you hear that Puff we're blowing this dump!"

The meta human Onyx said to his closest friend with a excited grin, "And we're being offered jobs to boot~"

"Tch i dont know what you are so happy about" a bird-looking girl called; she was wearing some straight jacket keeping her arms together and what looked like a technological muzzle "it seems you are about to become the pet project of someone if you ask me"

"Ah is the little birdy jealous."

The feminine figure that Onyx had been speaking to possessing purple hair styled in two small buns, wearing a light blue shirt with sleeves with her lower stomach and belly button exposed, light green jeans and a inhibitor collar said as she shook herself out of her stupor before shooting the bird looking girl a taunting grin while speaking in a mocking tone, "You upset that Onyx and I are heading to the big time while you're stuck as a caged bird~"

The girl Puff said with a slight cackle

"Grrr at least i wont be used as a side monkey show to win votes" the bird girl called "Tch...a meta president? give me a break"

"And what's wrong with that Talon." Spoke up another voice interjecting themselves from the conversation with eyes going to the teen with red yellow hair, wearing a red t shirt, brown jeans that were slightly pulled down, and of course the inhibitor collar around his next arching his brow at the bird girl or rather Talon as he gave a smirk, "If you ask me it's about time someone with real power and isn't afraid bring the heat took charge."

He said with a laugh as smirked at Talon

"Tch you only saying that because hes a fire meta like you" said Talon "Also you really think he has any chance to actually become president? We are talking about someone that not only is a Meta..but a toy maker...a TOY MAKER!!!"

"Hehe not just any toymaker Talon~" Another voice from a teenager with purple hair and goatee wearing a white t shirt, red jacket and pants with a wide grin, "Let's give the guy some credit he created Rainbow Monkey's after all~"

He said with a laugh before singing, "Rainbow Monkeys, Rainbow Monkeys,

Oh, so very round and super chunky." He sang before bursting out into laughter again

"Uggg shut up!!!" a dark skinned guy with a ear ring on his ear called in anger "i dont want to hear that stupid song again!!!"

"Ha why? is kinda catchy" Puff said with a smile humming it.

"I swear i will..."

"you will what Ebon?" Onyx called "Not like you will be doing much with that collar on your neck"

"Arg don't test me Onyx." Ebon said in a low dangerous tone while narrowing his eyes on the larger meta, "I don't need my powers to put two fools like you in your place."

Onyx cracked his knuckles.

"Oh yeah?" Puff mocked "well these two fools are about to be free while you will stuck here for a long time"

"Free to be the lackeys of a wannabe toyman with daddy issues you mean." Ebon said with a dark grin while arching a brow, "And you really think the rest of us won't get free soon enough on our own terms."

He said giving a snort, "This isn't the first time i've busted out..." He narrowed his eyes, "And didn't need to sell out my pride to do it it either."

"Sell out.." Puff repeated in rage before jabbing a thumb at herself, "Well this sell out might soon be a part of history and become the personal bodyguard for the first meta human president."

She shot Ebon a nasty mocking smirk, "Meanwhile you'll still be nothing but a pathetic hood pretending he's a big shot like the Joker or Luthor."

The shadow gangster looked at the girl in anger.

"You idiot! You really think the higher powers will allow him to become a president?" he yelled "I bet they are already planning his defeat and even his death"

"Hey the dude was able to steal that info about those Royal Flush losers from right under the government nose." Puss retorted crossing her arms, "And he's got the brains to recognize talent when he sees it."

She added gesturing to herself and Onyx, "So I don't think he'd be running for president as a open meta if he didn't have a plan.."

Her eyes narrowed, "And if anyone is planning his death they've have to get pass me and Onyx first." She added jabbing a thumb at herself as leaned forward glaring at Ebon

"Tch..good luck with that" said Ebon "dont come crying when you fail"

"Fail.." Puff growled with Onyx sending a glare at Ebon, "The only failure I see is you." Onyx spoke up crossing his arms ready to step in and pound him into the dirt if necessary as other Metas in the crowed watched the ensuing confrontation with eager smiles

"Twenty bucks on Ebon." a ginger haired meta with a enlarged snout named Ferret said to a large armadillo looking meta named Carmen Dillo who snorted, "Please you see the look in Puff eyes she's pissed."

He said sending a smirk, "Double or nothing says she kicks Ebon in the balls~" He said with a bark of laughter as the confrontation continued, "Onyx is right Ebon.."

Puff said with a furious glare, "We're hitting the big times and going to be right there when Mr. Uno is sworn in as president while you.."

She stomped forward and jabbed a finger hard into Ebon's chest ,"Will still be stuck in the same endless loop and status quo he was talking about.."

She arched a brow, "Constantly fighting and getting your butt kicked by Static over and over again..." She said giving a laugh, "A delusional hood who thinks he's a big fish when in reality.."

She shot him a nasty grin, "He's just tinny little guppy who's lucky anybody outside of Dakota has even heard of him."

That was all the dark meta could take.

"Oh you are so dead bitch!!!" he roared charging at the girl

"Bring it you creepy wannabe!" Puff roared as she also charged forward sending a kick straight between Ebon legs

"Hahaha i won!" cried Carmen Dillo "Pay up!!!"

in that moment the collars light up and shocked both metas.

"Ok break it up you know the rules" a guard cried walking in "No fighting allowed in the break room!!!"

"Arg..ugh.." Puff groaned out from the pain before letting out a slight growl, "Fine.." She said with a glare at Ebon, "This loser isn't worth it anyway."

She remarked before looking over at Onyx as she stood up with a slight wobble, "Onyx come on we've got to figure out how to make a good first impression for our new boss."

"Right behind you Puff" said the boy.

Talon tch at this and just looked back at the screen.

"They really think this will change anything?" she said to herself "Dont make me laugh...people will still look at us like freaks no matter what happens"

"Yeah.." A voice interjected coming from the purple haired teenager stepping up beside her grinning at the screen, "But look at the bright side.." He began to giggle and laugh, "Things are about to get crazy!"

He exclaimed with a wide grin before going into a laughing fit as he started to sing once again, "Rainbow Monkey's, Rainbow Monkeys.."

"Come on everybody you know the words.." He shouted out to his fellow inmates with Ferret whispering to Carmen, "Is it just me or is Shiv acting crazier than usual today?"

He whispered with Carmen giving a shrug, "I think they've got him on some new medication..." The armadillo said before giving Shiv a flat look, "Though I don't think it's working like they wanted."

"Tch idiots" Ebon said looking up in anger "they will see...when this so-called-hero falls..i will be there to pick up the pieces and show them how TRUE metas should act"

And when the time came he'd show everyone that he was no wannabe but the true king and leader that the metas needed