

Dummy_ZIA · Urban
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12 Chs

chapter #9


Mr. Smith asked me to come in his office to give some news.. when I reached there he simply said that Mr. LANSFORD told me to go to his office to sign contract about the guide … I frowned and asked mr. SMITH "I'm sorry sir to interrupt but whey I have to go for formalities? It should be done in this institution as I will be teaching a medical student not any businessman " … Mr smith looked at me and said , " But the paperwork could be done at his office too as he is the guardian of lisa so he has the right to call the employee wherever and whenever he wants"

Luke the fuck he did.. He made this situation.. He is making this job for me .. That bastard clearly knew I can't refuse this job as it will hamper my reputation..

He is literally being a pain in arse in my job.. ok he wants me in his office.. I would be the good employer and will go to his office to let him enjoy his success but He will know that I am not and never would be a fucking pawn of him ..

Looking at mr. Smith I gave him a tight smile and asked for that arshole's address.. Mr. smith gave me the lansford's address and I took it in a foul mood ..


I am standing in front of that fucker's office and what the fucking fact is his office building is huges as burj khalifa .. however I was not even sure if I should go to him .. after thinking all the craps I took the initiative to go inside..

I saw the receptionist near the entrance and asked her what the floor of that douchebag .. She said it would be 18 .. oh so that fucker works on the top floor .. nicee ..

then I took a Lift and reached the 18th floor .. When I was searching his office I saw another girl working on her desk.. I gave her a sweet smile and asked her about him .. I don't know why I didn't like her .. she literally gave me a bitchy vibe .. Whatever.. she abrasively asked me if I had an appointment..

And I said that he wants go meet me for her sister's guidance.. then she gave me a weird look again and made a call.. then she told me boss has ordered you to wait in the waiting room .. he would call you when his meeting will end.. saying that she showed me the room.. to be honest I was totally pissed of this jerk .. firstly he made me come to his office for just a contract , now he is making me wait like I am free all day.. I will be late for home.. so I text mom about the situation and told her about the delay.. she asked me if she would send a car .. but I refused as the office was far from home and I didn't want mom to know this address..

It is past evening and I have been waiting here for three hours and the jerk still hasn't finished his meeting.. being fed up I got up from the chair to leave and also made a note to complain to mr. Smith about this situation ..

Just when I got out of that room that wired girl came and told "Boss wants to meet you now , go to the room from right " .. that fuck has such a audacity to face me right now.. I have to praise

his courage..

Opening the door I entered in a mysterious room which was fully coloured in black theme and the furnitures were also set in a dark theme .. Ogling the view I meet his grey eyes .. that eyes might be the most beautiful eyes ever I saw .. Suddenly my concentration was broke because of his voice ..

"Stop watching me until you plan to do something "

That fucker…. With a huge embarrassment I took a chair in front of him and said " I was just observing how lucky some arseholes could be to have a big office like this "

His expression changed into a gloomy mood .. you deserve this arsehole .. " I think someone has forgotten their place and trying to disobey me in my place " .. He said it in the coldest tone looking straight into my eyes.. I felt like a spine shiver in my body and turned my eyes down .. Now I was looking at his chest and he was wearing a satin shirt with a tight pant and a blazer was hanging on his chair..

he was looking dripping hot in his suit ..

No niya .. Don't break your concentration.. this fucker kept you wait for three hours and you are supper angry with this shit.. you can't imagine him in your dirty thoughts..

To clear the tension I said " Just hand me over the papers and let me leave " .. He was still looking at me .. he said " The contact has some rules.. you should check it before signing and you can let me know if anything should be changed so my lawyer will help you with that after consulting with me ..

I frowned and said What kind of contract it is ? Isn't it just a guidance contract which only includes the payments and lesson topics.. Not any other rule .. and why the heck I have to follow you when I am the one who is teaching?

Isn't it my duty to take care of that student? You are nothing but just a payment processor.. why I have to report to you and make a contract to you ? And the biggest point why the fuck I had to wait three fucking hours when You knew I was going to come ..

He smirked at the last line .. he made it clear that he punished me for that day.. I fisted my hand and got up from the chair to leave his office..

The moment I was about to open the door suddenly he came and grabbed my wrist with his big hands and we both couldn't balance.. As a result my arse fell on the floor and he was on me .. he was still holding my hand …

We were staring at each other as if we are having competition of a staring game .. He was so close to me .. I could smell his perume.. It's "Clive Cristian's Imperial Majesty " … fuck it was so addicting and I could feel the wetness inside my clit .. I was so turned on by his scent and The fucking fact is he could guess it.. My whole face has tuned into a tomato and the worst part is I can't control myself ..

Literally I was having a orgasm crisis when I'm literally surrounded by his body.. suddenly I felt something hard poking my thigh … It was his cock.. he is also turned on and I can feel it .. We both are taking advantage of our closeness by just looking at each other..

Suddenly someone knocked at the door and we both kind of got a shiver.. We both detached from each other and got up .. behaving ourselves…

Then he ordered to come in and the wired girl came in… giving me a look , she said in the fakest tone that she took the papers her boss asked her to ..

Zafeer thanked her and He said to me to come tomorrow to finalise the contract… I nodded without looking at him cause I wasn't thinking straight and All I was thinking is to let him fuck me on his dark themed desk… I ran away from the office without any second thought and came home with so many dirty fantasies that I had to work out with my Toy ..

To be continued....

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Dummy_ZIAcreators' thoughts