

Aisha is a pleasure-seeking rich socialite who lives in the name of fun. She was happily lounging around on a pristine beach when a disaster unexpectedly hit their place. She thought she was already dead. But when she woke up, she saw herself in another world where werewolves, vampires, and mermaids co-exist. Will she be able to escape the magical land when its ruler, the most powerful creature in Gaea, King Leandro, was already smitten with her and wants to procreate with her? ********** The look on his gleaming plum eyes raking over her body made her skin quiver. She then realized that she was stark naked! With panic rising up in her heart, she quickly covered her body with her arms, as if she could cover them all. "I swear I have my clothes on a while ago. Forgive me for my indecency, your Majesty," She stuttered. "I don't mind at all," A corner of the King's lips curled up in response to her. He lifted his rod to move away Aisha's arms that were covering her nudity to both her sides, so he could get a better view. It seemed that he was satisfied as his ravishingly attractive face that was previously void of emotion lit up showing signs of delight and satisfaction. Aisha's cheeks turned beetle red at what the King was doing. But she felt like she had no choice. She was at his mercy now. He might kill her or throw her inside a whale's mouth if she wouldn't oblige. And honestly, she liked the feeling that she satisfied his taste. ********************** AUTHOR'S NOTE: The cover photo is not mine. Your author is still a novice in writing. Please forgive me in advance for the errors. I don't have an editor yet. :') Feel free to get in touch with me FB: 77myrrhia77 IG: 77myrrhia77 Discord: Myrrhia#9714 https://discord.gg/ewWtRa27fe Thank you so much for giving this book a chance. Much love. XOXO.

Myrrhia · Fantasy
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163 Chs

The Unexpected Guest

"Lady Marina!" Martina immediately stood up and bowed to her.

She clumsily fixed her hair and dusted her skirt with the palms of her hands.

Seeing her fretful state, Diana and Estella bolted up as well and bowed in a formal way to their new guest.

All of them seem agitated with their surprise visitor, including the servants, whose feet scuffled backward.

"Bow down to her, my lady. You wouldn't want to get on her bad side," Martina whispered as she drew near to her. 

She was just seated beside her.

Aisha was still guessing who she was and how she learned about the Tea Party. But she stood up.

The event was only known to the kitchen servants who prepared the snacks for them. And King Leandro. 

"Did he invite her over?" Aisha thought to herself. "The ladies here seem to be surprised that she is here right now. They couldn't be the one who invited her."