
And so it Begins

I swear. What the he'll is up with this school? I've been going to this school for less than a week and I already know it's a crapie school. I mean, since when do normal school act like they are a mix of military and holy schools! And don't get me started on the homework, I have a months worth of homework and that's not even counting the everyday homework. I'm so glade I'm smart enough to keep up with this stupid school.

OH..... and here is the best part. I am the new lesbian of this little school and why do you ask. EASY BECAUSE I AM WEARING PANTS AND I KEEP SAYING NO TO SKIRTS!!! I kinda know understand why she wants me to wear a skirt but I'm not going to change myself just to fit in. And besides I'm bisexual! Sure i do like guys more than girls, but I still like cute girls with curly hair and guys with a sexy husky voice that's just the way I am. SO GET IT STRAIGHT!!!

But I can't see myself with another girl. Don't get me wrong, I do go for both teams, but my partner always turns tail and run when she gets asked if we are dating. Always saying no and breaking up with me a couple of dates later. Because of this I can't bring myself to date another girl for the fifth time. But that won't stop me from enjoying the eye candy from both girls and boys in my class. And oh boy I can also tell you they think the same thing as me.

I do not kid you I'm getting hit on by some of the girls in this school and the guys are treating me like another one of the guys. One even asked me if I would change in the girls room or the guys room for P.E. Of course I just smiled and told him to suck it.

The good news is I'm pretty enough that everyone wants to help me even thou I can do it all on my own. And now for my classes English and history are both so easy, but it's mostly because I already took these classes, but I'm not going to tells them that. Why make myself do more work than I already have, right? As for the rest of my subject they are still boring and stupid so why even bother with them. P.E. is just as easy but I just don't want to be outside and it doesn't matter if it's hot or cold I hate it and that won't ever change! The worst part is I can't even cheat an excuse. Like for crying out loud I live with people who work with in the school and I'm sure the teachers will talk about me if I miss any classes.

The only good thing about this school is how fast the programs are running. They are super easy that even I understand the answer in the second try of explaining it, but because the classes are almost two hours long. I feel that no matter what time it is I'll always feel sleepy. Like today, if it wasn't for Derrick, who was caught texting his girlfriend, but still re. The teacher would have caught me sleeping in her class. Like I mean sure I already studied this in my old school but come on. Their has to be a better way to get my attention without using formula or repeat the same thing four times before the whole class says yes we get it.

OH and before I forget Derrick happens to be one of the schools top student as well as the charm-man son. So you can guess no one messes with him and all the girls want to date him. Even thou they know he has a girlfriend and they are super lovey-dovey with each other. You may think he is just high and mighty but in reality he is really down to earth.

Sadly the only person he respects aka is scared of is best friends. He lessons to him as if they are GOD. Oh and his name is Will. Super sweet guy and everything but he feels like a busy body, but still know when and where to stop butting in. And he also only does it to people he cares about.

However the teachers aka my dumb guardians, thought it was a great idea to have a respected person to be my guide and show me around the school. Oh and of course they had to choice the busy body Will. Since then he keeps showing up at the worst places. It's been less then a week and I already hate him. Now whenever he gets close to me I do my best to stay away from him. And I know he is a nice person, but I still don't like him.

I know I'm going to hate him not matter what he trys.