


Biswanath_Panda_0729 · Fantasy
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13 Chs


The day of life, going onwards. No one wants to know why smiles come to face, even for a single reason. Life needs everything, including smiles, joy, many habits, and many practices that make you successful. But a smile only comes without reason. Some questions arise with joy, and why? If one has the answer for it, then it is a reasonable answer. If one is crying, then a question arises: why crying? The answer is something that does not make you smile. Answers are of many types. For example, I have had no success with a concept that I created. Or I get success, but my partner does not. Reason is anything, but it never makes you smile. Even not to your success. Here, the important thing is feeling. If your feelings are good, everything is good. If not, then nothing. A real-life experience is a good example. I sit in my home. I feel good, but many thoughts come to mind. It hurt me very badly. My family member is doing their regular home work. I go closer to the refrigerator and look at a book situated on top of it. I take it. I saw Shrimad Bhagwat Gita write about it in that book. I take that book and start reading. After a few adhyayas (chapters), I feel good. Even my thoughts have an answer. I start smiling at myself. My family members are not focused on my actions. They behave normally towards me. But my confidence level is like a boom. After a few days, I realised that I was focusing on those that were written in the Shimad Bhagwat Gita. My behaviour is going to change. Because small things make me create a new question. And then I started answering that. After a few days, I found I was doing stupid things. It makes me smile. Then I chose a thing. I like this, and I am not liking it. Then, after a few days, I realised why I was doing these stupid things. Finally, I understand that my reading of the Shrimad Bhagwat Gita only gives me the answer to my question. But in fact, in our daily lives, I must do that, which is give an answer to my own question. Not by others, but by myself. Means to create my own destiny, which is accessible to me, my family, my society, my nation, and the world. Then the smile really comes out. Unconditional love is one of the most powerful steps to acting as a real human. It gives me a smile for myself. Believing in self-creation. It gives me confidence. Giving to others. It gives me the best feeling as a human. A smile for life as a human is the best slice of life.


I am Biswanath Panda from India. I wish you and all of you a great life. This book is about writing about having good things in life and good changes in life. In my creation, life is most important for myself and for others. With our daily lives, we must leave with 200% human activity. For self-development, some practice needs to be better than yesterday. It makes me happy to have good things in life. The important thing is thoughts and action for controlling them. Sometime we forget to smile. But it is not true. As per the thoughts, smile needs support from your surroundings. It is important to give them the right path. 

I am a mechanical engineer. I innovate some equations, theorom, writing spiritual books and poems (languages: Oriya, Hindi, English, Sanskrit). This is my first book for this platform. 

I am grateful for giving me time to write this book. And wish to have good things in your life in honour of your life. The noble works are defined as giving you the best of the achievement. 

Thanks to all of life, I can make myself smile.

Thanks to all activities, we have great things in life.

Thanks to all readers for having a great life for smile.

Thanks to all of you.


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