
Chapter 3

She worked all day at the local farm supply store just south of the city limits. Her boss and store owner, Matt Jensen, went to her in the afternoon.

“Gabby, you seem especially happy today. Anything special going on? Did you get laid? You’ve said it’s been a while.”

She play-slapped his shoulder. “No, just in a good mood. Haven’t been laid yet.” She sighed. “Just not too many lesbians in this tiny town.”

Matt looked her in the eye. “I want you to know that in the last two years, your anniversary is tomorrow, you’ve been a stellar worker, and I appreciate it. It’s not a lot, but I want to give you a fifty-cents an hour raise.”

She smiled large. “Matt, thank you! That’s great. That works out to about twenty dollars a week or over a thousand dollars a year.” She lifted on her tippy toes to raise her five-foot-eight-inch height and kiss his cheek.