


/"Yes,/" I pointed at him before continuing, /"don’t you dare tell my father either. I know you are reporting to him./" He looked at me a little shocked that I knew more than he thought.

He shook his head and glared at me, /"you shouldn’t go out with him,/" he said it like it was an order.

/"I don’t get why you care,/" I folded my arms, /"you have barely spoke to me in ten years. Why the sudden concern about me?

/"I told your dad that I would look out for you and Clark Kingston is bad news./" I watched him run his hands through his hair and pushed the thoughts about how I had watched him do that for years out of my mind. That stupid little crush was gone.

/"How do you know anything about his anyway?/" I snap because the thoughts are harder than I would have thought to push away. Snapping is easier.