
Small Life

One day a boy by the name of Dean Crim, Apon waking up found the he had shrunken in size. He was now around the size of an ant and in an unknown area. Only with a simple system, his knowledge, and his two hands will he survive?

Onyxb · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: Small

As the sun rose in the sky, beaming light across the land, the grass shined. Light came into Deans small house through the gap of the door and wood. Dean groaned and slowly woke up. He sat there for a few seconds unmoving. Seeing as he was still here he gathered this was definitely not just a dream. He was somewhere else, and had no clue where nor how he arrived. Getting up he slid the door to the left and came out of his house. It was just as before, Darkened dirt, with massive blades of grass and clovers, with the occasional weed.

The sun beamed down and some of the grass had a droplet or two of water on them. Dean stood there or a moment starting at the water before getting an idea. He went to a blade of grass that didn't have water and grabbed the side of it. He then tried to tear the grass horizontally. It was a lot harder then he was thinking. 'It's probably due to how large the grass is..maybe I can find a small rock to cut it.' Dean looked around for a minute before remembering something. He had left a knife in his back pocket before sleeping. This was mainly because he didn't lie in the nicest of places, and he liked to be prepared whenever he went out. But he forgot to take it out of his pockets before laying on his bed. He never checked his pockets to see if his stuff was still there! 'Dammit, how the hell did I not check my pockets first thing! Dammit'

First, he checked his jeans pockets and found that the knife was still there. He took it out, before checking his other pockets The knife was all black, and made of black steel. The fixed blade was originally around 6.5 inches. On the bottom was a small compass that had been cracked for a long time, so it wasn't able to be seen really. It was a survival knife, which was perfect for the situation he was in. He then looked through the rest of his pockets.

All that was there was a new box of gum.' Where the hell is my phone..wait..shit. I must have put it down on the bed. Ugh!' dean took the knife out of the black sheathe. Sighing he held the grass with one hand and used the knife to cut the grass. A wet tearing sound came from the action of cutting it. Luckily it cut through with only a decent amount of energy being used to do so.

As he finished cutting it, the grass slowly fell over and landed with a light thud. Dean then put the rock in his hoodie pocket and then dragged the grass under where the water above was. Walking over the grass with water he kicked it and it shook. The water dropped down onto the leaf that he had moved, holding the water on it. 'good, glad that worked.' Sitting down next to the leaf he scooped up water in his hands and drank it. Dean then stood up after and carefully brought it next to his house. This way he would have some water sitting around to drink for the time being.

Thinking about it, he remembered he had the inspect skill. If it's like how he guess it would work, using it will bring up another square with info on the selected thing. Walking over the rocks that made up his house he stared at it. 'Inspect?' A small box appeared in front of him with text on it.

[A regular rock found anywhere in the world.]

'Regular? the things huge. it's not even referred to as a boulder?' Dean did the same thing on the wood and grass. Only to get a similar result.. 'How the hell are these considered normal??? From my knowledge, there's nowhere on earth where this would be normal!' Dean sat down against the wood he used as a door. 'ok, ok, ok. Just calm down and think. If this is normal..then that can only mean one of a few things. one I'm in a new world. two, I'm in some new place undiscovered, or a lab. or three, I'm extremely small....' Thinking about it, all the above felt crazy, but the whole situation was weird. So it can't be all that impossible...' Jeez...for all I know it could be all of them...Well, let's mess around with the inspect a bit more. Maybe I can figure a bit more out.' Then next thing he tried it on was the dirt. Once again a box appeared,

[Normal dirt, made up of a mix of organic material and minerals.]

'Sigh, just as expected. Although there was a bit more info. Nothing of importance really. Ok, maybe I can check myself?' As dean thought this a box appeared in front of him.

[A average human who had been changed in size drastically.]

As he read this, he stared at the ground for a bit, lost in thought. So at least one idea had been confirmed. Assuming the system worked correctly and wasn't just a hallucination. Dean shook his head and got up. Since this is the situation he was now in, there was not much he could do to change this. Now the important thing was to survive. The sun was still high, and he needed to eat something. but what could he eat now since he was so small?

Dean got up and started walking and tried to see if he could find something to eat. Dean stretched as he walked and eventually came across a bush with blueberries in it. Dean used the knife the cut them down, and then place them in a stack in his inventory. By the end, he had around fifty whole berries. Although it also left him a bit tired since he had to climb all over the bush. While he was on the bush he did lookout and saw around in the distance. Although it was hard to see anything he did notice there were many Huge trees and bushes, with lots of grass. Dean walked back to the house and placed the knife down next to him in the corner of his house where he would sleep or just hang out in. He also made sure the door was shut all the way before cutting a bit of a berry and eating it. This would be what hed have to live off of for the time being.
