
Slumbering Beauty, Deadly Embrace

Princess Somnia, a captivating enigma even in her perpetual drowsiness, hailed from a realm beyond the veil of reality. Thrust into a foreign life as a captured princess, she finds herself in the clutches of the ruthless Emperor Tiberius. Yet, beneath his iron fist lies a tormented soul plagued by insomnia. One fateful night, seeking solace, Tiberius finds himself drawn to Somnia's calming presence. In her embrace, a strange peace washes over him – a peace punctuated by the muffled thuds of would-be assassins meeting their demise outside her door. Somnia, shrouded in an aura of innocent slumber, harbors a secret as potent as her beauty. Each night, bathed in the ethereal glow of her hidden world, she dispatches attackers with a flick of her wrist and a dreamlike grace. Tiberius, captivated by his enigmatic prisoner, embarks on a quest to unravel the mysteries she embodies. As their days are filled with a grudging respect and nights a stolen sense of peace, an undeniable attraction sparks between them. Can Somnia, protector shrouded in slumber, and Tiberius, the sleep-deprived emperor, forge an alliance that will rewrite their destinies?

Thealovesbishies · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

A muffled thud echoed through the opulent chamber, followed by a miserable yelp from a servant that was abruptly cut short. The heavy oak door slammed open, the sound jarring Somnia awake from her deep slumber.

A metallic tang, a blend of iron and blood, filled the air as a figure clad in crimson-stained armor strode into the room. The rhythmic clanking of his greaves echoed in the stillness, a constant reminder of the power he wielded and the lives he had shattered. Though his face remained obscured by the shadows of his helmet, a flicker of a determined chin caught the light filtering through a high window.

"Awaken, Princess," his voice boomed, a low rumble that sent shivers down her spine. "Your slumber has come to an end. You are now captive to the Emperor."

Somnia, her golden almond eyes gleaming like polished amber in the dim light, studied the Emperor in silence. An unreadable emotion flickered within their depths, a hint of something ancient and powerful hidden beneath the surface.

The beauty tilted her head slightly, the movement as graceful as a desert viper coiling. Her golden eyes, pools of liquid gold, seemed to pierce through Tiberius' facade, searching for something hidden beneath.

Somnia gracefully handed her hand to the man.

"Then," her voice was a low, melodic purr, laced with an undercurrent of power, "lead the way to this esteemed prison of yours."

The emperor received the beauty's hand and suddenly bowed  down to kiss her knuckles followed by a playful low chuckle. " Sure, your highness "

A warmth bloomed in Somnia's chest at the unexpected gesture. Her eyes, the color of melted gold, flickered with a hint of surprise before she schooled her expression. "Very well, Emperor," she conceded, her voice a silken whisper. A curious spark ignited in her gaze as she watched him rise. "Perhaps this 'prison' won't be so bad after all."

A flicker of a smile played on Somnia's lips as she rose, her movements as graceful as a desert wind. She slipped her hand into the crook of his offered arm, the touch sending a surprising jolt through her.

"Luxury is overrated, Emperor," she murmured, her voice a silken whisper.

"Perhaps your 'prison' offers something far more valuable...peace." Her golden eyes, shimmering with a hint of vulnerability, met his for a fleeting moment before she composed herself once more.

As they walk, the man throws a seemingly casual glance at her.

"Peace," he muses, a hint of darkness flickering in his eyes, "is a relative term, wouldn't you agree, Your Highness?" This injects doubt into Somnia's mind and foreshadows potential troubles within the prison.

Somnia lounged in the carriage, her head resting against the plush cushions. Despite the manacles binding her wrists, a sense of languid curiosity emanated from her. She would occasionally lift her head to peer out the window at the changing scenery – the snow-capped peaks, the vast plains, the bustling towns. The journey was long, but unlike her captors who seemed tense and vigilant, Somnia found a strange sense of peace in the rhythmic rocking of the carriage. What secrets awaited her in the north? 

Amidst the rhythmic rocking of the carriage, a sound that should have lulled her but felt strangely discordant, Somnia surrendered to drowsiness. Her long lashes swept down, veiling the secrets simmering beneath her golden eyes. A hint of a smile played on her lips, a secret amusement known only to her. Across from her, the Emperor remained a silent statue, his ocean-blue gaze locked on her slumbering form. The flickering lamplight danced across his face, highlighting the sharp angles of his jaw and the intensity that simmered in his eyes. Was it suspicion, curiosity, or something more? Somnia, despite her outward tranquility, couldn't help but wonder what secrets lurked behind his unwavering stare.

The beauty drifted further into sleep, unaware of the storm brewing across from her. Her breathing, slow and rhythmic, became a stark counterpoint to the wild turmoil churning inside the Emperor.

His ocean-blue eyes, once filled with a restrained curiosity, now flickered with an unsettling intensity. A low growl rumbled in his throat, barely audible above the creaking of the carriage.

Tiberius's large, calloused hand clenched and unclenched, the stark contrast to Somnia's peaceful slumber highlighting the madness festering within him. He had seen countless beauties in his lifetime – most mere courtiers with cunning smiles and hidden agendas.

Yet, none had ever captivated him like this drowsy, languid goddess. A goddess who seemed completely oblivious to the possessiveness lacing his gaze, a gaze that threatened to consume her whole.

The rhythmic clatter of hooves against cobblestone morphed into a dull roar as they neared the city gates. Cheers, loud and jubilant, washed over the carriage, a cacophony that vibrated through its wooden frame. Tiberius, his face an unreadable mask, sat rigidly, his ocean-blue gaze fixed on the approaching city walls. Atop the battlements, soldiers in gleaming armor stood guard, their banners snapping in the wind. Below, a throng of citizens had gathered, a sea of faces turned upwards in a mixture of awe and excitement.

Whispers about the captured princess, fueled by rumors of her unparalleled beauty, spread like wildfire through the crowd. The excited populace envisioned her as a prize, a future concubine destined to bear the empire a strong heir. Little did they know, the "trophy" in their midst slept peacefully, oblivious to the expectations and desires she was about to reshape.

A curious flutter, a faint echo of a future yet to unfold, stirred within Somnia's slumbering form. A fleeting image, a phantom touch – a child with eyes like starlight with a sweet smile. The vision vanished as quickly as it came, leaving behind a subtle shift in her expression, a hint of a newfound purpose settling upon her peacefully sleeping face.

The massive oak gates of the city creaked open, revealing a bustling scene. Cobbled streets thronged with merchants hawking their wares, children chasing each other in joyous abandon, and blacksmiths hammering away at their anvils. The air buzzed with the energy of a city celebrating a triumphant return. As the carriage rolled through the cheering crowds, Somnia, still lost in the depths of sleep, remained a captivating enigma. Her arrival marked a turning point, not just for the empire, but for the enigmatic goddess trapped within its grasp. The future, shrouded in mystery, held the promise of love, power, and a legacy far greater than anyone could have imagined, even Somnia herself.