
slugterra the best slinger

Koty_Meade · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

new powers

OK with these few final touches, the blueprint is complete for my new blasters. it's a masterpiece that is going through my head OK, time for bed. I woke up the next morning feeling great Burpy was lying next to my head so I gently picked him up and headed toward the kitchen to make some breakfast I made some biscuits and gravy with bacon and sausage and got ready for training. I put on a pair of jogging shoes, shorts, and a T-shirt with the family logo on it and headed outside. I've been feeling kind of weird not bad but weird like there's something inside of me that I need to get out, but I put that to the side and start focusing on my hand to hand combat training,  but as I kept swinging my fist and kicking the tree that filling kept creeping up more and more it feels like an energy that's the best way to describe it. I guess so as I kick the tree, I focus on my leg and the weird feeling and try to move it to my leg with one motion, the tree fell over and there was a straight line cut through the fence what just happened I thought I thought about it the more I started to realize that it was part of Hajimes abilities, gale claw, no way no way I need to test this more so I sit down in the grass and raise my hand in front of me think of lightning and as I do that, I reddish Hugh comes out of my hand and forms lightning that was lightning field OK OK time for the next test so I'll stand back up and go to take a step forward and move the energy to the bottom of my foot and think of a plate made of air under my foot and my foot stops like I'm standing on something  this is air dance wait if I have these abilities, does that mean I have his iron stomach skill? Because if I do, what would happen if I ate a slug from Slugterra or a member of the shadow clan but I can't test this out because for me to gain anything that I eat to have an ability I don't.  which on the surface is impossible. because it's just like Earth up here there isn't anything special OK so let's test out more air dance skills so I get in a running position and as I take off, I push the energy to the bottom of my feet again and think about the wind, pushing me and then BOOM!!!! I go smashing through the fence and slam into a rock outside of it ow ow ow owwwww that hurts like a bitchhhhhhh. as I say this burpy comes hopping over to me and looks up at me concerned I reach down and pick up the little guy  and pet Head and tell him I'm fine he still don't seem convinced so I try to distract him How about we go get some food and he starts jumping around happily. So we go back into the house and I get him out a few peppers. The little guy really likes them. So I get him a few out and grab me an energy drink and a snack and go up to my room to work on more blueprints. 

A/N thank you for reading and as always please point out any typos or mistakes you see and constructive criticism is always welcome ok so he gets all of his abilities, but I gonna have to make a few changes to them so first off he's going to have to think about what he is doing when using them I tried to demonstrate in the chapter what I mean by that and I hope I got that across and second off I had to change iorn stomach because realistically there would be nothing in her Slugterra stronger than Hajime so now as long as what he eats has an ability he doesn't he'll get that ability and finally there isn't Mona in Slugterra and unless I'm wrong, which I might be so if I am, please tell me so to fix that  it's going to use energy from food to make the abilities work