1 prologue

I could feel the massive head ache pounding at my skull's door, groaning I slowly opened my eyes. The view that greeted me was of a hard rock surface.

"I wonder how I got here," I said while slowly rolling myself onto my back. Looking up at the sk- wait, what the heck!? I was in a giant cavern with glowing mushrooms the size of trees other brightly colored plants and ferns dotted the huge space it looked a little like…

"You have got to be Kidding me! Am I in slugterra?" Looking down at myself I was in a mix of American leather biker clothes and sci-fi armor, a simple bandaleer crossed my chest with little blue and silver the color scheme of my outfit was black, and silver. My eyes slowly drifted to my hip where a simple looking blaster rested It was a matte black, with silver highlights, it shape was streamlined futuristic, not sacrificing practicality for fashion. I loved it! Slowly climbing to my feet, I balanced myself against the giant shrooms.

"Okay so I'm in slugterra or someone put a lot of money into some kind of joke," pausing I looked around no cameras… what had I been doing before this.




Stumbling away to my knees I threw up hard, what the actual world just happened!? Flashes of burning across my body flashed across my mind, pain so entence that it caused sensory overload.

My mind shut the thoughts down fast, but not fast enough, dry heaving, my body tried to get rid of everything. I started shivering and shaking like a leaf in a gale.

I'm not sure how much time passed, but I curled up into a ball and just cried and screamed in pain and fear. I heard a couple of noises but I ignored them, well me being in a state of extreme shock didn't help.

After what I can only assume was a very long time, I was able to pull myself together enough to sit up. A simple thought occupying my mind 'in the darkest of times, hope is the only thing you can give yourself,'

Next chapter