
Chapter 9

"Haaaa, good thing we installed that shield huh" i looked at trish "Yeah, that was a cost that is well met," the merchant said while rubbing his hands "Tsk, still think it cost too much" Trish muttered

"Anyway, my sluglings truly outdid themselves" Did you know taking care of sluglings is like taking care of an environmental special beasts? To make sure they grow strong we needed to find what kind of environment could help them mature

And… that dozen sluglings? Is a headache!! I needed to make the lake faster because some of those sluglings wanted water, and some of those wanted to bury themselves, and that still depended on what kind of soil they wanted to bury, and some of those

Goes to one of the rich slug energy cores that i just bought… i thought it was a worthwhile investment while the others… not so much, some of those slugs go to the forge, and some to some electric generator that we've got

The sluglings sadly grew up… and some of the dozen after waving me goodbye the slugs jumped away, now i have about 4 of those slugs facing me, insisting that they stay with me… which i've warned them about the training that i do

And i excluded one of the extremely rare slugs that you can find in all slugterra "I still can't believe one of those sluglings is a boon doc" trish said while gearing up "What can i say? Things happened and my luck just seems to be that good" i bragged while putting my slugs in my backpack

"Haah, if only i had that luck" the scientist that i taught exhaled "You know John, you should not tell me that when you have both Neotox slug and Geoshard slug" "Yeah, ~Mister John, i can't believe you have gotten those RARE slugs"

"Tsk, its because i've won them through my research, and besides they are still weak" Then one of the 4 slugs jumped in my face "It seems the little dudes and dudettes are a little restless

"A boon doc, Fandango, Makobreaker, and a Rammstone, you are one lucky son of a gun" One of the people i defeated and chose to stay said "Heh, can't help it, i'm just that good" ""TSK""

As the cavern crawlers got close i fired both my rammstone and Makobreaker first, they had successfully defeated 2-3 cavern crawlers

"You have to step up your game kid, this is life and death that were in," a slinger said "Oh, now that's a challenge ill take"

The next slugs i fired were both my tomato the tormato and Spikes the dirt urchin, tomato used Galestorm while Spikes sent his chortle snort on the wind

That managed to eliminate at least 2 digits but i knew it wasn't enough, so i fired another River the aquabeek and made him spray as much water as he could then trish fired a tazerling which shocked some of the cavern crawlers to death but some just shrugged

"Nice try kid, some of these guys are tough you know" While firing a slug "Tsk, then Rach and Freeze load in" My a'rach'net and Freeze geared up then listened to my words

"Gooo!" Rach managed to capture many cavern crawlers and then freeze, freeze the captured caver-crawlers "Nice combo, boss" a thin guy commented before firing a flaringo "Stay safe" i managed to say before firing leaf the vinedrill and tunnel the Diggtrix

~Many hours later~

"I think… ha… haa… i need to train some more" i muttered "Monster" everyone at my back managed to say before passing out "Guys, call the clean-up crew" "Right away sir" a voice in my ear replied

"You know son, i didn't expect that you would become a strong slinger," my mom said while helping me get up "I learned it from you guys" i smiled "Hehe, of course, i'm the best teacher in all of slugterra"