
Slow Me Down

[18+] Two teens, two tragedies. A young girl and her mother start a new life in a new city, searching for refuge from their past. A young boy is just trying to get through high school without leaving too much of himself. They meet and friendship blossoms immediately. What happens next?

LGGBux · Teen
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50 Chs

Chapter 26

The naked tree limbs shutter as the sky blows frigid air past them at temperatures that inch closer and closer to zero each day. The sun lazily makes its way higher into the sky to provide some semblance of warmth but it only provides light. The quiet hum of cars pushing on by past the barren sidewalks breathes life into the snoozing city. Leaves crumble beneath the weight of two teens walking towards an empty lonely wooden park. The smaller of the two carries a wicker basket in one hand, grasping onto the taller teen with the other hand.

"What are we doing out here so early in the morning? It's freezing C," Foster grumbles through his shivers. Even with his hefty leather jacket on, the wind still manages to chill his bones.

"It's a surprise. You will just have to be patient or is that too much for you to handle?" C torments him, sticking out her tongue to add to the charade.

"You have no clue who you are talking to right now. I am the sovereign king of the lost land of patience. I was just making sure you actually knew what you were doing and weren't just wandering around in the freezing cold with no plan, potentially getting us killed by hypothermia or something." Foster breathes some of the frigid air, puffing out his chest, showing his feigned authority to Claudia. She just waves her hand at him, holding in her laugh.

"Oh of course. How could I forget my manners in front of royalty," Claudia turns and curtsies at him, bowing her head, finally letting her laughs erupt.

"Damn right. Show some respect to your king," he breaks character to scoop C up, spinning around, carefree. Seeing him so relaxed and calm puts C at ease. Her plan is working.

"Okay big guy. Put me down so I can show you to the first stop of many that I have planned for today." Foster lowers her to her feet. As soon as Claudia has her footing, she marches forward towards the deserted wooden castle. Foster slows behind her, burning the image of her surrounded by this charming structure into his memories.

Claudia stops in front of the wooden climbing wall and hands the basket of supplies to Foster. He takes it from her, watching her scale the small wooden wall. He catches a quick glimpse of what's under her skirt, feeling heat warm his face. He quickly turns and scans the area to make sure no one else is nearby sneaking glances at his girl. Unsurprised by the lack of life in the area, he turns back, hoping to get another glance of Claudia's tempting ass but unfortunately, she has already made it into the castle. He does however notice her small pale hand gesturing for him to hand her the basket so he can follow behind her. He does as she wishes, climbing into the small structure.

With knees touching and frosty breath clouding the space, C begins to unpack the surprise. She unlatches the top of the picnic basket, opening it to reveal heaps of homemade goodies. She pulls out banana bread, breakfast sandwiches, grapes, a thermos full of hot cocoa, and a giant fleece blanket. She starts unraveling the folded fabric, planning to cover the ground with it, but Foster pulls her into his lap, wrapping it around them. C just smiles and starts dishing up some of the snacks she made. Once she feels satisfied with her plating skills, she hands a plate to Foster who happily takes it, popping a few grapes into his mouth. They sit in silence like that, enjoying their food and the scenery around them until they both finish.

"It's so pretty here. Frosty grass and bare trees remind me of some of my favorite memories with my family." C leans back into Foster's chest, recounting the few times she was able to spend with her dad when he was home.

"I can see how it's pretty, but it just seems so quiet and empty. It really sucks that no one really hangs out here anymore," Foster shrugs. It may have been pessimistic but it was also honest.

Claudia turns around to face him. "How do you suggest we bring some life and warmth to this place?" Foster chuckles. Claudia just observes him, a refreshing naive look behind her golden eyes. "What's so funny?" she huffs.

"Well think about it. We just had a romantic breakfast and are huddled together under a blanket, all alone, with no one around to mess up our fun," he shifts positions, gently laying Claudia onto her back, propping himself up on his forearms to keep from crushing her. "I have plenty of ideas for ways to bring some life and warmth back to this place," he sends a flirty wink her way.

Finally catching onto what he is saying, her face, neck, and chest flush a bright cherry red. "We can't do that out here. We are in public at a park. A place where families spend time together and you are proposing we corrupt it?"

"Why not?" Foster brushes some of her hair out of the nape of her neck, placing kisses and nips, waiting for an answer.

"What if we get caught?" she covers her face in her hands, hating how much she enjoys the naughty thoughts that take over.

"That's half of the fun doll," Foster nips a bit harder this time, a bruise starting to form once he pulls away. He glances at his craftmanship and nods, happy with the placement of his lovebites. "Unless you don't want to. We don't have to do anything you aren't comfortable with love. It was just a dirty little idea."

"I-I don't know if I want to or not. Is it okay if we just try kissing and see where that goes?" Claudia clutches his jacket and looks at his chest, avoiding the hungry look in his eyes.

"That's perfectly fine with me." Foster places his thumb and pointer finger under her chin, tilting her head so that she is facing him. He keeps his eyes open as he brushes his rough, slightly-chapped lips against her sweet soft ones. Claudia's eyes flutter closed, the blush on her face and chest only deepening. Once he is satisfied with the images of her that he was able to capture, he shuts his eyes as well, pressing his lips against hers a bit more forcefully.

Claudia moans quietly into his mouth, rubbing her thighs together to try and ease some of the tension that starts to build in her lower abdomen. Foster reaches his hand down to her hip, rubbing circles with his thumb. She shudders and gasps at how cold his hands are. Just as he is about to move his hand to the waistband of her skirt the crunching of leaves jolts them from their activities. He withdraws his hand, lifting Claudia back into his lap, nuzzling his face into the nape of her neck.


A shadowy figure quickly hides behind a nearby bush to avoid the sweeping gaze of Foster before he heads into the castle. She waits a few moments before slowly making her way out from behind the bush. Seeing that the two teens are no longer visible, she slowly makes her way toward the swings just beside the castle. She holds her breath, trying to catch any piece of the conversation that she can.

For a while, all she hears is chewing and breathing. 'A fucking picnic? In this weather? Crackheads,' she thinks to herself. When those sounds cease and the creaking of wood beneath the two teens surface, she thinks now is her opportunity. She pulls out her phone, switching to the camera app, pointing it toward the treehouse-like structure. She tries to zoom in, to catch a glimpse of anything but realizes her current position is not where she needs to be to catch any sort of compromising position that the teens are in.

She quietly shuffles around the playground, avoiding leaves as she does so, trying to get into a better position to record her unsuspecting victims. Eventually, she finds what she thinks is the perfect hidden location and rushes ahead without thinking, too excited to get her evidence. The sharp snap of some crispy leaves pauses her in her tracks. 'Fuck, I fucked it all up. Way to go me,' she curses.


"Why did we st-" Foster brings his finger to her lips to silence her, attempting to listen for any further movements. When he hears none, he sighs and removes his hand allowing C to speak. "What happened?" she whines, making sure to remain quiet.

"I heard someone. Normally I wouldn't care but I don't know how you feel about that kind of thing so I pulled back. Do you want to keep going even though we may have visitors?" Foster knits his brows together. C shakes her head no confirming what he thought to be the case.

"We've spent enough time here anyway. I have so much more planned for today. We need to get moving!" C smiles and quickly packs up their picnic basket, unphased by the intruder. Foster just follows along, happy that the intruder hasn't put a damper on their day out.

"So where are we off to next sweetheart?" Foster grabs her by the waist and climbing them down the wall expertly. He would have loved to see that beautiful ass again, but he isn't sharing that image with whoever the fuck tried to ruin their fun.