
Slow Life with My Overpowered Waifus

Tsukiyomi Ray, an ordinary guy abandoned in his childhood, wakes up one day in a mysterious forest. He's not in his world anymore, and to top it off, he's transformed into a member of the Lunarian race. Ray tries to survive in the perilous forest, unaware of the danger lurking around him. But fate has something unexpected in store. Ray finds himself surrounded by a group of powerful and captivating women who are inexplicably drawn to him. As they form a harem, their bond grows stronger every day, filled with adventure, romance, and mischief. Together, Ray and his overpowered waifus explore the enchanting world they've been thrown into. They face thrilling battles against monstrous foes and unravel the secrets of their own existence. Their journey pushes them to their limits, testing their relationships and powers. Join Tsukiyomi Ray and his harem as they navigate a world brimming with magic, danger, and heartwarming moments. Experience their captivating daily lives and witness their bonds strengthen while uncovering the mysteries that surround them. It is a novel about the slow life of a guy named Ray and his OP waifus. [Note: Picture used in this novel is not mine. It belongs to it's rightful owner. Also, sorry for my bad writings, as I am bad at it. Also, please support this novel by voting it with Powerstone.]

Sowrav2459 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Encounter with Fanrir(Part-02)

After having a mother and daughter moments, the mother fox looked at me.

"Thank you, my lord for saving me. I was really worried that this child might die without me. It's really small after all and it trusts others quickly."

I heard a beautiful lady like voice. Wait, what's going on?

"Don't tell me, you can talk?" I asked, while being surprised by.

"Yes, my lord. Powerful monsters like us can talk to others." It replied, humble way.

So, it seems I somehow were able to make such a powerful monster who can talk to obey me. Well, it's all thanks to my absolute skill.

"I see. So, can you tell me about what happened here? How did you died?" I asked it about how it died.

Hearing my question, it had a sour expression in her face. But it was able to retain calmness and replied, "Monsters in this forest often fights for the territory. Same goes for me too. I was the head of the territory around here. Today when I went to hunt, a Cobra emperor attacked my child. Thankfully, I saved her in the right moment. But it wounded me deeply. After that, we had a intense fight and finally, I lost the fight. So, the current head of this territory is right now that Cobra emperor."

I see. So, she lost the fight because she was severely wounded. I am surprised to hear that, this mother fox is really powerful. Wait, calling her as mother fox all the time doesn't seems to be right.

"I am sorry to hear that. By the way, what is your name? And what kind of monsters are you guys?" I asked curiously.

"We don't have names. About our race, people refers us as Fanrir." the mother fox replied calmly.

Wait, Fanrir? That legendary Fanrir? No, way!

Did I just made a legendary Fanrir as my pet?

"You were a Fanrir! I have never thought I would be able to see one in my life. Now that I think about it, how was I able to use necromancy on you? I thought I can only make a lower monster obey me. Strange! Even though you're far more powerful than me, why did you listened to my call?" I muttered confused by.

The mother Fanrir looked a bit confused hearing my muttering. Same goes for the child.

"What are you saying my lord? You're far more powerful than me. Otherwise, you won't be able to call me in the first place." The mother Fanrir said confused by.

"Kyu kyuu?"

The little Fanrir said something to its mother.

But why do I feel like it's saying, "Is he a fool?"

By the way, they are saying that I am strong? Well, they might have been mistake it because I was able to somehow make her my underling.

Well, let's stop this discussion and decides their name.

"You guys don't have names, right? Is it okay for me to give you one? It's hard to call you guys without names. Besides, we are gonna live together, so it's better to decide a name." I told them.

"Really? You will be giving us a name? Are you serious?" She asked.

"Well, it's normal to give you a name." I replied.

The mother Fanrir reminds me of moon in the night.

"Okay, Your name is Tsuki as you reminds me of moon and the little one is Rir. Are you guys okay with this name?" I asked.

"I respectfully accept." Tsuki bowed.

"Kyuuu.." Rir said in the same pose too.

But it looks really cute.

Crap, for some reason, I feel like my vision get blurred for a moment.

"Thank you, my lord for this wonderful name. With this, I was able to obtain an unique skill." Tsuki thanked me.

"Kyuu yu..." It seems Rir also thanked me.

"I am glad that you like it. By the way, I am a bit hurry. I just came here and I have decided to live around here. But I have got few problems. I need to find a water source and a nearby safest place to make my hut. Do you guys have any idea about a place like this? At least, tell me about a nearby water source." I told Tsuki in desperate.

"Leave it to me, my lord. I do think there is a perfect place for you. I will lead you to that place." Tsuki said to me.

"Okay thank you, Tsuki. I will leave it to you." I said to her.

Hearing that, it sat and told me, "Please, get above me. It would be much easier if you just sit above me."

Wait, it will allow me to get into its back? Which means, I have got my very personal mount.

Well, she is really big. She as as big as an adult elephant. You can just imagine how big she is.

I hold Rir and get above it's back.

After getting on her back, she stood up and said, "I am going to run. I will use my skill so that you won't fall. But still, be careful."

"O-okay, I understand." I replied, while gulped.

"Okay, let's goooo." saying that, she started running.

"Holy shit, you're really fassssttttttttt." I screamed.

That day, I finally understand that I should carefully choose my mount in the future. She is just absurdly fast.

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