
High School Life

They say high school life is the best, but how can it be the best, if you haven't passed the test? The test of landing your first ever, girlfriend. It's cool to see couples in the campus, walking around, eating their lunch together, giggling and laughing at annoying jokes, but what about me?

I find it difficult to approach a girl, to confess what I feel, but being just friends is too easy, so how should I do it? Before we move further, I would like to introduce you, Therese. Simple, petite, with that cute smile, she stole my heart away way back when we were still in grade five.

The dream of being with her lingers my mind, but how should I do it? I spent most of my higschool days, waiting for her in the hallways, just to see her with her friends, giggling, teasing that I was around, but what did I do? Nothing. I was too slow, but steady.

Consistenty letting her know how I feel about her, the awkward stares fly by the campus on a daily basis. Until the stars aligned when junior high came about. I was so lucky enough to be in the same class as Therese.

Seeing her daily made most of my days, but talking to her, even a single minute would literally complete my day, but, I was slow.

As the year comes to end, Valentine's day came up. I summoned the inner poet in myself, and mustered all the guts I have in my body. I gave her the most expensive rose I can save up for, with a little speech from my dry mouth.

Thanks, a reply I was not so sure if it was really a thank you, or a sarcastic, you wish. The day ended up me, still going home alone, but what was nerve wracking, was seeing the rose, all alone in the floor before we go home. I picked it up, and handed over the rose to her, for her to realize the effort I made, but then again, I am too slow.

Why can't I tell her those four letter word? Am I that afraid to venture on journey everyone is on? All this time of being a steady fan of hers is slowly becoming a wreck.