
Sloth's Rise

Well, you die, you reincarnate and you get powers that's how it mostly goes right? Except you don't die because someone bombed you for a job gone wrong! Not all is bad though, with the powers of a legendary knight, how will this go? {{JUST A REPOST OF MY OWN DELETED STORY}}

Pure_R18_Terror · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

A True Hero

Kingdom of Siltrozzo,

Main Capital,

Galahad POV,

The Kingdom of Siltrozzo was at war, war with the God of Calamity himself. Galahad looked at the hole in the wall and then at the soldiers who were clearly shook by the devastation a mere foot soldier was capable of but nonetheless they immediately got back into formation, "Ready the barriers! If this is physical we should be able to hold!" Granbell shouted from his post and obeying his orders hundreds of barriers were set up.

Galahad chuckled, "Smart." barriers in this world could only be destroyed by overwhelming amounts of magical energy and skills, no amount of physical strength would be enough because of their unique nature and construction. "My Lord?" the Ice Dragon King questioned a bit confused, to him it was obvious that Galahad was just playing around here.

Galahad raised his brow, "You see Arve, it is up to those that are strong to recognize the efforts of those below them. If I were to belittle them more then that would be akin to me spitting upon my own recognition. Therefore, I will only point out that which is commendable." that was the way to go, he had a lot of pride and that pride itself prevented him from doing anything disgraceful. It was too 'below' him.

The Ice Dragon King named Arve nodded his gigantic head, "I see. But these are ants." they were too weak to deserve that recognition, humans as a whole were a weak race. "Hahaha! That they are my friend!" The Earth Dragon Lord roared and laughed, they were weak. "Shut up Nevyrth....I'm checking something." The wind dragon lord stopped his fellow dragon lord before narrowing his eyes on the wall.

"Oh Ivran don't be such a buzzkill!" The Earth Dragon Lord named Nevyrth laughed at Ivran, which was the name of the Wind Dragon Lord. "Sigh Leave him be you dolt!" Zinarth roared, he was the Fire Dragon Lord and their constant babbling was irritating to him. Galahad looked at them before laughing, their names were a bit chuuni but the lazy him decided to go with the theme of this world. It would be weird if there was Fire Dragon Lord called Bob no?

"You amuse me." Galahad said making them all shut up and bow again, these were gigantic creatures that towered over the Kingdom walls, thankfully they were standing quite far away. Galahad himself wasn't leading the charge he was just watching on, he swung his hand, "Begin the nuclear bombardment!" he ordered and in the next instant thousands of beams tore through the air colliding with the barriers.

The enemy forces were pushed back by the sheer impact behind those explosions, "They're already cracking?!" Granbell shouted shocked, these barriers were quite strong! He put a hand on his sword, he would need to personally fight.

"Fire the second wave!" Galahad ordered raising his hand and bringing it down as another wave of nuclear magics flew threw the air once more colliding against the barriers. "YEAHH!!!!" The army roared stomping their weapons on the ground as the barriers shattered. Granbell stumbled back a bit before raising his sword.

Galahad sighed, "Is this all? Well I suppose I expected to much. Fire the third wave!" with his order another wave of nuclear magic was fired but something unexpected happened. "Melt Strike!" Granbell swung his sword sending out a sword beam that covered the sky and eradicated all the magics, that is because the beam worked on the basis of molecular decomposition and decay. In other words, it was an attack that could erase everything it came into contact with.

Galahad raised his brow, "Ho? So you can still do something?" he raised his hand, "Well entertain me more then!" he shouted grinning, "March and bring me their heads!" he ordered as the army started moving again, this time with the sole objective of decimating the forces of the Kingdom of Siltrozzo.

"Take this!" A man shouted and following him thousands of spears were thrown each turning into beams of light that blew apart an entire section of the wall. "Shit they can all do that?!" An enemy soldier shouted shocked with what was happening. "So the rumors weren't kidding then?" a soldier muttered trembling, rumors should be rumors! "Begin the counter offensive!" Granbell shouted, "Melt Strike!" he launched another sword beam, this time it killed thousands.

Galahad's men looked at the place where their fallen comrades were to be only to find nothing there. "YEAH!! CHARGE!!!" The once more started running with new vigour, death in battle is an honor! "Lucky fuckers!" one shouted and swung his swords sending out thunderbolts that tore down the gates. By now the Siltrozzo Army had come out full force and were doing their best to resist except it was useless, the most they could do was inflict some minor injuries before they were hacked down. "Hail!" a man shouted firing off an arrow which split into thousands of arrows.

A man ran on the wall with two axes in his hands, cutting down men left and right, "Hahaha! Ya dumb fucks!" he was having a field day, these men loved battle! A woman spun around as dozens of sliced corpses fell on the ground, "See you can be elegant even in battle." she said elegantly pulling back the whips she just used.

Some of them even leaped from the ground up to the walls before beginning their murder sprees. "Shit!" Granbell shouted cutting the head off a man, this was bad they were losing miserably! "Razul on me! We're taking his head!" he shouted to the insectar who nodded and both of them began running in Galahad's direction, if they managed to kill him then this force would retreat.

Any soldier that came across them was torn apart by Razul as Granbell readied his spell. Razul jumped up and flew towards Galahad aiming to deliver a kick to his head, ending it instantly except a giant scaly hand that had lava seeping out of it swatted him away. "Who do you think you're going after insect?" a deep voice growled making Razul look over, he came face to face with a gigantic eye looking at him.

Zinarth roared and using his tail like a whip came down on Razul who put up his hands in time blocking the attack even as the shockwaves destroyed the area around them. Ivran starightened up, "So I was right, the insect is on par with a True Demon Lord." he turned towards Granbell who was approaching his Lord, "And that human is about to become a True Hero." it was obvious who the more intelligent one among the group of four was.

Galahad looked at the approachin Granbell and then at Arve and Nevyrth who were ready to tear him apart and raised his hands, "Hold, I'll be his opponent. You tell those idiots to not hurt any civilians." things like r*** and plunder were too 'beneath' him, the people would probably not do it but there were always the bad apples. The two dragons looked at him confused before simply bowing, taking a step back and flying off. Galahad looked to the city which already had smoke rising out of it, they were already in.

Granbell looked at Galahad, "You're more honorable than I thought, what do you want with my Granddaughter? She's just a child, you have no reason to." he asked taking a stance with both hands gripping a sword. Galahad drew the Sword of David, "I agree, killing a child is beneath me but that is no child. She is a plague." he said pointing his sword at Granbell, he wouldn't do it if possible but the lazy him definitely would.

Granbell closed his eyes and sighed, "Well I see you have no intention of changing your mind, let us fight! " he shouted his eyes turning sharp he charged forward, raising his sword up, "Consecutive Melt Slashes!" he shouted swinging his sword hundreds of times with each attack laced with disintegration. Galahad laughed and deflected his blows before kicking him away, "Well you're strong! But you chose the wrong opponent." he said calmly and took a stance before thrusting the sword forward.

What appeared to be a single thrust was actually thousands of thrusts done at speed where even the concept of time wasn't able to follow them. "Agh!!" Granbell was blown away with a huge hole in his chest. He fell over grabbing at his chest, no he wasn't dead because he too was a high human, that wouldn't be enough to kill him.

"I commend your courage for facing me, but I will now be off." Galahad said smirking and sheathed his sword before leaving for the city, he was going for Mariabell now. Well that was what anyone would think but Galahad was actually bluffing to force Granbeel to evolve, he wanted to take the Ultimate Skill Hope King Sariel.

Granbell who was lying on the ground raised his hand and looked at it, it was covered in his own blood. "I..... can't." he was trying to get up again but didn't have the strength for it. He coughed up blood, was this it? Was this where he was going to die? Without accomplishing anything? He couldn't escape either because of the stupid barrier. Welll he wasn't going to try either, his grand daughter was important to him.

Was he not even going to get justice for his wife? He sighed and closed his eyes. Perhaps this was for the bett- NO! No it wasn't! [Conditions met, Individual Granbell Rosso is evolving into a True Hero] the Voice of the world announced as a gigantic golden aura enveloped the entire area. Galahad smirked, "Ho?" he turned towards Granbell.


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