
Slient Adventure

A young girl named Omisha and her adventure across the cultivation world. Slow updates

BakedMiniGirl · Fantasy
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2 Chs


As the common people went about their regular daily lives they heard and felt a soft rumbling shaking the earth. They were shocked but as soon as they looked towards the cause of the problem the promptly turned their heads to continue walking about their business.

What had caught their eyes previously was a large mansion that seemed to tower into the sky. It was a dark crimson red household with slightly transparent blue dragons covering its sides.

Although the house seemed to be imposing the area around this mansion seemed to be lifeless and dead and plucked roses littered the ground.

Entering the residence you could see a young woman in her twenties holding a small child within her arms. She beamed while coaxed the child to sleep. She gently placed the child down onto the soft bed while using one hand to hold the child's sd hands.

She looked up at the man in front of her with ecstatic eyes and asked, " What do you think we should name her?"

The man seemed to sigh helplessly at his wife. She didn't even realize the strange happening outside the manor.

He looked through the window before finally responding to his wife's inquiry.

" .... Omisha" He simply stated

The woman grinned like a Cheshire Cat. "Perfect! It's great."