
Chapter 76

“I’m not exactly thrilled about it myself.”

EARLY THURSDAY MORNING I lay quietly in bed, spooned against Nate, thinking that waking up next to the warm body of someone you love is so much nicer than waking up in an empty bed. Someone you love. There, I’ve said it—at least to myself. Maybe it’s time to say it to Nate, as well. Meanwhile, my early morning erection was almost perfectly positioned against Nate’s ass. Hmm…. Last night, despite Nate’s predilection for oral sex, we had actually gone anal just before we went to sleep. Thinking that he was probably still well lubed from that activity, I pushed my hips slightly forward and slipped easily into the warm velvet embrace of his body. As I began to move in and out of the warmth, I reached around his waist and used my hand to do things to his early morning erection. He began to stir and wake up.

{What a nice wake-up call,} he sent.

{I woke up in the perfect position, so I didn’t have to try very hard.}