
Chapter 51

“Thank George when you see him, he set this up.”

“I see him almost every morning at the Y, and I’ll certainly do just that. Nate, are you ready to unlock the door?”


He selected a key from his key ring, unlocked the front door, and led me to his room. “Where do we start?” he said.

“Biggest stuff first, and that would be the desk, I think.”

We started carrying things stuff out to the trailer and made short work of clearing out his room.

“Anything else in the house that’s yours, personally?”

“Yeah, shaving gear and stuff in my bathroom.”

We put all of his personal toiletries into a pair of small boxes and carried them to the door. As we were stowing them in the trailer, a car screeched to a halt in front of the house and a middle-aged couple got out of it and headed in our direction. Nate’s mother was a little overweight and clearly hadn’t smiled in a very long time; his stepfather was skinny as a rail and equally unsmiling.