
Chapter 37

{My name is Nate Braddock, and I’m being held prisoner somewhere in the forest.}

{Held prisoner?}

{My mom and my stepfather belong to a really nasty charismatic cult, and they think I’m possessed by the devil, so they had me kidnapped and brought here for reprogramming.}

{Why would they think that?}

{Because I’ve gotten careless a few times.}


{You know, revealing that I know things when I can’t explain how I know them. Thank God they never suspected that I’m gay or things would be even worse—if that’s possible. People in those cults really hate gays.}

{I know.}

{You do? How?}

{Because I’m gay too.}

{You never told me who you are.}

{My name is Quentin, and I’m in the area on business.}

This entire exchange had taken only a few seconds, and my mind was reeling from the effect—and the excitement.

{Please, you’ve gotta rescue me.}

{How will I know where you are?}