

"I have seen a multitude of people like and not even once did I think I was any different" *** "Thinking about it now do I realize how much of a mistake did I make back then. If not for my negligence it would have never happened" *** In the grand stage of life, only a few can manage to stand out. Even less when it's to understand the mystery. And in that vast amount of population kaius, a lone detective tried to stand above others. After which his life turned into something that he have never imagined. *** Available on scribble hub and royal road

DaoistT2LhTb · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: Unknown...

As I sat on a random bench-tying my best to calm my uneven heart, I looked around myself. Where did my apprentice go again?!

Can't he even find a stupid kid?! Why does it take so long? I gritted my teeth at the thought. Reaching out to my inner breast pocket of my suit I took out my white handkerchief and wiped my already sweat-filled face.

It's all that damn apprentice's fault. If he didn't go to flirt with that girl. Thinking about her already makes me feel creepy. How can a girl of her age be like that? Let's just stop thinking about her.

Evan strayhurt was an odd fellow, if not for the fact that he was a hardworking one and the fact that I was in need of some help I would have never hired him, forget taking him as an apprentice.

It was a rainy morning, two months ago if I remember correctly, he came to my store's door completely soaked wet looking like some kind of vagrant. Thinking he was some kind of beggar I was going to give him some money and hush him but he spoke faster "My lord, may I have a job? I'm from the district of the stumburn, the inner part to be precise. I'm willing to work even odd jobs for you!"

Because of the sudden flash of economic backlash early this year I had to fire a lot of my employees, as a result, running low on people always. With the thousand people, I had almost fired two hundred of them now reaching only eight hundred the company's revenue decreased. It was for short time though as I could have hired more people in a couple of months.

At the time I don't know why but I had ended up accepting his request, which was odd. But well it was all for good, turns out that kid had a talent for business- in the end, I took him as my apprentice.

I looked at my watch at hand, an antique one given by lord brine. Must have cost him a fortune. Understandable as a new merchant who moved currying favor from the local people was a must plus building connections. He had invited me to his three-stored mansion, for a mineral merchant who came from the backtown of lumpberhum it was quite good. His behavior was quite good too which made me satisfied with him.

I was planning to sign a contract with him soon- about the newly discovered coal mine in lumpberhum. Its size was quite big, not yet confirmed. I had for quite some time wanted to involve myself in the coal business. The recent size of the steamed railway increase the value of coal by many folds. Many of my old acquaintances had already shifted their focus to the coal business, some even moved to ferheint and lumpberhum.

I had a previously bought mansion in the new district of lumpberhum, although unused for quite some years now.

It was eleven, almost my bedtime. Gilbert, my servant, must have been waiting right now. For a person of my standing, it would have been odd to think about a single servant but it was my late wife who had taken him as a child. She was way too kind for her own good. Tsk!

I once again looked around me but this time I shouted, "Where are you, Evan! Have you still not caught that kid?!"

But there was no reply. Did he not hear me or did he go far? As I was turning back my eyes caught sight of golden something that was looking at me. Slowly approaching.

Within a couple of moments, It came out of the dark. It was a black cat.

Not minding it, I shifted my gaze at the watch reflexively. Late.

Moving my head I looked at the cat again. It was looking at me with its deep gaze. I stared at them. Those eyes... it was inviting me. I- I had to go. But where...

I stood up. Without leaving my sight it backtracked and turned around as if guiding me. Good, I thought.

My vision as I walked slowly turned more and more...darker. But it didn't matter as I followed it.

With my remaining vision, I saw myself enter a small alleyway. As we reached the end of the road it turned back to me and looked at me as if...sizing me.

It raised one of its paw toward me and "Meow..."

My world turned into darkness. I took it all in...


The first time I felt numb in my emotions father died leaving me with nothing but an orphan. The second time was when I lost my...wife. I had tried my very best to save her but in the end, she left me. Even when I showed her to multiple doctors none of them managed to figure out the cause of her disease.

One of the doctors said it was a curse. I didn't believe him. I was not a man of superstition. But I was wrong. It was...a curse. Sigh...

A white mist left my mouth in the total dark-the lights didn't reach here. But I could see it. Relying on my arms I stood up. All my clothes have got dirtied up with filths. But it didn't matter to me now at all.

With slow steps, I walked to the mouth of the small street I was in. Stopping I looked back, it was not there. Left. But no matter. I lowered my head and bowed to nobody.

With that, I started walking back to my mansion. As I walked with each step, they became heavy, not physically but as I was feeling.

Recognizing me the guard opened the gate and bowed.

With slow steps, I reached the annex of the mansion, in front of gilbert, who was rushing toward me with an umbrella in hand. He called out "My lord! Where were you? I have been searching for you all over the place."

I hadn't realized it had already started raining. I looked at him and smiled " Well... does it matter if I'm back?"

He was startled at my question but replied "No my lord"

"If so then let's head back. Be ready tomorrow. We will head to lumpberhum."

It was time...