
Sleeping With The CEO

Emily Molson, PA to Derek Haven, CEO of Haven Group has nightmares every night, that prevent her from getting a good night's rest. Derek Haven, on the other hand is lucky to get any sleep at all. The two of them work close together but have no idea that they have the same problem. Then one night they end up in bed together and a miracle happens.

cai_hong · Urban
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369 Chs


If she were ever to develop a love for writing and publish a book, Emily was pretty certain that the book would be something along the lines of:


Or maybe…




As soon as they left the meeting room, Emily was already planning on what she would do to get him at least half way functional, encounters with his uncle often left him in a foul mood. And since she was the closest to that foul mood, it was in her best interest to make sure it went away.

So as soon as she closed the door to his office, Emily was moving. First thing, she grabbed one of her simple pre written notes. 


The note was handwritten, and obviously unofficial, but it always seemed to work wonders simply because it was hung on the CEO's door.

Having bought him some peace and quiet, she went about the next thing. Getting him something to eat.

Hunger equalled anger, easy. 

With him now nibbling on some toast, Emily decided to take a few minutes for herself. What she considered a break, in other people's eyes would probably be the saddest, most ridiculous thing ever, but for Emily, some days her little break was just what she needed.

Making it to the ladies' room was easy. Then once there, she picked a stall, locked it, took out her phone and set the timer for two minutes. That done, she put the toilet lid down and sat on it.

Leaning against the wall, she closed her eyes and breathed. For two whole minutes she did just that. Then her timer went off and she gathered herself, standing and stretching. Her little break over, Emily unlocked the door and went out.

At the sink she threw a bit of water on her face, the coolness waking her up some(the main reason she loved waterproof makeup so much). That done, Emily gave her tired reflection a thumbs up and made her way outside. 

Her good mood did not last as long as she had thought it would, and not because of anything she did…no.

As soon as she was out of the restroom, Emily immediately wished she could go back inside. Waiting right outside the door like a thief in a bad movie, was Lucas Penne.

"So…" He began, just one word and he was already getting on her nerves.

"How did your boss do it? How did he find out? Was he using his spycams on unsuspecting, hardworking people again?" Emily just had to scoff at that. There was a rumour that Derek used cameras to spy on everyone. And they would all rather believe that, than deal with the fact that they were terrible at keeping secrets.

There was so much Emily wanted to say to the man. But that would mean wasting energy she did not have on a lost cause. So she simply looked him up and down.

"Rather than worry about the CEO's spying habits, how about you worry about someone realizing that you are wearing knock-off shoes instead of the real deal," Lucas stepped back as though slapped. He looked down at his shoes, and then back at her, glaring.

"How dare you! I would never, you would not know fashion if it rose up and smacked you with its glorious hands…" Emily walked away, letting him rage.

Honestly, she knew the shoes were the real deal. Lucas was the type who would rather go naked than be seen in anything subpar. But digs at the blond man's fashion sense were the most effective way to throw him off a trail.

Her good mood restored, Emily made her way back to her office and settled down to work.