
sleeping blood princess

An accident inspired her ability Is she a human being, a supernatural power, or a vampire? Who said that hunters are nemesis? Who said werewolves are natural enemies! Watch her tame spirit beasts, calm elves, capture werewolves, and conquer hunters!

Noctilucentnolove · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 54: Am I Taking Advantage of Others' Weaknesses!

Gasping for breath, Emily rushed into the classroom through the back door and quickly slipped into the last row of seats, crouching down. She ran so urgently, panting heavily, her chest heaving and her heart racing. She patted her chest to ease the discomfort, reminiscing about the feeling in her dream. In the dream, no matter how fast she ran, she never felt tired. The distance from the dormitory to the classroom was just a blink of an eye. How could she be so out of breath now?

Olivia waved her hand in front of Emily's eyes, concerned. "What's wrong with you? You've been absent-minded all day. Did something happen?"

Emily looked at Olivia for a while and told her the story of her dream, but she only gave her a rough summary. She felt restless inside and didn't know why. She always had the feeling that someone's eyes were staring at her in a certain space. This uncertain feeling of whether it was a dream or reality was driving her crazy.

"Emily, you could really write a book. This dream is too bizarre!" Olivia exclaimed. "Your imagination is so rich. As for someone like me, no matter how many dreams I have, at most it's..."

Olivia suddenly realized that she might have said too much and quickly closed her eyes, but her face turned red.

"At most it's a dream about William!" Emily smirked, helping her complete the second half of the sentence.

"Ugh, I hate you!" Olivia scolded Emily and playfully hit her.

At that moment, Emily felt relieved. At least Olivia was still by her side. Thinking about the dream where she was covered in blood and collapsed in front of herself, Emily felt a sudden pain in her chest. She didn't have those strange abilities, those bizarre species, no escape, no killing. She only had this tranquility, complaints about teachers, and nervousness about exams. Life was like this, simple yet vibrant.

Suddenly, a paper ball accurately flew onto Emily's desk. She looked up and surveyed the room, seeing William sitting fine. He first gave her a bright smile and then gestured with his eyes for her to read the note.

Emily unfolded the crumpled note, and there were a few crooked lines written on it: "Do you want to go street racing tonight?"

Emily looked up and made an OK gesture towards him from a distance. William immediately became ecstatic, his face filled with joy. This caught the attention of MISS Wu, who threw a chalk at him, and he obediently started focusing on his textbook.

"Oh..." Olivia sighed. "When will he ever show that kind of expression because of me?"

Seeing the disappointment on Olivia's face, Emily reassured her, "Don't worry, he will notice your goodness sooner or later! Just don't give up too soon."

"I definitely won't!" Olivia immediately rallied herself and said confidently.

Emily secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Coming back to reality wasn't that easy after all, especially with this melodramatic love triangle. She just couldn't handle it.

She rummaged through her wallet and found only a large bill. If it weren't for being at the end of her rope, she really wanted to refuse William's invitation. She didn't want to be caught in the middle of Olivia and William.

Life felt too real, yet it made Emily feel unreal. She stared blankly at the band-aid on her finger, wondering why she felt that the dreams were more real. She began to make an effort to recall what she did, what she ate, and who she saw yesterday. But she suddenly realized that she couldn't remember anything. The gates of her memory were tightly shut, not letting a drop leak out.

"Olivia, what did we do yesterday?" Emily suddenly asked Olivia.

Olivia looked at her strangely. "We ate, slept, went to class, that's it... Why are you asking such a weird question?"

"What classes did we have yesterday?" Emily persisted.

"What classes..." Olivia propped her chin up and started to seriously think, with a demeanor as if contemplating life's profound matters. In the end, she shook her head in confusion. "I can't remember!"

Something was on the verge of emerging in Emily's mind, but she remained in a fog. She no longer paid attention to Olivia, closed her eyes, and wondered what was wrong.

Then, a realization struck her.

She abruptly stood up, walked straight to William in the midst of the surprised gazes of her classmates and the angry stare of ss Wu, and grabbed his face, as if about to kiss him.

"Stop!" an angry yet magnetic voice interrupted everything. Suddenly, the world collapsed in front of Emily. Everyone was buried in the ruins, and gradually, even the ruins disappeared. The world became chaotic, with only darkness remaining. In the darkness, Emily couldn't see anything, but she could sense someone slowly approaching her, carrying a pleasant fragrance.

A cold pair of lips suddenly pressed against hers, causing her whole body to shudder. Those lips seemed to still be angry, fervently sucking on hers. A tongue forcefully entered her mouth, bringing with it a faint scent of roses, intertwining and entangling with her own tongue.

"Yuri! What the hell are you doing!" Emily angrily pushed him away, opened her eyes, and found herself lying in a bed in the basement of a villa. A soreness came from the back of her neck, and she suddenly remembered being knocked out by him. A small flame of anger flickered in her eyes.

"It's still daytime outside. Get some more sleep," Yuri nervously suggested, avoiding direct eye contact.

"What did you do?" Emily demanded, completely unaware that she was currently being held by Yuri in a very ambiguous position, lying in his embrace.

"Well... uh... ah... hehe..." Yuri chuckled, and Emily had already guessed what happened.

"You can actually enter dreams!" Emily couldn't decide whether to be surprised or exasperated.

"It's not exactly entering dreams. To be precise, I can visit your dreams," Yuri explained with an indulgent smile, seeing that she wasn't as angry anymore.

"I don't quite understand."

"Dummy!" Yuri lightly flicked her nose. "The dream is yours, I'm just paying a visit, peeking into your dreams, and causing a bit of mischief."

Yuri's gesture suddenly made Emily realize the proximity between them. She panicked and sat up, her cheeks turning red, and her heart skipping a few beats. Had she always been sleeping like this?

Her gaze involuntarily shifted downward, checking her clothes. She let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, she was still wearing the same tattered clothes from the battle, without any changes.

"What are you thinking?" Yuri suddenly delivered a flick to Emily from behind. "Do you think I would take advantage of someone in a vulnerable state?"

Emily covered the back of her head, glaring at him fiercely. "You never know!"

Yuri slumped on the bed. "So, this is the image I have in your heart, huh?"

Emily inwardly criticized. He took advantage of her when she least expected it, stealing her first kiss, and not even sparing her in dreams. Did she have to consider him a gentleman? What kind of logic was this?