
Slayer: Rebirth of a Soldier as Slave

Viswa was a special forces soldier killed in action.‍ Throughout his life, he never had any other goals. All he wanted to be was a soldier and he was a great one that followed all the orders without thinking about consequences of his own. God felt that his potential has been wasted and thought of something. He sent Viswa into a different body in a different world and this time every choice and action he takes has consequences that he will be painfully aware of. Asura world. Continent of Tripura. Under the long reign of the demonic race, humans are nothing more than slaves. They live and die for the pleasure and entertainment of the demons. And a slave boy didn't want to live a life like that and decided to change his fate and in the process died. Now Viswa's soul has taken over this slave boy's body and he was gifted a guide in the form of a system along with a mission from God. To Restore the balance of the Asura World. Now he has to choose a path GUIDE: [HOST VISWA, THERE IS MORE THAN ONE WAY TO RESTORE THE BALANCE OF THIS WORLD. YOU MUST CHOOSE YOUR PATH. 1. CONQUER THE WORLD UNDER YOUR REGIME. 2. HELP THE WEAK FIGHT THE TYRANT AND WELCOME A NEW WORLD. 3. HELP THE TYRANT DESTROY THE WEAK AND SOLIDIFY THE EXISTING WORLD. 4. DESTROY THE WORLD AS IT IS NOW AND START ANEW.(GUIDE'S PERSONAL RECOMMENDATION)] Viswa was dumbfounded as he looked at the choices and then turned to god for help, but the god is busy.... spectating with a bucket of popcorn. GUIDE: [HOST VISWA, A PERSON WITH THE POTENTIAL TO BE A FUTURE SAINT IS HOSTILE TOWARD YOU. YOU MUST MAKE A CHOICE. 1. KILL THE FUTURE SAINT (CONSEQUENCE: TAKE THE NEGATIVE KARMA OF ALL THE FUTURE LIVES RUINED BECAUSE OF IT). 2. IGNORE (CONSEQUENCE: FUTURE SAINT WILL TRY TO KILL YOU AND THERE IS A NINETY PERCENT SUCCESS RATE) NOTE: NEGATIVE KARMA WILL TRIGGER SIDE EFFECTS LIKE BAD HEALTH, MENTAL INSTABILITY, GROWTH HINDRANCE. THERE IS A FAINT CHANCE OF TRIGGERING A CURSE OF DISEASE. .......................................... Follow @author_slayer on twitter to get latest updates on the story and to get direct updates on how I am writing this story. Follow @Viswa_STRS on twitter the personal account of Viswa's character

Suryaboddu · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
62 Chs

Boy in Silk Robes

Viswa looked at the young man standing in front of him.

Unlike Viswa that guy is a real adult man. He is almost six feet tall, towering over Viswa and the two kids and he is wearing leather armor. He looked coldly at Viswa and the two kids in his arms.

"What are you looking at, you fucking runt."

The young snarled as he looked at Manavi who is shivering in fright while sneaking a peek at the young man. On top of his towering figure, he had a bald head that had a huge scar on it. Viswa can understand why she is shivering.

Viswa didn't say anything even though he is angry at the moment. But he didn't dare to make a move. Because his instincts are screaming at him to run away from here and all that dangerous feeling is coming from this young man.

He turned around with the kids and decided to walk away.

He is in an unfamiliar place and he doesn't know why the other party is giving off those dangerous vibes, but his instincts never failed him. The last time he suppressed those instincts, he ended up dead and was thrown into this world.

But as soon as he turned around, he felt a breeze hitting his back. He immediately ducked down.


A kick landed on the fruit stand behind Viswa and destroyed it in pieces. He hurriedly shielded the two kids as he looked at the solid wooden stall turn into nothing but pieces of debris. Before he could process that strength, he had to dodge once again, he pushed both the kids forward and make them fall face first, while he skid back a bit and laid down on the floor.

A sweeping kick just went past him and then he saw the boot coming straight to his head to stomp him. He rolled around and then did kip up to come back to his feet.

He looked at the young man coldly and then at the surroundings, all the vendors and customers are looking at them, but none of them are showing any signs of coming forward to help.

He then looked at the kids who just got up. He dodged another kick and told them to run.

The kids hesitated before they ran forward.

The young man looked at it and gritted his teeth angrily.

"How fucking dare you to think you can escape after soiling my garments. You pieces of shit."

He ran towards them, but at this moment, Viswa hurriedly came forward and placed himself between the young man and the kids.

The young man threw a punch to his chest.


Viswa flew for a second and crashed into the road as he slid on it. He widened his eyes in disbelief while air left his lungs. Blood surged out of his mouth. He could feel that his collarbone has broken and the impact actually made his shoulder completely dislocate.

A bunch of his ribs is fractured. The only good thing is that they didn't puncture his lungs.

Then only he looked at the young man who came forward.

That young man looked at Viswa and picked him up by his neck as if he is just a doll.

"Do you even know who I am? How dare you interfere in my business? I just got this new uniform and that little bitch already spoiled it. Do you know what this is worth?

And you, little cunt actually dared to interfere when I am trying to vent my anger? Me, a black sand student? You worthless piece of shit."

The young man pulled his left hand and got ready to throw another punch.

But at this moment, loud footsteps were heard and the crowd started clearing the way as a group of people came.

Viswa looked at them and finally sighed. He really thought he would die right here. He doesn't know how this young man has that much strength, but he is sure that he wouldn't be able to take another hit to his chest. He would definitely die.

Luckily, this group of people came.

It was led by the twins that just ran away.

They came back with the rest of the kids from the Orphanage. Jiva looked at the young man coldly and turned to the few adults that came with them.

They are wearing black colored soldiers' uniforms and they have rapier swords hanging on their hips.

They are the guards of the village. One of them stepped forward and said.

"Young man. Students of Black Sand are not allowed to use their strength within the village. Particularly not on ordinary people. Please stay your hand. Or we will be forced to arrest you and it will leave a black mark on your student record.

You know what will happen if we do that."

The bald young man looked at Viswa in his hands and then at Jiva. He smirked and said.

"So, you and that bitch are part of this freeloader group."

He then threw Viswa to the ground as if he is just some piece of garbage. Jiva ran over to Viswa and checked his condition. He was furious as he noticed the broken bones.

"Sir, the injuries are very serious. You cannot let him off just like that." He pleaded with the Village guards. One of the guards came forward and checked Viswa's condition. He was dumbfounded and looked at the bald young man once again.

"Young man, you have to accompany us to the Black Sand Academy. You need to face disciplinary action for this. The injuries you incurred on him crossed the line."

The village guard was pretty serious and he took off a pair of handcuffs to capture the young man, but the bald young man just smiled and stood there like a tree.

"Oh? Disciplinary action? For what? For trying to clean the garbage off the streets?"

All of a sudden, they heard a voice from the side, and a boy who seemed to be the same age as Viswa and Jiva walked over along with a middle-aged man.

The boy wore silk garments that looked way too flashy in contrast to the clothing everyone around him is wearing. The middle-aged man is also wearing some flashy clothes, but it looked more like a uniform.

The boy walked straight to the village guards and said.

"You should know who the owner is before you start beating a dog. How dare you threaten my subordinate with punishment."

The village guard wanted to retort, but his eyes are fixated on the middle-aged man who is standing there smiling.

Jiva looked at the middle-aged man and frowned.

"Sir, you are a teacher of Black Sand Academy and your student is breaking the rules here. Why are you not taking any action?"

He asked through his gritted teeth loudly.

The middle-aged man snorted without replying. He is indeed a teacher of Black Sand Academy. The young boy confronting the village guard looked at Jiva with a frown and kicked him in the face.

Jiva looked at him coldly and then he looked at the village guards who are not reacting at all. He gritted his teeth even harder. He wanted to get up and beat the crap out of this young man, but he looked at the state of Viswa and then at the little kids around.

He could only hold back.

"Did I allow you to speak? You fucking vermin."

The boy didn't like the rage boiling in Jiva's eyes and started cursing before he threw another kick.

But this time, the kick didn't land, instead it was caught by Jiva. He squeezed the leg hard and the expression of the boy changed, but Jiva let it go and helped Viswa stand up a bit.

"It seems like the standards of the Black Sand Academy are going down. A student who is full of himself and a teacher who sucks the toes of a young noble. What a state it has fallen to."

As soon as he spoke, the crowd around was stunned. Even the village guards were dumbfounded. Black Sand Academy has a prestige that is beyond the authority of village administrators. In fact, all the nobles clamor to this place to study here.

"Ungrateful wretch. You and the lot behind you leech off of the academy and you dare slander it like that. You should be punished by death for it."

The teacher finally reacted. Nobody knows if his anger is really because of Jiva's comments about the academy or his comments about the teacher himself. But he acted in righteous anger and tried to slap Jiva.

Jiva felt like a mountain is coming crashing down on him. He was even unable to move. He could even feel Viswa shivering uncontrollably in his hands.

"Stay your hand, or lose it."

At this moment a calm voice was heard. It didn't appear loud, but everyone there could hear it as clearly as a day.

The teacher stopped in his tracks and he turned around in frustration.

Sir Warden walked forward calmly and his eyes landed on the young boy in silk clothes and then on the Bald Young man.

He walked to Viswa first and fed him a small pill before he turned to Jiva.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, Sir."

Sir Warden nodded and then turned to the bald young man, he ignored the noble boy and the teacher.

"As a teacher of the Black Sand academy, I am punishing you for the offense of performing unbridled violence on the streets and since you have tried to attack children that are barely ten years old, your punishment shall be doubled.

You are deprived of training resources for the next six months."

The bald young man was stunned. When the words finally sunk in he couldn't help but shiver in fright and fell onto his knees. He turned to the young noble with a pleading gaze.

"Sir Warden, you better not make any hasty decisions lest you regret them later."

The noble boy said with a frown. But Sir Warden didn't even care. He went to the kids and carried crying Manavi in his arms and tried to console her. He looked at the remaining kids and said.

"Get your groceries. We are going home. If there is anything left, I will buy it later."

"Hey Sir Warden, how dare you ignore me? How dare you go against me for some low-life freeloading vermin? Do you know who I am? I am the future ruler of the Black Sand Coast. All those low lives combined aren't worth a strand of my hair."

At this moment, Viswa who was fed a pill was in shock as he could feel that his bones and injuries are healing rapidly and only the words of this young boy brought him back to his senses. He looked at the young boy and the bald man coldly and finally, his eyes landed on the middle-aged teacher.

Jiva helped Viswa up and said.

"Ignore him. We are leaving."

Viswa nodded and he leaned on Jiva as they both walked away along with the rest of the kids. Meanwhile, Sir Warden turned to the young boy and glared at him coldly.

Just that gaze made the young body start sweating the next instant. He felt like the air around him turned lethal and it might cut him off if he speaks another word.

The middle-aged teacher stood in between and then only he managed to take a breath. Sir Warden walked away along with the kids and as they did, Viswa locked his gaze on the young boy, particularly his eyes are focused on the young boy's head full of thick, long, flowing silky hair.