
Slayer of Babylon

A normal person goes to the FT world 400 years before the plot starts. What will he do while he was there, he doesn't remember the plot? ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ My grammar in the first chapters was bad. Until I fix these chapters, this will be here :)

KAABS · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Sniff Men's Harem

Hey! Tomorrow I am free it seems. I can finally go to my home and my computer, so I made a little cliffhanger! Hope you don't insult me that much :(

Well, we will see I guess, but I trust you guys that don't do that to me? Right? Right?


"I feel like there is no end on them!" yelled Eric. They were fighting for four hours now.

Zombie horde was countless, and even after Eric and Stone riped them apart, remeaning limbs were coming towards them.

"It's very annoying! Stone, go to the door! I can't use my Susanoo here," said Eric.

It was a rational decision. If he used his Susanoo inside of the hallway, he might have destroyed some pillars as a result. The whole room could have collapsed on them.

"GUUUAARRRGGH!" Stone cried one last time and ran towards Eric while smashing the zombies. When he reached him, he cath Eric and went into the other room.

After they entered, Stone changed his hands to black color. There were some random grey patterns on them as usual. Stone took one of the broken pieces of the door. When he took the piece, the door's piece turned black. It had the same patters as Stone's arms.

Stone threw the piece to the ceiling. It hit the ceiling and some part of the ceilings collapsed through the door. It closed it with a countless amount of rocks.

Eric a little shocked but regain his pose fastly. "Alright, I guess this will do," he said with a low voice. "For now," he added.

They were resting because the fight was exhausting.

They were endless. 'Zombies indeed a nuisance, at least they are weak,' thought Eric with a frown. 'Tho an army with them will cause a lot of harm.'

After he thought about how to deal with zombies, he looked around him. 'I am an idiot,' he said. 'I should've investigated this area first before I think something,' he added.

"Light Ball," said Eric, then a round of ball formed on his palm. It was white and emitting a stable light. It halved and two of them rolled the two sides of the room.

After Eric assured there is no enemy here, he rolled them on the wall and suddenly they bright more luminously. They rested a bit, then get up.

They started to walk on the path while the light balls following them. They saw another door again, but this time it gave them a bad feeling.

"I have a bad feeling about this," said Eric with a sigh, and Stone nodded next to him. They opened the door and they saw another zombie horde.

They were different than the first one. They had more flesh and lively. 'They should've turned to zombies not too long ago,' thought Eric.

While Eric started to ready for another fight. He felt something on his leg.

A man was laying on the ground and sniffing him.

" *SNIFF* *SNIFF* What an interesting odor!" said a rather short man.

When Eric saw him, he frightened. "SHIT!" he yelled and kicked the man's face.

The man flew towards the zombies with a "MEEEEENNN!" sound and crushed to the wall. He fell down and suddenly went back up. Made an awkward pose. Eric could've sworn there were some stars appeared when he did that.

He was a short and rather stout man with a distinctively big, somewhat rectangular face, a large flat nose that seems to be shining. His black hair was initially kept in a wavy style with many curved spikes jutting outwards, with one acting as a fringe on the left side of his face. He seemed to possess mildly hairy legs. He had dark eyes and thick eyebrows, with a pair of lines pointing towards his nose below them, plus some stubble around his mouth and a prominent chin.

His suits were all black and he had a black cloak as well. Also, a dark green aura was glowing from his body.

He looked at him, made an awkward pose again and yelled. "What an interesting odor indeed! You will be part of my harem, MEN!"

Meanwhile, Eric looked at him with a shock.



Yup, tomorrow at least I make a 2k words chapter. Then others will be mass release. Hope you will enjoy the next chapter for advance :)