
Slayer Fūjin

Daily chapters! Luis Tramontana, your ordinary teenage boy, just wants to live a normal life. But Luis’ plans are interrupted when a demon attacks his family, and Luis is roped into becoming a professional demon slayer in order to protect the ones he loves.

Palewhale · Action
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221 Chs

The Cards of the King, Part 1

"So…Slayer Kaen, Mikey Hankan, eh?" Slayer Kurāken mutters to herself as she strolls out of the Slayer Organization Headquarters. "That boy…he sure does have potential…he may be the one to awaken the black flames…"

"But more importantly, is that Luis Tramontana boy, Slayer Fūjin…he sure has an interesting body, he'll be useful for our plans. I'd just love to dissect them both…"

"I should tell him about these two boys immediately…"


What's the game plan for this infiltration mission?" Austin asks.

Currently, it's the day after I finished my rigorous training with Nick, and now, with a major power boost for me and the rest of the squad, we're ready for the Cards of the King infiltration mission.

Nick hands out a few white bundles to us. I take mine from Nick and unfold it, seeing a long white cloak going down to my ankles with an upside down red cross on it.

"This feels…dirty," I cringe.

"These are the uniforms worn by the Cards of the King cultist group. Their meetings are at three o'clock P.M. every Thursday, with Religious Sermons every Sunday at nine A.M. Today is Thursday so we will enter at various times starting at three without a pattern, so as to not draw suspicion to us. Their church is open to all so we can enter no problem. Austin and Jamie will enter at 2:57, Luis, Ella, and Grover at 3:07, Mikey at 3:09, and myself at 3:12. Do not enter on the dot and do not frequently check the time. Instead, count in your head and enter at a random few second interval before or after your designated time. I am not going to tell you how many seconds so that we go in at an untrackable, random pattern. We will each take different buses to the church, though I will drive in a rented vehicle" Nick explained.

"What the hell, you...uh, really planned this out, huh?" I ask.

"Well the Slayer Organization does have an intelligence team to perfectly plan out missions such as these," Austin explains.

"Nah, I came up with this plan all on my own, not that it's anything too special. You can't just be strong enough to earn the title as one of the top Pro Slayers, smarts are just as important," Nick replies.

"Hear that, Grover! With your smarts you'll never become the top Slayer!" Jamie laughs.

"Hey!" Grover snaps, and the two begin arguing.

"Hey, children! Stop bickering! The mission requires our utmost attention. If a single thing goes wrong, we're dead!" Nick snaps.

Ella yelps.

"What else is new?" I grumble as I roll my eyes.


Eventually, Ella, Grover, and I hop on our designated buses and head towards the address that Nick gave us for the Cards of the King's church. When we enter the church, I'm careful not to look for the others, I don't want to risk drawing suspicion to us. Looking around, I can see that most people in the church pews have on gowns that match others, with a couple of people in regular civilian clothing. They must be new. I guess Nick didn't want us going in our regular clothes so we wouldn't be questioned as new members of the church. Also, as disguises.

Ella, Grover, and I take three random seats next to one another in the middle row of the pew, far away from Austin and Jamie. I'm careful as to not make eye contact with the two of them. A few minutes later, Mikey walks in. And then a couple minutes later; Nick.

The church is large and grand, with rocky, stone walls with a wooden structure on the outside. Must be an old building. The church sits in a relatively open field , with a large, grassy front lawn and backyard, enclosed by tall, black, iron spikes ending in sharp points, almost like a castle. The inside of the church has large marble columns on the inside and glass splain windows detained with arduous religious symbols. The inside of the church has rows of pews facing a stage area with podiums and bleachers behind it. Must be for the choir. To the left is a large archway that leads to a more inner portion of the church.

Once the clock strikes 3:30, four people -two men and two women- walk onto stage from the opening towards the left. They each have on a black cloak with a different maroon red decal on the cloak. One man has a clover on the front, one man a spade, one woman a diamond, and one woman a heart. A group of holy, noble looking people then walk out from the back rows and took their seats behind the stage. They must be the choir. They each have a black cloak on with the same maroon red upside-down cross decal on the front. Another man in a black cloak with flowing robes and capes and a shining golden crown enters the stage and stands at the podium. He's holding an ornate golden scepter. A beautiful woman in a black dress with that maroon upside down cross decal and a cheerful person who I can't quite tell what gender they are, enter the stage as well, standing by the man with the crown's right and left respectively.

And then, the crowned man spreads his arms out to the side, and with a cheery smile and a powerful voice that commands power and attention from everyone around, booms: "Welcome, my subjects!"

All of the cultist church goers simultaneously stand up at once and chant: "All hail King! Let the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse bring judgment upon this cruel world!" Before sitting back down. I look around awkwardly then stand up and try to mimic what I see the bulk of the crowd doing. Ella and Grover do the same. Luckily, there are so many people in this church that it's hard to stand out. A surprising amount of people. So, I'm guessing that's their leader, King?

I've never even gone to church before, so this is all new to me. My mom is very religious, but from what I've heard, stopped going to church a little after I was born.

"Do we have any new members joining us today?" King booms. I look around nervously to the rest of the squad . Is he referring to us? Do we stand up? Luckily, a man who is not dressed in the matching cloak stands up in our steed.

"Yes, I am a new member! My friend recommended this religion to me!" The man exclaims.

"I see, how has our religion helped you, my subject?" King asks, with a soothing, comforting voice.

"Well a week ago I was fired from my job and then my wife left since I couldn't pay the bills. I went to the church for guidance and they told me to pray. I prayed and prayed but received no help from God! After being a loyal Chritsain for over thirty years I got nothing to show for it! But then I joined this church and I saw a light. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse will bring change to the world and give us all our ideal lives, and I can't wait for that day to come. So until that day comes and every day after that, I will continue to support this church in all of its endeavors. Thank you, King!"

A few more people then stand up and give their life story. So those are the teachings of this cult, that the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse will bring upon a revolution that grants everyone their ideal life? What a load of horse crap. All this cult attracts are worthless, spineless schmucks like that guy. But what about King, what's he after? How does forming a religion about his goals help him.

Another man then stands up. "I'm a Pro Slayer whose wife and child were killed by another man. Not by a demon, but by the hand of man!" I sense Nick instantly tense up. Must be front the idea of a Pro Slayer joining this cult. "From my time in the Organization, I can see that emon's aren't the ones who are in the wrong, it's us people, we're evil. It's no wonder demons are so hostile, they were dragged to the depths of hell for centuries, while an evil, horrible race reigned dominant! Demon's didn't have slaves, people did! Demon don't rape, people do! We deserve to go to hell!" A few people cheer after the man's speech. No way...is this really what these bastards believe. What the Hell, what the Hell, what the Hell, WHAT THE HELL?! A Pro frickin' Slayer is here?! What the Hell…

"I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" A voice booms, and I look over to where I heard the voice, seeing mIkey jump out of his seat, rip off his white cloak, and aim his dual pistols straight at King. "You evil bastards…you don't know anything! Demons kill. People may be assholes too, but at least they have laws! You think the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are going to let you guys worship them all…but all they're going to do is enslave and kill too if they're awakened!" Mikey roars. Without another warning, two loud gun shots ring through the church as Mikey fires a dual shot of bullets at King. The church goers yelp and cry as they duck to the ground, covering their head and ears with their hands.