
Slayer Fūjin

Daily chapters! Luis Tramontana, your ordinary teenage boy, just wants to live a normal life. But Luis’ plans are interrupted when a demon attacks his family, and Luis is roped into becoming a professional demon slayer in order to protect the ones he loves.

Palewhale · Action
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221 Chs

Pro Slayer Exams, Part 1

"Yeah, we're all good now!" Grover cheers. "Ella, new guy, let's go!"

"Yeah!" Ella cheers as well.

"Er…yeah…" I unenthusiastically add as I jab a fist in the air.

And so, Grover, Ella, and I continue our trek up the hill towards the Professional Slayer Organization Headquarters, with some new company.

"So, uhh…what's your Cursed Abilities?" I dorkily ask, attempting to strike up some small talk.

Grover pauses and recoils. "HUH?! You're asking to see my Cursed Ability?!" He cries.

"Uhh…yeah," I answer

"That's like showing you my asshole, I can't do that!" Grover explains.

"Uh-huh. Sure," I reply. So I guess it is like how Slayer Mezame told me, talking about your Cursed Ability is supposed to be a taboo, something private?

Our walk continues in silence for a few more moments, after my horrifyingly failed attempt at small talk.

"Umm…so my Cursed Ability is-" Ella begins to timidly chime in, but I cut her off.

"Don't worry, you don't have to show me your asshole if you don't want to'," I quip, but Ella continues anyway.

"Wave, it's name is "Wave." I couldn't think of anything better," Ella continues. She's just like me, for real. "It's not that strong, or anything, but by focusing my Cursed Power on my teammate, I can give them some positive effects, like healing, or a strength boost, our Cursed Power recovery," Ella explains.

"Woah, that actually does sound pretty helpful!" I reply, causing Ella to smile.

"Well I guess if you two are going to strut your stuff, then I have no choice but to join in!" Grover cheekily interrupts. "Aw man, I've always wanted to do this!" grover squeals. "Two words! "Worm" and "Hole!" Can you guess what my Cursed Ability does?"

"Um…you can teleport through wormholes?" I answer.

"Oh man, you're good! A worthy rival indeed!" Grover confirms. "If both of my hands are free, I can create wormholes. An "entrance" wormhole in a two meter radius, and an "exit" wormhole somewhere in my line of sight or a location that I've been to before, so long that I'm thinking about saud location," Grover explains. Jeez, Ella and Grover sure did put a lot more thought into their Cursed Abilities than I did. I just said "durr, wind."

"There's just one problem with that," I interrupt.

"Hmm?" Grover asks.

"Wormhole is one word, not two," I answer.

Grover pauses.

"Grover?" I ask.

Without another warning, Grover collapses to the ground, falling on his hands and knees. "I…named my Cursed Ability wrong…" he trembles, causing me to raise an eyebrow.

Ella kneels down besides Grover and pats his back. "There, there, Grover, don't worry, it's not that big of a deal. You can put your Cursed Ability as "Wormhole" when you get your Pro Slayer License," Ella says, attempting to cheer Grover up.

"Well…whatever!" Grover then says as he pops back up to his feet. Boy, does his mood change quickly. "So what's your Cursed Ability, new guy?" Grover asks as the three of us begin our walk again. So now he wants to see my asshole?

"It's…Luis," I correct Grover.

"Isn't that your name? You named your Cursed Ability after yourself?" Grover asks.

"No-er, nevermind…" I sigh, causing Grover to look confused.

"My Cursed Ability is named "Wind Control," I can, well, emit my Cursed Power into the atmosphere and manipulate it to control wind," I explain.

"Cool power but mannnnn, what a lame name! You need to be more creative!" Grover explains.

"I'll…keep that in mind," I reply, giving Grover a sarcastic nod.

And so, the three of us, Ella, Grover, and myself continue our trek up the hill, chatting about the exams and our abilities along the way. Just three kids talking. Until we find ourselves at the submit, standing outside of the International Professional Slayer Organization Headquarters itself.

With Grover leading the way, the three of us push past the doors to the Slayer Headquarters and step inside. I'm not really sure what I expected the Slayer Headquarters to look like, maybe I just expected a giant ass gym with scary, buff guys training. But either way, a normal office building looking lobby is certainly not what I expected.

The lobby of the Slayer Headquarters was jam packed with people, all bustling around, supposedly in order to prepare for the exams.

I peer over at Ella, and she's looking even paler than before, faced with this rush of people. I then look over at Grover, and see that he has a giddy smile on his face, his eyes wide like a kid in a candy store as he soaks up all of the Pro Slayer action. Grover then clears his throat, and I can hear Ella muster up a small "Uh-oh," under her breath. What's he planning now?

Without another moment to spare, a freaky looking spiraling green hole appears to Grover's left, causing me to flinch and jump backwards.

"Woah, what's that?!" I cry.

"Grover's Wormhole," Ella nonchalantly answers. I suppose she has known Grover a lot longer than I have.

Grover then takes a step into his wormhole, disappearing. A second wormhole then reappears over the receptionist's counter at the back of the lobby, and Grover hops out of that wormhole, causing the receptionists to yelp. Grover places one fist on his hip, and with his free hand, rips the mic off of the receptionist's desk and holds it up to his mouth.


And then, Grover speaks.


I peer over to see Ella covering her ears, I can't blame her. Every single eye in the building is understandably fixated on us. Nervously, I turn around to try and slink away from Grover, Grover grabs me by the hood and yanks me back to his side. He does the same to Ella, and now, all three of us are standing on top of the counter. Wait… how did he do that from so far away? Was it his Wormhole?"

"AND THESE ARE MY ALLIES, ELLA CALIA AND LUIS…er…" Grover continues. "Luis, what's your last name?" Grover whispers to me, holding the mic away from his mouth.

"Tramontana," I sigh back.

"AND LUIS TRA-DUDE!" Grover booms, causing me to recoil. He didn't even get my last name right! Why did Grover have to be the first person I've met here?! 

After staring at the three of us in silence for a few moments, everyone goes back to their work as if Grover was never here. This must be a recurring thing for the Slayer Organization. Grover looks distraught, his speech having been completely ignored.

That is, until a familiar face begins clapping.

"Wow, Luis, you sure know how to make an entrance!" A familiar voice says, causing me to flinch. My eyes scan the room until I locate the speaker of that voice. Nick.

And thus, the two of us are reunited at last.

Nick laughs as he strolls up to the three of us, as Ella and I hop down from the counter. For some reason, Grover is too busy being star-struck to move. His eyes are wide and his mouth is hanging open.

"The next Chairman of the Slayer Organization?" Nick cockily asks as he turns to Grover. "A lot of rookies come waltzing in here, saying your exact same words. You know, if you want to live up to that promise, you're going to need to surpass me." 

Grover doesn't respond. He's still stunned.

"Oh, hey, Nick," I casually say. "How's it hanging?"

"Luis…" Grover growls.

"Yeah?" I ask as I turn and peer over my shoulder at Grover.


"EH?!" I recoil. "Nick, you're that famous?!" I frantically ask as I turn back around to face the man.

"Oh…yeah, hah hah…I sort of am the strongest man around," Nick sheepishly replies as he rubs the back of his neck.

"You really didn't know, Luis?!" Grover cries. "Nick is known as the "Top Pro Slayer," second only to the Slayer Organization's Chairman himself! He's known as "The Bumblebee," because when Nick fights, he moves so quickly that you only see flashes of yellow and black, as the buzz of electricity rings through the air!"

"So that's your Cursed Ability?" I ask as I turn back to Nick, who nods in response.

"Yup," Nick answers. Nick then claps his hands together, and when he brings them apart, tendrils of electricity crackle between his fingers, causing the lights above us to flicker as the hairs on my arms and neck stand up. Nick's impressive display causes my eyes to widen as I stumble backwards a step. "My Cursed Power takes on a property similar to lightning. I call it; Electricity. I've tamed the very lightning itself."

"Huh, and people say that I'm bad with names," I grumble.