
Slayer Fūjin

Daily chapters! Luis Tramontana, your ordinary teenage boy, just wants to live a normal life. But Luis’ plans are interrupted when a demon attacks his family, and Luis is roped into becoming a professional demon slayer in order to protect the ones he loves.

Palewhale · Action
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221 Chs

Luis vs Mikey, Part 2

"Exploding Flame Bullets: Fire Fist!" Mikey shouts as he flips his pistols around while a steady stream of flame exhaust begins spewing from their barrels. Mikey uses the flames to reinforce his strength as he brings his dual pistols up in a cross to block my katana, my wind clashing against Mikey's flames.

"It's funny, eh?" I ask Mikey. "The moment that I awaken my demon powers, you go ahead and invent some fancy new abilities of your own. Your Pyrokinesis…your Crimson Coat…it's almost like they were created in order to stop me."

"That's just a coincidence," Mikey replies. "Although…if you get stronger, it's only fitting that I do, as well. Afterall…I am the one sworn to kill you."

I smirk.

Mikey smirks back.

"I've been looking forward to fighting you," I say. "Especially since you've unlocked your new powers."

"I've been looking forward to this too…" Mikey growls. "Ever since you became a demon."

Mikey and I then hop away from one another. Mikey aims the barrels of his dual pistols at me as I raise my katana high into the air, reinforcing its blade with my dark-blue Cursed Power then wrapping a tornado around it.

"Exploding Flame Bullets: Embers!" Mikey shouts as he fires off a volley of flaming bullets my way.

"Wind Control: Hurricane Slash!" I shout as I swing my katana downwards, sending a powerful wind blade flying towards Mikey.

Our two attacks collide in a burst of fire and wind, enveloping the entire arena in smoke.

Through the smoke, I see Mikey raise a pistol up to his face and pull the trigger, firing off a flaming bullet down his throat. A rush of flame-red Cursed Power then bursts from Mikey's body, blowing away the smoke.

"So this is what we're doing now, eh?" I smirk as I construct my Sky God's Shield and Anklets out of wind. Next, I wrap a giant tornado out of the blade of my katana before condensing it, creating a giant, blue blade of wind.

"Sky God!"


I crouch down low as the wind swirling around my ankles picks up speed. "Wind Control: Sky God's Anklets!" I shout as I dash towards Mikey, using my wind to propel me. Mikey's eyes widen as I appear before him, causing me to smirk. "-And…Sky God's Katana!" I shout as I lift my giant wind blade high into the air above my head before swinging it down towards Mikey, who counters by igniting his fist on fire and punching it upwards, slamming it into my Sky God's Katana. But my Sky God's Katana overpowers Mikey's Fire Fist, causing him to retreat.

"Sky God's Katana!" I shout again as I slam my giant wind sword into the ground, kicking up a giant explosion of wind and dark-blue Cursed Power, which Mikey is caught up in, forcing my rival to howl in pain as his body is torn up by my razor-sharp spinning winds.

"Damn…" Mikey grunts as he flinches and brings his arms up in a cross to block. "Pyrokinesis: Heat Vortex!" Mikey shouts a rush of flames explode from his body, blowing away my wind.

"Pyrokinesis: Meteor Fist!" Mikey then shouts again as he balls both hands into first and punches them towards me, blasting dual fireballs my way.

"Sky God's Anklets!" I shout as the wind wrapped around my ankles begins to intensify. I dash to the side to evade Mikey's first fireball, and as for the second, I bring my Sky God's Shield up to block. Mikey's fireball blasts into my shield, causing me to stumble backwards a bit, while also leaving me relatively unscathed.


Ella strolls through the Slayer Organization Headquarters, searching for Luis and Austin, until she passes by the office of the Organization's Chairman.

"Hey…that sounds like Austin!" Ella says as she passes by the door. Ella then pauses…retracts a few steps, and peers inside.

"I'm telling you, she is a demon!" Lycan desperately cries.

"Me? A demon? Do you really think that the Chairman wouldn't be able to tell if I was, which I'm not?" Slayer Kurāken asks Lycan with a raised eyebrow of confusion.

"Ōkami, no offense, but I do not trust the claims of some…tweaker over my own head of the Slayer Organization's research branch, whom I appointed!" The Chairman sarcastically replies with a laugh.

"But Slayer Kurāken smells exactly how that demon smelled! Go ahead, Lycan, tell him!" Austin adds as he motions to Lycan.

"Err…right, she did!" Lycan explains. "Not a one-to-one match, but when Slayer Kurāken enters her monster form, she smells exactly like that demon!"

"Well I am a Demon Kin, after all," Kurāken replies as she steals Austin's anime- glasses-guy move. "I don't enjoy revealing my Cursed Ability, but to clear my name, I shall. My Cursed ability is called Chimera. It allows me to shape-shift into mythical creatures. That demon could have been an ancient ancestor of mine, for all we know. Just like you."

"But…but…" Lycan desperately stammers, but the Chairman cuts him off.

"I'd expect this sort of behavior from Ōkami, but from you, Takanome? I'm shocked! You're far more level-headed than this, other than when you and Fūjin disobeyed my DIRECT ORDERS to save Hachi and Kaen," the Chairman taunts, causing Austin to instantly tense up.

"Let's go, Lycan," Austin orders. "We're getting nowhere talking to those two."

Austin then storms out of the Chairman's office as Lycan slinks out, and the two are met with Ella standing in the hallway.

"Oh…um-" Ella stammers as she picks up.

"Were you…spying on us?" Austin asks as he raises an eyebrow at Ella.

"Um…I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out and play some games with Jamie and I?" Ella asks, leaving Grover out.

"Aren't you going to ask what Lycan and I were talking about?" Austin asks

"It seems private," Ella answers. "Want to look for Luis next with me?"

"I've got nothing better to do," Austin answers.

"I'll see you guys later. I'm going to go meet up with Ralph and Ivy…" Lycan whimpers as he slinks away.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't help you anymore," Austin says, but Lycan doesn't reply.


Mikey hops backwards away from me, as I hop away from him.

I watch as Mikey opens his mouth up wide and places the barrel of one of his pistols in it, before pulling the trigger. A rush of black smoke seeps through Mikey's teeth as he limply slumps over, his arm limply flopping out of his mouth. But Mikey stays standing. Next, an explosion of flame-red Cursed Power bursts from Mikey's body, before molding itself onto its wielder, then solidifying, taking the form of dark-red, magma-plated armor covering Mikey's body and clothes, from his fists to right below his shoulders, and from his foot to his thigh, and finally, around Mikey's eyes from ear to ear, with crimson horns jutting out of the side of Mikey's head.. Mikey's spikey, flame-shaped hair ignites on fire, no…it becomes fire itself. A steady stream of black smoke spews from Mikey's lips with each breath.

"Crimson Coat."

Mikey then crouches down low and aims both of his palms behind his back. Mikey unleashes a black of fire, and, in the blink of an eye, appears before me, using his flames to propel his speedy dash.

"Pyrokinesis: Fire Fist!"

My eyes widen as Mikey balls a hand into a fist then launches a flaming punch towards me.

I reinforce my katana's blade with my dark-blue Cursed Power and wrap a tornado around it in order to defend, but Mikey's flames have had him too quick, and Mikey punches me in the gut, causing me to double over and spit out a glob of phlegm, before I'm sent flying backwards.

I thought that was the end of Mikey's relentless assault, but I'm mistaken. Next, Mikey points his hands behind him again and uses another blast of flames to propel himself over to me.

"Prokinesis: Flamethrower!"

Mikey thrusts both of his hands towards me, unleashing a rush of flames which begins flying towards me.

"Wind Control: Tornado Shield!" I shout as the wind around me begins to pick up, eventually swirling and rising into the air, forming a tornado around me to block. But when Mikey's Flamethrower comes in contact with my tornado, his flames instantly sear through my wind, before engulfing me in a fiery blast.

I howl in pain as I fall to the ground. By the time that Mikey's flames subside, I've been charred black and I'm now littered with scorch marks.


I let out a small grunt as I struggle to push myself up to my feet, only to be met by a swift non-flaming kick to the jaw by Mikey's foot, causing my head to violently snap upwards as my eyes widen, before falling to the ground on my back for good.

"Annoying," Mikey spits. "You challenged me just to put on this pathetic display? Come on, use your demon powers. We both know that this isn't what we came here for."