
Slayer Fūjin

Daily chapters! Luis Tramontana, your ordinary teenage boy, just wants to live a normal life. But Luis’ plans are interrupted when a demon attacks his family, and Luis is roped into becoming a professional demon slayer in order to protect the ones he loves.

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221 Chs

Luis vs Ace, Part 1

"So I've made up my mind about Fūjin," the Chairman of the Slayer Organization says to Nick, causing the man to perk up. Currently, the Chairman is sitting in his office, with Nick standing across from him on the opposite side of his desk, arms crossed, and staring at him. The current topic at hand: Luis.

Now known as the Blue Demon to the Chairman, after the IJSt.

"It's official. We are not going to execute him," the Chairman continues. "After watching their impressive display against my August, I have something else in mind for him. Kaen, as well."

"Which is?" Nick sneers.

"I'm offering the two a promotion," the Chairman answers.

"That's too bad. They're gonna match my record of being the youngest Slayer to ever get a promotion," Nick snorts. "You aren't gonna make them assassins too, right?"

"No, no, quite far from it," the Chairman answers. "The two will become Field Patrol partners. As you say, Fūjin's wind can more than enhance Kaen's flames."

"So you just want to turn Luis' half demon power and Mikey's Pyromaniac flames into your own secret weapon?" Nick asks.

"Precisely," the Chairman answers.

With a sigh, Nick turns around and begins strutting out of the Chairman's office.

"Going so soon?" The Chairman teases.

"You know just how much I hate this room," Nick answers.

But when Nick exits the room, he's met with a familiar face.

"Slayer Hachi! It's been a long time!" The familiar face croaks. The face belongs to an old, old man named "Johnathon Gibson." But Gibson doesn't like going by his first name, nor his last. Gibson is dedicated to his work, very dedicated, and preferred to be called by his code name, Slayer Hitoshī, even by his own family. Hitoshī is an old man with a minor hunched back, bulging eyes, and stringy light gray hair. And is far past his prime.

"Ah, Johnatonh! It's been awhile!" Nick replies with a ruthless grin, purposely tormenting the old man by referring to him by his first name.

"That's one of my least favorite things about you, Hachi, in a long list of many," Hitoshī sneers. "You don't know the meaning of formal."

"Look at me, how am I not formal?" Nick asks, motioning to his suit.

"I bet your own pupils call you by your first name!" Hitoshī snorts.

"They do, as do I!" Nick answers. "Took them awhile, though. At first they called me "Mr Boras" or "Slayer Hachi." And one "Lord Bumblebee," too."

"What is the hold up, Hitoshī?" Another man asks as he approaches Hitoshī.

"Ah, my replacement! I see you're doing well," Nick sneers.

"Oh. Hello, Hachi," the "replacement" replies.

Unlike Hitoshī who dressed in a perfect suit (other than the steel suitcase filled with hammers in it), this man, Slayer Chishiki, wears pants too large for him that are held up by a skinny brown rope rather than a belt. Chishiki's pants are cut off a little above his ankles and were tied down with olive green cloth. That same olive green color runs down vertically as stripes on his red shirt, that is untucked and had the top two buttons unbuttoned, revealing a white t-shirt underneath. Chishiki carries a backpack FILLED with heavy textbooks leaving the man with back pains. Chishiki wears ratty leather gloves and short, black rubber boots that have all sorts of gadgets and gizmos attached to them. Chishiki also wears an untucked light blue tie that dangled from his neck which didn't match the rest of Chishiki's clothes at all. Chishiki has messy brown hair with olive eyes and has a light, scruffy beard symbolizing that Chishiki hasn't shaved in quite a few days.

"Assassin Slayers don't just wander into the Headquarters all willy-nilly, what are you two here for?" Nick asks as he leers at the two men.

"Just to tell you one little thing," Hitoshī answers. "The Chairman may embrace the half demon child, but the Assassin Branch does not. It's ironic. Out of everyone, one would think that you, Hachi, would want to execute the boy the most, since you know the horrors of half demons."

"What are you getting at here…?" Nick growls.

"The Assassin Branch...plans to kill the half demon boy ourselves."

Electricity instinctively courses around Nick's entire body, and in the blink of an eye, Hitoshī slammed into the wall behind him, courtesy of Nick, who grabs his suit collar tightly, keeping him pinned in place.

"I will not let you touch my boy…" Nick growls. "Even if you so much as LOOK at Luis, I'll kill you without a moment's hesitation."

"He's not your son. Get over it," Hitoshī sneers.

"Play nice, boys," the Chairman says as he steps out of his office and claps his hands a bit.

"You heard us?" Nick asks as he turns and peers over his shoulder at the Chairman, while letting go of Hitoshī, Nick's electricity fizzling out as he does so.

"Yes, everything," the Chairman answers. "The Assassin Branch wants to assassinate Fūjin , so I figured; why not. That'll be Fūjin and Kaen's promotion exam. The Assassin Branch will send their Assassins your way. Basically, I already have my August and Winter, and I don't need a third half demon. But, if Fūjin and Kaen can prove themselves to be worthy Slayers of this Organization, then I'll let them live. Of course, Kaen isn't a half demon, but he's the mad dog Pyromaniac, so he's not the most trustful Slayer anyhow."

"So what, you'll send Assassins after Luis and Mikey, and if they win, they get promoted?" Nick asks. "And if they don't win?"

"Then Fūjin will be assassinated," the Chairman finishes with a smirk, causing Nick to sigh.

"I hope you know that it won't just be Luis and Mikey fighting," Nick replies. "I, as well as my squad, will be doing everything in our power to save Luis' life."

"Go right ahead. I'd like to see what Slayer Hachi's squad can do," the Chairman smirks.


After spending, like…a month or so, at the International Junior Slayer Tournament, it feels strange for it to be…over, just like that. And so, I'm back to my normal life. Not my normal life as a Pro Slayer, but back to my normal life. Period. We were given a week off by Nick after the IJST, since we all did sooo great, according to him. I got fourth, not that that's all too important. Gabby and my mom are proud. I don't care. Speaking of my family, I've been spending this week off at home, just like with my suspension. Hopefully I don't get kidnapped again. Heh heh…

I figured I could use some down time at home after the intensity of the tournament. I've just been so, so stressed lately over this whole half-demon thing, and meeting August only served to make it a hundred times worse, especially because I got no answers as to who he is. Or who I am.

Currently I'm in the midst of a very important mission. Food shopping. Food shopping for my family. I've just left the store, and I'm headed home on a crowded street, groceries in hand.

My grocery run is going smoothly, that is, until I spit a strange man. Normally I'm not one to judge, I walk around with a katana. But this guy is walking around with his one bamboo kendo sword, and is wearing a black eye patch. Not a medical eyepatch, either. I'm talkin' a full on pirate-style eye patch. A fellow slayer, perhaps? Judging by the uncomfortable looks and the awkward glances of the people around him…probably not.

I keep walking towards the man, who's walking towards me, until we pass by. And as we do…something intense happens. I feel an overwhelming rush of Cursed Power burst out of the man's body, although I can't see it. It's like he's using an internal Cursed Power Burst infused with a massive amount of bloodlust, aiming directly at me. This has gotta be the most intense and powerful Cursed Power I've sended to date! Though I am bad at sensing Cursed Power! Cursed Power Stronger than Nick, or August, or even King!

His Cursed Power is so thick, his bloodlust is so incense, that I forget to move. I drop to the ground on my knees, sweating and gasping for breath. People around me stare, but no one moves to help. Classic city living.

When I reclaim myself, I wipe the sweat off my brow, then look around, frantically searching for a man. That is, until I spot something in front of me, and pick it up, holding it up to my face.

"A…playing card?" I ask. It's an Ace of Spades. I look around again, and eventually, I spot another arc, an Ace of Hearts, and pick it up. A little further, I spot an Ace of Diamond, and then of Clubs. The cards lead in the same direction that the man was walking in.