
Slayer Fūjin

Daily chapters! Luis Tramontana, your ordinary teenage boy, just wants to live a normal life. But Luis’ plans are interrupted when a demon attacks his family, and Luis is roped into becoming a professional demon slayer in order to protect the ones he loves.

Palewhale · Action
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221 Chs

Jamie vs Zoey

After tackling Zoey into the front room of Hell's Bar, Jamie quickly scrambles to her feet before hopping away from Zoey.

"You're mine, demon!" She shouts.

"I'd rather not have to fight a child, but I will defend this bar," Zoey replies as she sticks her hand out to Jamie. A dark red emission of Cursed Power then shoots out of Zoey's palm, flying towards Jamie.

"Woah!" Jamie cries as she quickly ducks down low to the ground in order to dodge Zoey's attack. After Zoey's Cursed Power emission fizzles out, Jamie slowly stands back up and turns around, seeing a huge, gaping hole in the back wall of Hell's Bar. "Jeez...good thing I dodged that!" Jamie says to herself.

Jamie then peers back to Zoey, who still has her palm outstretched towards Jamie. This time, a dark red Cursed Power sphere begins growing at the edge of Zoey's palm. Zoey's spherical emission of dark red Cursed Power then shoots towards Jamie, who, this time, rolls to the side in order to dodge Zoey's attack. Zoey's sphere of Cursed Power then explodes into the wooden floor where Jamie previously stood, completely disintegrating the ground.

"I can't stay on defense, if she eventually hits me, I'm done for!" Jamie yelps. "So I'll have to try this. Adaptability: Rubber Cloak!" Jamie then punches her fists together, causing her fists and wrists to change into iron, as the rest of Jamie's arms, up to her shoulder, changes into rubber. "Adaptability: Rubber-Iron Gauntlet!" Jamie shouts as she sends her rubbery arms extended towards Zoey. Zoey brings her arms up in a cross and reinforces them with Cursed Power to block Jamie's attack. Jamie's iron fists then slam into Joey's arms, which are bubbling with Cursed Power, sending Zoey sliding backwards across the floor of Hell's Bar, but still remaining standing on her feet.

"She blocked my attack instead of dodging…but why?" Jamie asks herself as her hands and wrists turn back into flesh, and Jamie retracts her rubbery arms back to her shoulders.

Without another word, Zoey then extends the palm of her hand out to Jamie again, and releases another dark red laser beam of Cursed Power. In order to dodge, Jamie reaches up and extends her rubber arms outwards, grabbing hold of the rafters of Hell's Bar. Jamie then retracts her rubber arms, causing them to pull her body up and dodge Zoey's attack.

Jamie then goes on the counter attack, raising her knee and kicking outwards, as her foot and ankle changes into iron, sending her rubbery leg flying towards Zoey, who again, doesn't bother dodging Jamie's attack, and instead, just simply blocks it by bringing her arms up in a cross and reinforcing theme with her eerie dark red Cursed Power. 

Jamie then lets go of the rafters of Hell's Bar and drops back to the ground before charging Zoey, her skin turning back from iron into flesh.

"Adaptability: Iron Cloak!" Jamie shouts as she punches her first together, Jamie's fists and wrists turn into iron. Once in front of Zoey, Jamie quickly chambers her right fist before launching it out towards Zoey. "Adaptability: Iron Gauntlet!" Jamie shouts, attempting to punch Zoey.

Zoey counters by raising her palm up to Jamie and unleashing a shockwave of her dark red Cursed Power at point-blank range, sending Jamie flying away.

"Oof!" Jamie yelps as her back slams into the back wall of Hell's Bar then slides down it.

"Luckily for you, I used a widespread attack. If I used a more condensed attack, then you would be dead now," Zoey says.

"Save it!" Jamie snaps as she pushes herself off of the ground. "Only a moron would purposely not kill their opponent when they have the off chance!"

My Cursed Ability is called: "Kinetic Energy. I absorb the kinetic energy from physical attacks onto my body and use it to strengthen up my Cursed Power. Then, I can unleash blasts of Cursed Power from the kinetic energy that I've stored up using Cursed Power Emission. It's a powerful Cursed Ability that specializes in ranged combat while using weaker attacks to knock your opponents off of you after absorbing their kinetic energy. The weakness of this Cursed Ability is the large quantity of Cursed Power that it uses up per blast. Hence why I purposely tank your attacks and absorb your kinetic energy to use it against you in combat while conversing my own Cursed Power. And as a demon, I inherited this Cursed Ability genetically," Zoey explains. 

"And why are you telling me all of this?" Jamie suspiciously asks as she raises an eyebrow at Zoey.

"To break your spirit. You managed to land a few devastating punches onto your opponent, only to learn that your attacks only landed by your opponent's own desire. Not only that, but your attacks only served to strengthen your opponent. Now, do you feel like giving up?" Zoey answers. "Also…because I don't like having to fight children. So by explaining to you my Cursed Power, I can at least make this a fair fight."

"Hah! Fat chance of that! If you wanted to make this a fair fight…then I should be telling you my Cursed Ability, not the other way around!" Jamie laughs! "Ironic. I purposely went off on my own to fight this demon since my Adaptability works better in one on one combat, rather than fighting hordes of enemies. But despite that, I'm fighting an opponent whose Cursed Ability completely negates my own. All of my attacks are physically based and use kinetic energy!" Jamie mutters to herself. "Oh well. No sense crying about it now! I've dug my own grave and fought my own battles before!"

"Adaptability: Rubber Gauntlet!" Jamie shouts as she chambers her fists before shooting them outwards towards Zoey, her rubbery arms extending as they fly, and Jamie's wrists and hands turn into iron. In defense, just as before, Zoey simply raises her arms up in a cross to block Jamie's attack, reinforcing them with her dark red Cursed Power.

"I told you, your attacks only serve to strengthen me. How do you plan on beating me?" Zoey asks.

"Tell me, does your Cursed Ability allow you to block out the damage from physical attacks?" Jamie replies.

"No, not exactly, at least," Zoey answers.

"Exactly" Jamie smirks.

Jamie then attracts her rubber arm before unleashing a rapid fire flurry of long ranged iron-coated rubber punches onto Zoey.

"All I need to do...is overload her with damage until she's too weak to use her Cursed Ability while dodging her attacks!" Jamie grunts to herself as she lands the final blow onto Zoey. "A Cursed Ability that negates my own? No! If I keep thinking about what my Cursed Ability is weak against, rather than how I can overcome these weaknesses, then I'll never be able to become strong!" Jamie exclaims.

"You can't become strong if you don't overcome your weaknesses, you say," Zoey says to Jamie as she pushes herself off of the ground. "Then allow me to show you one who is already strong."

Zoey extends her arm outwards and aims the palm of her hand out to Jamie. Zoey then emits off a dark red laser beam of Cursed Power out at Jamie, who counters by punching her hands together and saying: "Adaptability: Iron Cloak!" And changing the texture of the skin of her arms from that of rubber to fully iron. Using her Iron Cloak, Jamie raises her arms up in a cross and attempts to tank Zoey's attack. Jamie grits her teeth and stands her ground, holding strong, Zoey's Cursed Power Emission slowly pushing her back.

"Damnit…if only I can turn my whole body into iron…not just part of it…I keep having this problem!" Jamie grunts.

After struggling against Zoey's dark red Cursed Power blast for a while, Zoey's attack eventually manages to break through Jamie's defenses, her iron arms, and sends Jamie flying backwards to the wall behind her, her defenses unable to hold up as Jamie's Iron Cloak runs out, her iron flesh reverting back into skin.

"I told you, your attacks won't work against me," Zoey says as she slowly approaches Jamie.

"That won't...deter me…" Jamie grunts as she pushes herself out of the rubble that was once Hell's bar.

"Adaptability: Iron Cloak!" Jamie shouts as she punches her fists together, and the texture of Jamie's skin morphs into iron. Jamie then charges Zoey again, as she shouts: "Adaptability: Iron Cloak," attempting to land another iron punch on Zoey, but ultimately failing when Zoey lifts her arm and aims the palm of her hand at Jamie, releasing another shockwave of dark red Cursed Power.

Quickly, Jamie's eyes widen in surprise as she brings her arms up to block again, struggling against Zoey's attack, gritting her teeth and holding her ground, which slowly pushes her back.

"This won't…STOP ME!" Jamie roars, and then, the iron of Jamie's skin begins to spread, from just her hands and wrists, then up to Jamie's shoulders, down to her feet, up to her head, and pretty soon, Jamie's entire body is iron.

"Is this…new?" Zoey asks as she keeps firing her Cursed Power shockwave at Jamie.

"YOU BET IT IS!" Jamie roars as she slowly begins approaching Zoey, Jamie's full-iron body tanking Zoey's Cursed Power Emission. Once in front of Zoey, Zoey lets her Cursed Power shockwaves fizzle out as Jamie launches an iron fist forwards, jabbing Zoey in the gut and sending the demon flying backwards.

"That hurt her far more than it should have…" Jamie mutters to herself upon seeing the sheer amount of blood leaking out of Zoey's wound. "Hey…are you alright?!" Jamie calls Zoey. "No, wait, no feeling bad for the enemy!" Jamie then snaps as she slaps herself across the cheek.

"I have a strong Cursed Ability, but truthfully, I was born with a fragile body. I would have been killed by Pro Slayers long ago if Lucifer didn't create this bar and take my in," Zoey answers. "You are a strong, Pro Slayer child," Zoey grunts as she pushes herself up, clutching her bleeding wound.

"Ah, thank you so much!" Jamie replies. "Wait, no...I mean save your breath, I don't need compliments from a demon!" Jamie snaps. "I mean-" Jamie stammars, but is cut off from a chuckle by Zoey.

"Don't worry, I understand what you mean. You are a Pro Slayer and I, a demon. No matter which one of us dies tonight, we'll never see the other again," she replies.

 "Well I'll make this easy and kill you!" Jamie taunts with a fake smirk.

"Are you so sure?" Zoey asks, causing Jamie to frown.

"I…I don't know!" Jamie stammers. "But…for my friends, for me, it's…it's my duty to slay you here!" Jamie's arms then turn into rubber as her hands and wrists turn into iron. Jamie then begins swiftly spinning in a circle, using the Cursed Power Barrier to enhance her speed.

"You have fight left in you, child? I'm impressed" Zoey says.

"Stop calling me "child," I'm...a Pro Slayer. I'm Slayer Gorira!" Jamie shouts as she continues spinning. "Adaptability: Rubber-Iron Whirlwind!"

"Very Well, Slayer Gorira. I'm impressed by your tenacity," Zoey replies with a smile.

As Jamie spins, she let her arms extend outwards like rubber. By using the spin maneuver, Jamie turns her body into a powerful wrecking ball, kicking up a tornado of wind and dirt as well as smashing through the structure of Hell's Bar with an incredible force, which slams into Zoey, who doesn't even bother trying to defend herself. After Jamie stops spinning and the smoke clears, Jamie sees Zoey on the ground in a bloody heep.

 "I didn't want to kill a child...but I also wanted to protect Hell's Bar," Zoey softly says to herself.

"But it's just so you said. I'm a Pro Slayer, you're a demon. We're supposed to fight?" Jamie asks.

"I don't hate humans, Slayer Gorilla. And I can tell that you don't hate demons, either. The two of us are simply people who's races can't see eye to eye." Zoey replies. 

And then…Zoey's body goes limp.

"What a…strange demon…" Jamie whimpers to herself.