
Slayer Fūjin

Daily chapters! Luis Tramontana, your ordinary teenage boy, just wants to live a normal life. But Luis’ plans are interrupted when a demon attacks his family, and Luis is roped into becoming a professional demon slayer in order to protect the ones he loves.

Palewhale · Action
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221 Chs

Grover vs Winter

"Let the match between Winter and Slayer Midori begin!" The ref booms.

"So who do you think is going to win, Grover or Winter?" Ella asks Jamie and Austin with a small smile.

"Is that even a question?" August smirks as he does the anime glasses guy thing.

"Grover, no doubt!" Jamie cheers.

The fight between Grover and Winter starts off when Grover opens up a wormhole in front of himself, hopping inside. When Grover exits out of a second wormhole, he finds himself in the air behind Winter. "Wormhole: Green Roundhouse!" Grover shouts as he aims a Cursed Power Barrier reinforced roundhouse kick to the back of Winter's neck. Winter doesn't do anything to block, nor does she even move. Simply, instead, Winter allows Grover's Cursed Power reinforced kick to continue flying towards her, but when Grover's leg is mere centimeters away from the back of Winter's neck, Grover's leg begins freezing up. Starting from the foot down, which becomes encrusted in Winter's crystal blue ice, Winter's ice slowly begins moving up Grover's body like a plague.

"Woah there!" Grover cries as he teleports away from Winter, back to his starting position. Grover's leg then begins defrosting. "So physical attacks won't work!" Grover exclaims, his leg still somewhat numb.

Grover then reaches into his pockets, pulling out a few kunai knives and swiftly flinging them Winter's way. Just as before, Winter doesn't do anything to block, she allows Grover's Cursed Power reinforced knives to continue flying towards her, and when Grover's knives are mere centimeters away from Winter's body, they freeze up instantly, the very split second that they touch Winter's icy aura. Winter's knives then fall to the ground as frozen chunks of ice.

"Hmm…" Grover grunts as he stares down his frozen kunai knives. "Oh well! Well it seems like physical attacks or weapon attacks won't work, so let's try Cursed Power!"

Grover reaches back into his pockets, pulling out a few more kunai knives and flinging them Winter's way, which begin bubbling with Grover's bright green Cursed Power.

"A fool…" Winter softly says as she watches Grover's knives fly towards her.

After flying a few feet, the Cursed Power infused in Grover's kunai knives explodes outwards, forming wormholes all around Winter, surrounding her. Grover then brings his hands together, charging up a glowing, light green, sphere of Cursed Power. 

"Wormhole: Laser Tag Arena!" Grover shouts as he thrusts his hands forwards, firing off a laser beam of Cursed Power, which flies t into the nearest Wormhole, then exits out of another wormhole, before entering in a different wormhole, again and again, until the entire arena is filled with Grover's laser beams of Cursed Power.

Winter's eyes widen, only slightly, as she looks around, seeing herself slowly becoming trapped by Grover's Cursed Power Emissions.

"You made the mistake of relying solely on your ice aura barrier to protect you!" Grover laughs.

Winter attempts to duck and weave through Grover's Laser Tag Arena, but there are too many emissions of Cursed Power for Winter to dodge, and Winter is forced to receive a few blasts from Grover's Taser Tag Arena, until Grover ends his attack.

"Alright, a ranged battle it is!" Grover exclaims as he charges up another sphere of Cursed Power in between his two hands, before thrusting them forwards towards Winter, sending another light green Cursed Power Emission her way. "Your ice can't freeze my Cursed Power!" Grover confidently exclaims.

And yes, while Winter isn't able to freeze Grover's Cursed Power, she is able to freeze the air around her. And so, with a dramatic swipe upwards (with a hand bubbling with icy Cursed Power), Winter freezes the air above her, forming a wall of ice between her and Grover, shielding Winter from Grover's attack, which isn't able to pierce through Winter's ice wall.

"Cryokinesis: Frostbite."

"Don't worry, I've got ways around that!" Grover exclaims as he flings two kunai knives bubbling with bright green Cursed Power Winter's way. One kunai knife explodes, opening up a spiraling green wormhole, which the second flies inside of, exiting out of a second wormhole and exploding into a new wormhole behind Winter.

Grover then brings his hands together, charging up just one more Cursed Power Emission.

"Wormhole: Mini Laser Arena!" Grover shouts as he thrusts his hands forwards, sending his emission of Cursed Power flying into the first Wormhole, which exits, flying into the second wormhole, and then the third, which is behind Winter. Thus, Grover's light green emission of Cursed Power streaks through the air towards Winter, aimed right to her back. "Smite her!" Grover laughs.

Slowly, Winter turns around to face Grover's Cursed Power emission. With an upwards swipe of her hand, Winter says: "Cryokinesis: Crystal Turrets," and Winter's wall of ice begins to crack and deconstruct, molding itself into the form of two turrets made out of jagged, blue icicles.

Winter's Crystal Turrets then begin to fire, firing volleys of sharp icicle projectiles towards Grover's Cursed Power Emission, the two attacks canceling one another out.

The two attacks struggle against one another for dominance for a brief moment, but eventually, Winter's Crystal Turret gunfire overpowers Grover's Mini Laser Arena, pushing it back and eventually, knocking it away. Fortunately for Grover, Winter is facing away from him, so her icicles can't hit him.

Or so he thought.

The gunfire of Winter's Crystal Turrets slows, before spitting up another wave of icicle projectiles, this time, aimed towards Grover. As jagged chunks of ice, there's no real direction that Winter's Crystal Turrets are facing, so they can focus their gunfire wherever Winter pleases.

"Oh shoot!" Grover yelps as he hops out of the way of Winter's Crystal Turrets' gunfire. But no matter where Grover runs, the icicles follow, able to shoot Grover down from any point in the arena. Grover is pierced by a few of Winter's jagged icicles.

"This oughta' do it!" Grover says to himself as he teleports behind Winter. With their target now obstructed by their master, Winter's Crystal Turrets' gunfire halts.

Grover aims another Cursed Power Barrier reinforced kick Winter's way, but just as before, it's futile. When Grover's kick gets close enough to Winter, it freezes, so swiftly as to such a degree that Grover is forced to teleport away from Winter.

"Weapon attacks don't work, physical attacks certainly don't work, and even ranged attacks Winter can counter…" Grover says to himself, in the midst of thinking of a newfound strategy. "Well let's see what happens when I turn my entire body into Cursed Power!"

Grover then opens up dozens of wormholes around himself, so many so that Grover feels his body being ripped apart and dragged into multiple wormholes at once, as a searing pain courses through Grover's entire body.

Winter watches with an intense interest.

After a few seconds, the pain stops, and when Grover looks down at himself, he sees miniature wormholes covering his entire body, like Grover himself has become one big human-shaped wormhole.

"PORTAL-MAN!" Grover shouts as brings his fists up.

Grover then punches outwards, but rather than punching the air in front of him, Grover's arms disappear, before teleporting directly in front of Winter, punching her in the gut.

Winter's eyes widen as she doubles-over, not used to her icy-aura barrier not being able to protect her from all attacks.

"Wormhole: Eight-Bit Zoom-Punch!"

Grover then teleports into the air behind Winter, preparing a roundhouse kick. As Grover kicks out, he teleports his leg dozens of feet into the air, before emitting a strand of Cursed Power from his thigh, connecting his segregated leg from the rest of his body.

Winter stares up in horror at Grover's giant attack.


Grover then slams his scythe kick down onto Winter, in an explosion of bright green Cursed Power. When the explosion subsides, Grover can see Winter crouched down with her arms up to block, reinforced with her ice-blue Cursed Power and a protective barrier of ice on the outside, struggling against Grover's kick, which is slowly pushing her back.

"Cryokinesis: Silver Grip," Grover hears Winter softly whisper, and slowly, starting from the point where his Cursed Power leg is kicking Winter, crystal blue ice begins to spread up and down Grover's leg, creeping up to the rest of his body.

"Woah!" Grover yelps before teleporting away from Winter, back to his starting position. "She can even freeze my Cursed Power?!"

"My ice…shall freeze all…" Winter shudders.

Grover notices that the ice is still creeping up and down his right leg, and in order to prevent the ice from spreading to the rest of his body, Grover teleport's his right leg "off" of his waist, segregating it and halting the ice from spreading any further.

"Well this feels a little awkward…" the one-legged Grover mutters as he hops up and down on one foot.

This time, the normally timid Winter goes on the offensive. Winter touches her hand to the ground, and as Winter utters out: "Cryokinesis: Frozen Ocean…" a flood of ice spreads out, starting from where Winter's palm makes contact with the floor, and covering the entire arena in ice.

"Woah woah woah!" Grover cries as he desperately flails his arms about, attempting to keep balance with his one foot, but fails, and slips on Winter's ice, falling to the ground on his butt. "Ow…" Grover groans as he rubs his sore rear end.

Winter then swiftly slides across the ice towards Grover, with skills surpassing even Olympic skiers.

Winter slides towards Grover, and Grover teleports out of the way to dodge, only to slip on the ice again a few feet away from Winter.

Winter slides towards Grover again, this time, able to land an assault of Cursed Power Barrier infused punches across Grover's body as she passes by him. Grover feels his body turn cold and numb from where Winter hit him, like Nick's paralyzing Cursed Power.

Slowly, ice begins to spread all across Grover's body again, starting from where Winter punched him. "Crap, how do I teleport segments of my chest away?!" Grover cries. "I'd tear out my heart, that'd be suicide!"

But with Winter sliding towards him again, Grover is forced to act.

"Alright…here goes nothing!" Grover shouts as he teleports the parts of his body that Winter's ice spread across away. At first, Grover is fine, but then…Grover collapses to the ground in pain and spits up blood, his body truly being torn apart by wormholes.

Winter then slides towards Grover one more time, and as she does so, Winter says: "Cryokinesis: Glass Blade," freezing her arm as well as the air around it with her icy Cursed Power, and forming a long, curved blade of ice extending from her arm.

And so, as Winter slides past Grover, she slashes him with her ice blade. Grover -who isn't able to teleport away due to the pain of his body being torn apart- collapses to the ground as a rush of blood explodes form his chest.
