

Madeline, a seventeen years old girl who lived happily with her family in a secluded part of decresh kingdom. Until that night that unfortunate night that changed her entire life as vampires had attacked their kingdom, that night she lost her father, she and sister were enslaved, her mother became a cook to those evil night creatures, and her brother was forced to become a servant boy. And the worst part of the entire situation was that Madeline and her sister Kathrine were not just slaves to anyone but slaves to cruelest vampire ever known in the world of vampires, The Vampire Lord. After becoming a slave to the vampire Lord her entire life turned upside down as the Lord's favorite 'mistress' made life difficult for Madeline as she was jealous of Madeline beauty and felt she was a threat to her position and decided to eliminate Madeline before she regrets it later. Oops that wasn't the worst part at all as Madeline later found out that she was not just the Lord's slave but his mate!, his mate! I mean she was human how could she become a mate to the strongest Vampire Lord ever known. I mean in a world where the stronger your mate the stronger you become as your mate was the key to your inner strength and she a weak human actually became the mate to the strongest Vampire Lord that ever lived. Does that mean the Lord would never unlock his strength? How could the Lord accept this?. How could Madeline accept this?. How Madeline's jealous sister and the Lord's favorite 'Mistress' accept such a thing?.

Reuben_Nengiyefa · History
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14 Chs


"Ahhhh" they were ear shattering screams everywhere as people tried to escape from the clutches of those nights creatures that had attacked their kingdom.

While inside a small house a family of five were urgently packing some necessary things like clothes to escape the chaotic place like decresh kingdom as their house was still far from where the vampires main focus was on.

"Kathrine are you done packing" a middle aged woman said as she walked inside the room in hurried steps "yes mother I will soon be through, only a few things are left" said the young girl of 15 years said as she put a hair brush into a bag

"Good, we are still on track" said the middle aged woman as she walked further into the room. After helping Katie pack her remaining things the woman asked "Katie where is your sister Madeline". No one noticed the subtle change in the expression of Kathrine as she thought

"I'm right in front of you but all you can think about is Madeline! Madeline!! Madeline!!!, why can't you ever forget about that my stupid sister" she screamed in her mer mind as squeezed the bag she was holding until it nearly tore.

"Kate..., what are you thinking about? I'm taking to you" Mrs Alfred (Katie mother) asked in a confused voice as to what her daughter could be thinking about that she completely ignored her like she was invisible. "ohh, mother she is in Joseph room helping him pack. his things" Katie said almost through gritted. teeth as she burned with jealousy.

"Ok let me go check on them" she said as she was about to leave the room when a loud sound was heard coming from the living room they both rushed to the living room to check where the sound was coming from.

"No...." Mrs Alfred screamed.


No..."Mrs Alfred screamed as she watched a female vampire sink her fangs into her husband neck as she drank every drop of blood in his body before leaving him as he colapsed on the floor looking extremely pale. This was the exact scene Madeline, Kathrine (Madeline sister), Joseph (Madeline brother) and her mother met with which left them in a state of shock.

"You killed my father!!" Joseph

screamed, after he came to his senses as he rushed towards the female vampire who killed his father. Before anyone could stop him he had already attacked the vampire who had killed his father with all virtuousness but was immediately thrown to the other end of the room by the only female vampire in the room.

Madeline was shocked by the strength of the female Vampire who looked only a year or two years older than her throw brother across the room like he was nothing but air, but she didn't have the time to waste thinking about that as she immediately rushed to her brother side.

"Are you ok?" she asked in a worried voice as eyes scanned through his body for any physical injuries but thankfully they were only a few scratches on his body.

"How could he be ok after crashing into the wall so heavily" said Mrs Alfred as hot tears seeped through her "I'm fine mother, why are you so worried can't you see they are only a few scratches on my body, so don't worry to much" Joseph said "shut up,, how can be fine aft..." her words trailed as she was interrupted by a male vampire

"Sorry to interrupt, but I think it's time for all of you to die as you seem to love that old man a lot so why don't you join in heaven" the male vampire said as he showed them his fangs something most vampires do attacking.

"Stop joking around Kai and bring them to the carriage where the other slaves has been kept" said another male vampire said with his eyes having a darker shade of red and who in the whole decresh didn't know that the redder their eyes the stronger they are, which meant he was the strongest among them and seems to be the leader

"Including this woman, don't you think she is too old to become a slave, why don't I just drink her blood instead" said the vampire which name seems to be Kai.

"I won't repeat myself Kai, you know what to do" the leader of the vampire said as he turned around and left.

Hi everyone I am really grateful to you all for downloading my book.

And please you should know this is my first time writing a book so please pardon my mistake and please support my book, support this growing star. You might not like the first few chapters but please don't give up on the book and keep reading.

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