
Slave to The God's World

Alex has been transported to a new world to do Gods bidding. He is forced into doing missions that can get him killed easily. His main objective is to be free from the Gods who are making him suffer on this terrible planet.

Meister748 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 7 - First Blood in A New World

Alex meets people introduced by The Madame. She introduces him as her guest for a few weeks. She told people that he is a survivor of a beast attack. All of them sympathise with him. Everyone kept talking about the princess visiting in two weeks. The planning and preparation to be done. This gave him a vague idea about where the princess will be and security. He needs to find more. So he goes around and listens to people. He talks with a few people who try to offer him some volunteer work but then they remember, he is with The Madame. But now he has enough information if he wants to kidnap the princess. He is not so sure about this move, but there are not many other ways he knows. Kidnapping her would be a sure fire way to getting the mission done quickly.

An orchestra starts their music suddenly and all the people clear the centre. The Madame approaches him and takes him to the centre for a dance. He obliges with it. He has learned ballet and ballroom dancing in his previous life. The dance is similar to a ballroom dance. She whispers, "Where did you learn to dance?"

He replies, "I am a natural at everything I do."

She lets out a small laugh. He finds it very cute but doesn't say anything and just smiles back at her. Some people start approaching her for a dance. They were people with great influence in the kingdom and she had to dance with them. He takes her hand and brings it close to his face. He then plants a little kiss on her hand. He leaves her to the other party. He goes to a quiet balcony when everyone is busy dancing.

He sees the clear skies and stars. The stars and moon were shining. To watch such a clear sky was a dream in his previous life. He enjoys watching it. It gives him peace. Just watching the stars is a very pleasant activity. The Goddess voices seeps into his mind "You fucker, I am sending a man's detail. Go and kill him. Kind of like your practice test."

He freaks out and jumps a little. He then remembers her deal. The details were provided in a transparent 3D screen in front of him. It has all the details about the person and his crimes and his location. He slips out of the party. The location is close to where he is. His clothes are a darker shade, so it is easy to move in the dark. He goes to the destination provided by The Goddess. It has been a long time since his last kill. So, he didn't decline this small mission. He wants to fill up on his thirst for blood.

He doesn't know the system of this kingdom and the world. But there is no doubt that no one is going to investigate this third rate criminal. He reaches the destination and it is a set of destroyed 2 story buildings. It is surprising to see this in the nobles' territory. He thinks maybe it's a reconstruction area. He approaches the area quietly. He listens to some kind of rustle. He moves to that place. There he finds the target. It looks like the target is waiting for someone. So he waits a few minutes to assess the situation before moving onto him.

After 10 minutes, A fat man approaches the target with a suitcase. He sees the fat man hand over the suitcase to the target and walk away after saying a few words. When the fat man is out of sight, the target opens the suitcase in a hurry.

Alex sees the opportunity and takes out a string of cloth from his pockets. He approaches the target from behind and wraps the cloth around his neck and pulls him to the ground. He goes for the punch and is thrown away from a blast. He forgot this is a magical world. He stables himself. He sees him gasping for air and removing the cloth from his neck. He creates a small fireball quickly and throws at his clothes. He jumps on the target as he is extinguishing the flame on him. He puts his knees on his neck and creates a stream of water on his mouth. Making him choke. He sees the eyes pop out full of questions. Who is it? And why is it happening?

Alex looks into his eyes and says, "You've killed people."

He inserts his thumbs on both of his eyes. Making him blind. He gets up from the body and sees it making futile motions. He picks up a big rock and stops the meaningless struggle.

He cleans his hands with a water spell. He goes over to the suitcase. He opens it and finds information on the princess. This man was planning to kidnap or kill the princess. He reads the information and he finds out that it is as he had heard in the ballroom. It all matched. He picks up the suitcase and walks back to the party destination. His attire is in very bad shape by getting hit in the stomach by the attack. He hadn't realised during the fight but his stomach area is hurting.

The Madame enters the carriage to find a tired Alex.

She says, "What happened to you?"

He says, "Late night exercise. During that I stumbled upon something. Check that suitcase."

She is shocked to see such a find. She asks, "where did you find it?"

He replies, "In the abandoned buildings nearby. You might want to do a little clean-up."

She says, "You go and take a rest. I'll inform my healers to check up on you. My night just got longer. Let's talk later."

She walks out of the carriage. He gets back to the hotel and goes to his room. While changing, he sees the area he got hit has gotten real bad. It had turned black. He goes to his bed and waits for the healers. The healers show up, he wants to see the process. But as soon as they start. He sees a light from their hand. He is so tired that he fell asleep during the process.

He wakes up feeling refreshed. He sees that the injury is completely gone and he is not at all fatigued from last day's fight. He compliments the healers. He thinks that he needs to find more information about the healing ability. It has many uses. There might be healing potions in this world as well. Those might also help a lot in this world.

He goes down for breakfast and explores the city for potions. He buys a cheap dagger for any unfortunate incidents from a road stall. He gets his lunch from a street vendor where the food was not as tasty. So he goes to the first crowded restaurant he sees. He eats his fill. The sun sets and the exploring of city streets ends. He goes back to his room. The dinner is brought to his room. He finishes it quickly and practises some magic before going to bed.

The Madame invades his room in the morning. She gets him to change quickly and follow him for a breakfast at the noble who manages this city.

He enters a palace bigger than the palace used for the party. He enters and sits on the table for breakfast. He follows The Madame's queue. He acts with proper etiquette. He is interrogated by the Earl of the territory while eating breakfast. He makes up lies and answers the Earl questions about that night in a non stuttering tone. He mixes up the lies and truths. He doesn't talk about The Fat Man.

Earls says, "Do you belong to any Guilds?"

He says, "No. I am in the process of joining one."

Earl says, "You killed a man without having any authority in this city or having any affiliation with a guild."

The Madame interrupts, "I will take care of it."

The Earl nods and leaves the room.

She says, "Let's go back, we have a lot to discuss and do."

They go together to a Warriors Guild to get a licence.

She says, "I know someone in there. You can go get a licence. Just tell them I sent you. You can get affiliated with other guilds later. This licence will make all the fiasco go away easily. Let's meet in your room later."

He says, "Thank you very much for doing everything for me. See you."

He leaves the carriage and enters the guild building. It has a lot of people in it. He mentions The Madame's and gets a VIP treat. He fills up some forms regarding his life. He gives the required test in which he passes with passing marks. He scores below average on the power test. Realises that there are a lot of stronger people than him in this world. They are very strong. His process is very fast. He gets a D grade stamp on his card. He leaves the premises with the card. All necessary fees were waived off because of The Madame.

He is a little disappointed with his rank. He knows that he won't be able to survive this cruel world if he stays the same. He runs to the library to get more knowledgeable about magic.

He starts by revising the basic knowledge of magic and then proceeds with the intermediate level. He understands the nature of mana and magic control. He learns about combat magic, it's a basic knowledge of using magic during a fight. He also tries to learn body strengthening with the help of mana. He learns a few exercises according to that. But there aren't any helpful guides he could find.

He asks around for some suitable guides with detailed and definitive explanations to make a strong body. He finds out that many guilds and noble houses have their own guides for their own public. He is now part of a guild, so he can get the guides later. He thinks there might be some trainers at the guild as well.

He had heard that there is a Sorcerer Guild as well. He can join that later and then he can learn more about magic as well. Because in the library, the intermediate guide has not defined the systematic way of magic properly. He could piece the information together, but it had flaws. Probably the guilds guide will be more informative. And being able to do high level spells will help him in difficult situations. He thinks that The Madame might help him in finding some teacher for magic.