
Slave to The God's World

Alex has been transported to a new world to do Gods bidding. He is forced into doing missions that can get him killed easily. His main objective is to be free from the Gods who are making him suffer on this terrible planet.

Meister748 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 2 - Is this Death?

Alex wakes up in the darkness. He can't see anything or hear anything or feel anything. It is like, he is a soul lost in the void. He couldn't even scream or cry or move. He thought to himself "Is this death?"

He kept count to keep track of time. He didn't know what else to do in this situation. He waited for someone to say something, anything. He thought to himself "Is this it, Is this how everything ends." He kept the count on to maintain his sanity.

"Hello, you piece of shit!" a voice emerged.

In relief he says, "Who is it?"

Suddenly he was blinded by light. He couldn't perceive the brightness. He adjusted after a few seconds and then he saw in front of him a huge god-like woman. She just felt like a goddess. He was awe-struck. He couldn't say anything except think.

She moved a little and a platform appeared. A big throne seemed to be made of ivory, presented itself out of thin air and slid toward the Goddess. She sat down and said "What does death feel like?"

He knows she is a higher being and asks, "I asked a question first. Who are you?"

She sighs "Back then you were relieved and now you question my integrity."

"Why am I here?"

"Stop asking these stupid questions. I can see all your thoughts. A naked soul bears it all. And yes I am a higher being and yes you are here because you died obviously."

he is still literally floating as a soul with no body. He questioned everything he had thought about after life. He just imagined nothingness. But there is so much more. He didn't want to accept this but he couldn't deny it. He stopped thinking and looked at the woman sitting on an ivory throne. His mind just went blank and which made her very irritated. The Goddess flicked her hand toward him. Everything went blank for Alex.

He woke up in a second and found himself on the platform on his back. He is in his own body. He struggled to stand. He felt like he was in someone else's body. He spoke after standing and looking at his hand "This is uncomfortable."

She nonchalantly expressed herself "I was grossed out by your soul. It's better when it's covered by a lid."

He regained his posture, spoke "Can we get to the point? What is the procedure here? Where do I go now?"

"Oh! You are in a hurry to go over to hell."

He grunted.

She sighed, with a snap of her finger a long list of paper floated in front of her. "You have a lot of sins."

Alex smiled, "Isn't it all for the betterment of the world. Are you sure those are sins and not holy testaments?"

The Goddess looked angrily at Alex. She threw an electric bolt at him. He flew backward and cried in anguish. She now felt relieved and smiled.

"Isn't that what your people do when someone has gravely sinned. Death by electric shock!" She exclaimed her reasoning rather passionately.

He is shaking. He regained his strength slowly. He limped toward his original position.

She says, "Don't worry. I can give you the feeling of dying a thousand times."

"Are you here to provide a fitting punishment for my sins?" He spoke in a rather loud manner.

The Goddess questioned "What do you think is a fitting punishment for a Serial Killer of your stature?"

Death is nothingness until it happens to you.

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