
Slave to The God's World

Alex has been transported to a new world to do Gods bidding. He is forced into doing missions that can get him killed easily. His main objective is to be free from the Gods who are making him suffer on this terrible planet.

Meister748 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 11 - Visiting The Capital

The Madame asks Alex in the carriage, "What did you talk about with the princess while dancing?"

He says, "You said she was staring at me yesterday, I noticed today. That's why I asked for a dance and then confirmed why she was looking at me."

She asks, "Why was she looking at you?"

He says, "Ofcourse, Because I am so handsome."

She says, "If you don't want to say it. Just don't."

He says, "It was nothing much. You will find out later."

She leaves it at that and both go their own place. The days pass on quickly and it's the last day of the princess in the city. A letter had arrived from the capital to bring the princess back home and not visit any other places. She left in the morning for the capital. Alex has also made all the preparations to leave for the capital. He could have gone with the princesses party but he declined because he had few ongoing missions in the city. After finishing the missions in a few days he readied himself to go to the capital. Before leaving he went to meet the Madame to bid his farewell.

He went to the establishment and was guided to his room where he resided on his previous stay. He found her sitting on the chair waiting for him. She says as he is sitting on the opposite chair of her, "You are going for the capital today."

He says, "That's right, I've stayed long enough. I need to go out to fulfil my purpose."

She asks, "And what is that purpose?"

He says, "Ok I will reveal it. Once you hear the news, then maybe you can join me. I am going to the Wild Kingdom."

She says immediately, "You'll die! You want me to join you in death?"

He says nonchalantly, "I will try not to die. But there is work to be done in that kingdom. And I need to do it even if it means death. If I am successful, not only you but everyone will hear about what I have accomplished."

She says, "You are talking like a crazy person. How long are you staying in the capital for? I have a few acquaintances, I can inform them."

He says, "That's a very good gesture but I am only stopping for a few days. I would be in and out."

She says, "Alright, suit yourself. I bid you a happy and safe journey. You are too weak to survive the Wild Kingdom."

He says, "I know but I have no choice."

He leaves quickly after. She worries over him. She wonders if she got attached to him in the span of these days. She shrugs it off and continues with her work. He leaves the city and catches the ride going to the capital. It's an eight day ride to the capital. The long trip that he is not prepared for is going to be a tough one for him. He has gone camping in his previous life but it was provided with a lot of stuff because of the blessing of technology. He hopes the trip goes safe and no uncertainty comes up.

Two days into the journey. He receives the voice of the goddess and he gets creeped out by it. Before he could say anything, the goddess says, "Last village on the outskirts of the capital, I need you to kill a man. I'll send the details."

The voice disappears before he could reply or ask any more questions. He tries to speak but there are no more responses from the voice. He gets the target's details, he tries to wait until they reach that village to separate from his ride. After reaching the village, it was night time and they decided to spend the night rather than go to the city at night. It worked in his favour. He decides to get his target tonight and join the group going to the capital tomorrow again.

He has the location of the target at a tavern. So he also goes there to get a look. If there is a chance today to kill him or not. He gets a drink at the bar and observes the target who is present with a few more people at his tables. After a while the target leaves the tavern and goes alone. He is too drunk to walk straight or notice someone following him. He falls down to the ground mid-way in an empty road. Alex goes to help him up and asks for his house to drop him off. He accepts his good deeds, knowing not what he intends to do.

He drops him at his house and then walks out of the house. HE assess the situation around him. The neighbourhood is very quiet. So he takes out a rope and re-enters the house. He strangles him in his sleep and makes it look like a suicide. He does it so skillfully. It looks like a craft that has been honed for decades. This guy has committed some very serious crimes which the goddess has sent him. And he also confirmed those crimes by listening to him having a conversation with his friends at the tavern. He wanted to kill his friends as well but he doesn't have that much power right now. He exits the house and goes on his way.

Last kill ordered by the goddess was related to the princess. So he wondered why she ordered this kill. He thinks not much of it and goes to sleep. In the morning the news of suicide is spread. Apparently one of his friends came to his house late at night and found him hanging. He was a criminal, so no one protested for him to find the culprit. He had no family. But his sworn brothers believed him not to be a guy to suicide and sworn to kill whoever did it if they find him. But Alex has done such a splendid job that no one can tell. It was determined suicide.

After he went his way to the capital and got the entry. The capital has a very big castle where the king resides and there is a lot more construction for his subjects to live in. The castle is surrounded by various small buildings that work both as living quarters of the soldier. And defence against the enemy. It is created beautifully not only by checking the military aspects of it. The beauty and defence, anyone can observe both balanced here.

The streets are filled with vendors and there are high end stores as well. The high end stores are two stories tall and are selling specialised products. He wanders in and finds the merchant guild which has the tallest and widest structure compared to the other stores and guild. They have all the different types of merchants selling their products in the guild. The one stop to your every need. He has earned a little money and has to buy stuff for his next step. So his first stop is the merchant guild, he enters.

The guild has a big hall with small stalls present at the entrance. They are trying hard to sell and show their products. They are probably the new merchants showing off their products. He skips them and enters the first floor where there are weapons all over the area. There are all kinds of weapons present. He is most familiar with the dagger for now. It gives him a good chance to assassinate the targets. He looks for a twin dagger to replace his old one. He finds one after looking around. He buys the dagger but is not too happy with it. He bought whatever he could with exchanging his old dagger and only spending enough money to save for other necessities for later. He goes to the other area of the guild and buys other necessities needed for the next trip.

He had only few gold coins to his name now. He had spent most of it today in the guild. He thinks of selling his modern world's inventions here which would earn him a lot of money. But the trip to Wild Kingdom and his future are unsure. He decides not to think of earning money right now. His only focus now is to get the princess and leave the capital. He decides to find a tavern to eat tonight and rest at an inn later.

In the morning he leaves for the castle to meet the princess. There is no other way of invading the castle. So he tries to be straight forward and visits the castle. He is a little nervous that he might be denied entry. No one at the gate might believe in him and he won't get the chance to enter the castle. If this fails he had made plans to invade the highly secured castle with a lot of needed planning. He just didn't want to waste time on making plans and get the days wasted.

He reached the outermost gate into the castle. He went toward the steps where he stopped when one of the guards asked, "State your business?"

He spoke with firmness in his tone, "I am a humble traveller and I've come to meet with the princess. She had given me her word that she would let me visit the royal library. I have come to receive that promise."

The guards discuss among themselves and then one of the guards asks him to follow. Even if they don't believe in him, he is no threat. They take him to a resting room. He sits and waits for the next instructions. The guard that brought him tells him to stay and someone else will receive him later. He can't escape the room even if it seems like he is alone. The guards outside have a keen eye on this room and his behaviour. After half an hour, someone comes to receive him. His face was familiar, he recognised him as one of the Princess knights. And the knight also recognises him, the knight says, "You are Alex?"

He replies, "Yes, Sir Knight. I've come to meet the princess."

Knight says, "I've heard the situation. Can you please wait for a little more while. So I can receive instructions from the princess about this matter."

He says, "Has the princess not notified of this matter to you guys. I will wait only long enough, I don't have all day. If not today, I'll come tomorrow."

The knight was angry at his tone but didn't say anything as he might be an important guest of the princess. He has seen him dance with the princess closely and talking. He leaves him and goes straight to the princess. He tells all the details about the visitor. The princess is shocked because she never thought he would come so directly. He tells the knight to bring Alex to her personal gazebo. The knight obeys her command and brings him to the gazebo.

Alex walks slowly toward the gazebo, he bows and greets the princess. Then joins her on the table. She asks, "I never thought you would come like this. What's the plan?"

He says, "Show me to the library. We have a few days before escaping."

She says, "Why did you make the reason for the library? It will be very hard."

He says, "I know it's a royal library but I thought there might be a section for outer people to access, right?"

She says, "But why do you want to go to the library? Let's just run away."

He says, "Why are you in such a hurry?"

She takes a deep breath and says, "My fiance is coming to visit me tomorrow."

He says, "But he will leave right?"

She says, "Yes. After a week. But they will investigate you if they find someone close to me. Who I've promised to give access to the royal library."

He says, "No problem. They can investigate me. But we might have to make some new plans because of the new appearance of your fiance. He might get in our way."

She says, "That's not all it is. To get access to the royal library we will have to get permission from the king. We both have to go."

Alex gets nervous about meeting the king. The strongest being in this kingdom and he is planning to run away with his daughter. To the most dangerous part of this continent. He thinks of all of the possible ways he can die or get caught in his own web of lies. He tries to calm himself down but there are too many scenarios to think of.