
Slave to the Demon Lord

“This emblem on your shoulder is a sign that wherever you go, even to the ends of the six realms - I shall always find you”. __________ Vanessa Hawkins and her little sister were both used as collateral by their father to borrow money. After his sudden disappearance, she’s forced to move into the Randall house to pay off her debt. Unknown to her that the debt couldn’t be easily paid as she’d been sold off by her father because of the blood running through her veins. On reaching the Randall house, she discovers the place to be an empty castle with no one but the strange butler who informs her of the new owner of the house, Dante Vladwick, who appears and disappears as he pleases. The castle seems somewhat haunted and she longs to see the face of her master who constantly wears a mask. But when she’s caught overhearing his otherworldly conversation with the butler, Vanessa finds out she can never return to the normal life of a human. Instead, she’s stuck traveling to dangerous realms as his little slave while trying to uncover the mysteries of her bloodline. —-Cover disclaimer—-

Veedolly · Fantasy
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73 Chs

You’ve Changed

She shook her head before dragging him into the dining room. "Prince Ro, It's not your fault. And I beg of you not to challenge lord Dante".

"Prince?", he cocked a disappointed brow. "And you're calling Dante 'Lord'?", a deep frown formed on his lips as his eyes moved down her. "That bastard! He didn't touch you, did he?!", he gripped her shoulder defensively.

"No... you're hurting me".

He slowly let go of her, "I'm sorry".

She nodded with a light smile, he cared about the feelings of others. Unlike his brothers!

That was one thing she liked about him. "I was worried though, I thought Prince Loki killed you".

He slapped the side of his head with an ironic smile. "I thought I died too, but Ishtar picked me up right away".

"Do you want to sit down?", her head tilted towards the seats.

"Okay, I have a lot of questions". They both moved to sit down. "Why did Dante save you, Diane?"

Vanessa gulped. She was going to tell him the truth, aside from the fact that she was a human. And no matter how nice he was, he was still a demon.

"My name is Vanessa and I was originally Lord Dante's slave". They sat next to one another. "I regained my memories".

He could tell she wasn't lying. "What type of slave...?", he'd hoped Dante wasn't using her for pleasure.

"What? I just do the cleaning!".

"Ohh", he rolled his eyes. It was an odd question and would probably be uncomfortable for her to talk about. "Do you have any family?".

Those words made her eyes sparkle. "Yeah! I have a little sister and my mum-", her excitement suddenly faded to the reality of the matter. "She's sick though".

"Where does she live? We have good doctors here".

"Far far away....", she wanted to change the topic. "What about you?".

His head tilted in confusion. Everyone knew about the royal family's composition. "Don't you already know?".

"Ohh... umm...", she slapped her forehead. "I just don't have what to ask, sorry".

He waved it off. "Well, I was young when Dante got sent away. So I can't say I have many memories of us... Unlike Loki"

"Do you miss him?", the question had come out suddenly.

He shook his head. "Do you want to come over to my castle? Maid one and two were worried about you".

Normally, if a master was defeated... They'd lose the seal on all their servants. So why did they both stay back?

"They're still with you?"

He nodded with pride. "I raised them and Finmore is like a father to me. There's no way they won't come back.".

"That was a stupid question. Unlike some people, you treat people well...". There was sadness in her tone and Ro noticed it.

A frown formed on his lips as he placed his palm on top of hers. "Is Dante maltreating you? If he is, I swear I'll-".

"Nuh uh", she shook her head. "I-".

"And what if I am?", Dante slowly walked through the door with a smug look on his face, wiping his wet hair with a shorter towel.

Ro abruptly got up.

Vanessa did the same, stopping him by the wrist.

Dante's eyes narrowed at both of them. "Might I remind you that she's my slave, so I can do whatever I please with her", He pointed. "Come here, woman".

Vanessa didn't want Ro to get in trouble with his brother, and neither did she want to disobey when her body had begun to move on its own. One step, two, three... Before she found herself standing right next to Dante.

"What?", her eyes moved up to his face. He didn't seem to care about wearing a mask anymore. Her cheeks flushed up in embarrassment, it should be a crime to look so good.

Ro's fists tightened beside him while watching Dante wrap an arm around her waist. "I hope you understand? She's not leaving this castle anytime soon".


"You may leave now". It was more like an order than a suggestion.

Ro understood that and took his leave. Even when he turned around, Vanessa didn't look his way. All she did was bite her lip in regret.

Maybe it was better to cut ties altogether to protect him from Dante?

It was after the front doors shut themselves that Dante left her.

"What was that for?", for some reason, she wanted to leave a slap imprint on his face.

"He was getting too cocky", his index finger raised her chin to his face. "Kindness doesn't get you that far. Power is everything".

At those words, he left for his bedroom.

"I'd rather be powerless than lonely for all eternity".

Those words were provoking, but he didn't turn to face her. "I won't argue with a mere slave", a mocking grin formed on his lips as he left the scene.

"I... hate you". A tear drop rolled down her cheeks. She somehow wished there was some work to indulge all her time and energy in so she wouldn't feel so empty all the time.

Dante could be nice one moment and then completely terrible the next. She couldn't blame him though.

He 'was' a demon.

That night, she decided to sleep on the floor. Although it was cold.

She'd come to realize she wasn't just a slave, she was also a lonely one.

"What are you doing? You'll catch a cold". Both hands were behind his head as he looked up to the ceiling through the darkness.

There was an urge to ignore him. "I won't, I've never been ill".

He didn't say anymore. Although he knew humans were fragile creatures who frequently succumbed to sickness.

For the next twenty minutes, his mind had been on the situation of the palace. There was going to be an annual summons the next month held in the main palace and all the rulers who dwelt in the demon continent would be in attendance.

If there wasn't an elected ruler by then, other powerful bodies would try to take control of the throne. Which would delay the search for the labradorite stone even more.

"Do you really hate me?", his voice was light while recalling her words from earlier.

Vanessa was silent for a moment before replying. "I don't know.... Why would you care?". The floor was freezing, but she'd be damned to climb onto the bed now.

"You've changed".

"So have you".

Although neither of them could understand how they'd changed. Vanessa had become able to express herself more freely now.

While Dante had become more strict.

"I don't like it!", they both whispered in unison before an unsettling silence fell upon the room.

Sleep found Vanessa and the next morning, the sound of the breakfast bell woke her. Surprisingly, she was wrapped beneath a warm duvet and above the soft mattress.

She sat up in haste to catch a glance of the door being shut and a slight smile formed on her lips. No matter how cold he acted, he still had a soft side.

"Thank you".

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