
Slave to the Demon Lord

“This emblem on your shoulder is a sign that wherever you go, even to the ends of the six realms - I shall always find you”. __________ Vanessa Hawkins and her little sister were both used as collateral by their father to borrow money. After his sudden disappearance, she’s forced to move into the Randall house to pay off her debt. Unknown to her that the debt couldn’t be easily paid as she’d been sold off by her father because of the blood running through her veins. On reaching the Randall house, she discovers the place to be an empty castle with no one but the strange butler who informs her of the new owner of the house, Dante Vladwick, who appears and disappears as he pleases. The castle seems somewhat haunted and she longs to see the face of her master who constantly wears a mask. But when she’s caught overhearing his otherworldly conversation with the butler, Vanessa finds out she can never return to the normal life of a human. Instead, she’s stuck traveling to dangerous realms as his little slave while trying to uncover the mysteries of her bloodline. —-Cover disclaimer—-

Veedolly · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
73 Chs

Rules of the House

14th August, X786


Vanessa wiped off the last few drops of tears from her left cheek. They could all hear the sound of the horses and carriage outside, waiting.....

Vanessa's mother, Jenneth sat upright in her bed holding back tears for her daughter. It was very hard not to cry at such a depressing moment. She'd lost her husband a few months ago, now...it was her daughter's turn.

The universe seemed to want to take everything from even a sickly old woman who had nothing but her family!

This was going to be goodbye for both of them...

It had been three months since the disappearance of her father. He'd gone out one day and never came back from work...

After asking around a bit, his workmates said he'd never even shown up for work that day. Vanessa loved her father, he'd even borrowed money from the Randall house just to fully pay for the treatment of her mother.

Jenneth Hawkins, was a feeble young woman who was in her early forties. Since she'd gotten married, her anemia had started to become even more prominent. The doctors said she was very lucky to have made it to forty but she wasn't going to live for many more years.

She's already lost the ability to walk on two feet.

This was very heartbreaking to Vanessa, as the operation they'd planned to do had ended up as a large failure, but the money was still lost as it was pre-paid.

Her father, Caleb Hawkins was a carpenter by profession, and they didn't have much money as their mother could never really work. In fact, for as long as Vanessa could remember, her mother had been bedridden.

Although she'd often tell them stories when they were young and just like her father, she'd been quite educated. It was too bad sickness had spoiled both her future and her beauty. She was now very skinny and looked about a decade older than her age.

Vanessa on the other hand was a vibrant young lady. She might have come from a poor family, but it didn't affect her soft feminine features. She always tied her long blonde hair in a ponytail, her eyes were a brilliant shade of blue which complimented her delicate small lips.

She'd be turning nineteen the following month. Her father had taught her how to read and write since they couldn't afford to pay for school.

Vanessa sniffled. "But why mother!?.....why can't I come and visit?"

That had been one of the rules given to them by a messenger from the Randall family a few days ago. They said she was not to bring any of her clothes other than the ones she'll be wearing to come, she was never to see her family again, and other rules were to be given on her arrival.

Vanessa had a little sister who was about twelve years old. The little girl, Natalie, stood silently in the corner of the room, her back was against the wall with gilded arms while her eyes looked away from Vanessa. For a girl her age, Natalie had always been the strong-willed type, so even if she'd wanted to cry, she wasn't going to do it in front of people..... Vanessa included...

Jenneth just smiled lightly, but reassuringly back at Vanessa. "Remember what I taught you about your manners when you arrive sweetheart?"

"Yes, mother". They both shared one last hug before she hurriedly jumped to her feet. "No more tears". She slapped both her cheeks.

"Take care of mother...", She pleaded with Natalie before heading to the door. "I promise to send letters"

The little girl nodded in silence.

The carriage outside was a thick cream color and had an exotic aura around it. She was helped up by the chauffeur, and before she knew it, the horses were in motion.

The seats were softer than normal carriages, but she wasn't the least concerned with it because she was never going to see her family again!

She grunted while her fists tighten by her side. "I might not be able to visit, but I'll do my best to write". A smile lit up her face at the thought.

It was about half an hour before the carriage slowly came to a halt, the windows were covered by curtains so she couldn't see through.

The chauffeur didn't delay in opening the door for her like she was an honored guest at a ball.

Slowly stepping down, her mouth dropped open at the sight of such a glorious structure...

It was a dark castle atop a hill, and the sides seemed to stretch out much farther than she could comprehend.

There was a great expanse of paved ground which seemed to be decorated with dark marble stones. In fact, there was not one inch of grass in sight!

She'd heard stories of the castle on the hill, they say it was cursed by the sky witch. A make-believe woman who lived on a cloud in the sky.

Her eyes moved up to the night sky, the stars seemed so close she could almost touch them.

"Head for the front door", the voice of the chauffer jerked her back to reality.

Realizing she'd been staring too much, she waved in embarrassment before nodding. "Ohh...thank you"

On climbing up the steps towards the large metal framed door, she wondered who she was going to meet, or what she was going to say?!

Before she could even ring the doorbell, the heavy-looking bronze doors came flying open as if they weighed less than a feather!

"Milady", an old man dressed as a butler bowed respectfully. "I'll show you to your quarters"

She bowed. "Thank you, sir". But couldn't help but wonder about his formality. 'Milady' made her feel like she was the mistress of this castle.

He began his walk further inside as she followed with no luggage. The place was pretty dark for her eyes to make out most things.

"I'm the butler, Chadwick". He picked up a lamp that had been hanging on the wall.

"Vanessa Hawkins".

"I'm well aware of that", he grunted.

The flight of stairs seemed to part into two directions- the left and the right, Chadwick led her towards the direction in the right.

"Dinner will be served in about an hour, you may ring the bell if you need any help". He bowed in front of a door before leaving.

Vanessa had half expected to be treated like some condemned piece of rag, the butler was too polite! Didn't he know she was a slave?

Her hand landed on the door knob and for a second, she couldn't help but wonder what might lie ahead.

She twisted the knob with shaky hands.

"My word, it's so dark". Her eyes narrowed in an attempt to adjust to the darkness. The whole castle was so quiet when a family of six was said to live there? Or were they all just at sleep?

It was too early!

There was a flick of light at one edge of the room and she managed to scurry her way to it. It was a barely lit lamp...

She managed to increase the brightness just enough to see ahead of her. There was clothing laid out on the bed, with some underwear and a towel.

Taking her clothes off slowly, she wrapped the towel around the swell of her breasts. "I have to be down soon to help prepare for dinner". She told herself although she knew not how to cook. They lacked the finances to purchase ingredients for sophisticated dishes in her family.

It was mostly boiled potatoes, grains, and bread around the clock.

The bath was already prepared beforehand, there was warm water nearly filling the tub.

The tap was still running!

Her eyes suspiciously scanned the bathroom, it seemed empty... But why did they prepare a bath for her? Was this how well they welcomed slaves in the Randall house?

What surprised her the most was the tap, it was said that only nobles could afford to pay for running water. Back in town, they had to line up at the well or go to the lake.

In an attempt not to think about it, she shook her head and slapped both cheeks. After turning off the tap, she dipped her body into the warm water.

It was refreshing and she felt as though she was floating atop a cloud. "Mmhm", she smiled to herself. "I could get used to this".

Time passed faster than she'd noticed and for a moment, the tap suddenly turned on again. She jerked up to turn it back off before realizing she'd taken too long in the bathtub!

"Ohh no!", she rushed out almost falling over. For a moment, she could have sworn she felt a hand catch her by the waist. "Huh?". She looked around the bathroom before reaching for her towel.

It didn't take more than two seconds for her to grab the lamp and rush back into the bedroom. She slammed the door behind her to feel safe.

A ghost? Or was it just her imagination?

The bell in the room rang thrice to inform her it was dinner time. She hurriedly got into the underwear laid out which seemed to fit perfectly! Before the dress beside it.

Holding the lamp up once again, how she wished she could see the whole room. After leaving the room, she noticed there were a few other doors down the way to the stairs.

There was another lamp below the stairs, "Lady Vanessa?", it was the voice of Chadwick.

She'd never been so happy to hear the voice of a stranger. "Yes!"

He guided her into the dining room, the table seemed to stretch into the darkness. It was impossible to see the other end of it!

Two candles stood tall at both her sides so she could see her meal properly. They were both held in silver candle stands.

"I shall read the rules out to you as you enjoy your meal". Chadwick came up at her left with a scroll he rolled open.

She stuffed a piece of beef inside her mouth before nodding at him.

"You shall wander about the castle, but not to the left wing on the upper floor"

"You shall not go down the mountain under any circumstance"

"You shall send no letters or writings to anyone"

She dropped her cutlery, "why not?!". Taking a gulp of wine to help chew the food faster. "A slave should at least be allowed to send letters to her family!"

He was quiet for a few seconds before continuing.

"You shall refer to the master of this house as 'My Lord'..."

"As a property of the master, you shall have no rights to make demands unless permitted by the master"

"You shall not sleep in any room aside from the one assigned to you"

She abruptly stood up. "Excuse me, but isn't this house owned by the Randall family? It seems deserted!"

He lowered the scroll to meet her eyes. "I am Chadwick, the butler of this house. I serve whoever owns the castle..."

"Yes, but-"

"Master Dante took ownership of this home about a month ago, he won it from the previous owners"

Her eyes widened a little, "won?"

"Yes, ma"

"But the debt I owe is to the Randall family! I should go and look for where they moved to!". She turned to leave the darkness of the dining room.

"Sir Desmond Randall IV gambled with all his belongings. His life included, you would only find him in the great beyond"

Those words shook her and for some reason, she couldn't take another step. Did this butler just say the new owner of this castle killed the old owners?!

"So you're trying to tell me...", her body was quivering. "The debts of the Randall's were also moved to the new owner of this home?"

He nodded.

She lowered her head. "Is that all the rules?"

"One more. You shall be punished if you disobey any of the rules assigned by the master". He bowed before disappearing into the darkness.

"Punishment?". She gulped, if he could kill someone over a wager... She wasn't sure he won't do the same if she broke the rules.

It took some minutes before she could find her way back to her room. Her lamp seemed to be going out and she couldn't shake the feeling that a pair of eyes were on her.

The castle was as silent as a graveyard and the slamming sound of her door echoed down the hallway.

Who was this Dante?

In bed, she scanned her thoughts for any noble who bared the name. No one came to mind...

All she knew was that he must be a terrifying man!

She clasped her hands together to say a little prayer before sleep finally found her.

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