
Slave to the Demon Lord

“This emblem on your shoulder is a sign that wherever you go, even to the ends of the six realms - I shall always find you”. __________ Vanessa Hawkins and her little sister were both used as collateral by their father to borrow money. After his sudden disappearance, she’s forced to move into the Randall house to pay off her debt. Unknown to her that the debt couldn’t be easily paid as she’d been sold off by her father because of the blood running through her veins. On reaching the Randall house, she discovers the place to be an empty castle with no one but the strange butler who informs her of the new owner of the house, Dante Vladwick, who appears and disappears as he pleases. The castle seems somewhat haunted and she longs to see the face of her master who constantly wears a mask. But when she’s caught overhearing his otherworldly conversation with the butler, Vanessa finds out she can never return to the normal life of a human. Instead, she’s stuck traveling to dangerous realms as his little slave while trying to uncover the mysteries of her bloodline. —-Cover disclaimer—-

Veedolly · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
73 Chs

Ishtar Knows Best

It took more than a week of waiting for her memories to return before Ro finally decided to consult Ishtar.

"I came to see my sister... Obviously", he rolled his eyes at the guards who blocked Ishtar's castle entrance.

They sent a glance at each other before one bowed in respect. "Forgive me your highness, but lady Ishtar is occupied with some 'business'...", his voice trailed off.

"Come Diane!", he gripped her by the waist before fazing into the ground and up inside the room.

The guards ran in to try and stop him, but the gaze he sent them caused a change in his heart.

Diane was still quite shocked, at times she felt as though she was from another world as little things like this still scared her.

Who exactly was she?

"Please wait in the living area, your highness", the guard who spoke before pointed. Ro couldn't help but wonder how they'd have treated Loki if he was the one who'd demanded to see Ishtar.

He could have even killed them for speaking back at him!

Finmore was right... Everyone took him for granted since he was too docile!

His fists tightened in anger before he snatched Diane's wrist. "Let's go!".

"Oww... yes...", she tried to keep up with his pace. They'd made a lot of progress in their friendship over the last week, although it was always bothersome as she had nothing to say about herself.

Their conversations were always one-sided.

It was about eight minutes before Ishtar walked down the flight of stairs. "Sorry for the delay", she smiled drawing both their attention.

Marco followed silently behind her, a satisfied look on his face.

Apart from Diane, everyone else would be able to tell what had taken her precious time.

The moment Ishtar spotted Diane, she waved. "Ohh! It's you again", her eyes narrowed with curiosity. Why would Dante bring a weak human girl to the demon continent? And even let her roam around?

What a liability.

And if Loki got hold of her.....

"You know her?", Ro questioned.

Diane stood up to bow before Ishtar, "Good day, your highness".

Ishtar arched a brow, the woman before her didn't seem as shy as she was before.

"Diane lost her memories, so I was wondering if you had any spell to reverse it. But you seem to already know each other", he smiled in victory.

"Hmm", she cupped her chin after noticing Ro's mark on her shoulder. If Ro could mark her, that only meant that Dante hadn't...

Was he mad?!

Dante would break his neck if he played with his mistress!

"What do you mean - lost her memories?".

Ro moved to hold her upper arm, unconsciously gripping it too tight. "I found her bleeding from her head a week ago".

"Ouch..", Diane's nose wrinkled in agony.

Realizing he'd been hurting her, he let go. "Ohh, sorry.... I forgot you're so weak".

Although he didn't mean it the wrong way, those words pierced her heart.

Ishtar took another glance at her. How could such a feeble human attract attention from both her brothers?

How would Loki treat her?

A mischievous smirk formed on her lips.

"Why are you smiling?"

"Ohh... nothing ", she pointed at Diane. "I can't get her memories back, but I can tell you which clan she's from".

Stepping forward, she pretended to cast a spell on the woman. "She's a witch". Marco could tell his mistress was lying.

His cold dark eyes scanned the feeble woman before him. Although she was quite pretty, she was nowhere near lady Ishtar.

And he couldn't help but wonder why his lady would lie about the girl's capabilities.

His frightening gaze on her made her legs buckle. "Mmm", she turned her face away from everyone.

"Hear that!", Ro took her hand with excitement. "You're a witch, I was hoping you were a mermaid so I could throw you into the sea and watch how fast you could swim".

Those words shocked both women and Ishtar was relieved about not calling her a mermaid. Although she looked like one….

"Ohh... here", she handed Ro a bracelet. "Please hold on to this for me".

It would be useful in her plan for tomorrow.

"Wait.... How do you know Diane? Do you know her real name?".

It didn't take much thinking to come up with a lie. "Ohh... I remember seeing her once in the palace, but I didn't get her name". She smiled innocently.

Disappointed, he sighed wondering why she'd lie to him. "Just that? I almost thought you were closer than that".

Ishtar shook her head to disagree.

After seeing them off, she decided to explain the whole situation to Marco.

"I see..." he cupped his chin. "This is my first time seeing a human...".

"I hope you're not attracted to her as well?". Ishtar frowned.

Gripping her shoulder, he lowered his face to hers. "She can't even compare to you, my lady". He pecked her forehead.

Marco was the only servant under her that could freely kiss her without permission.

Her hand moved to his cheek. "Good. I would have had to dispose of her if so".

In a few seconds, she spoke up again. "I want to question Dante before I do anything".

It displeased Marco that she gave her younger brother too much respect. Why did she need his permission?

His fists tightened beside him as he silently followed her towards the Eastern district of the castle.

"He doesn't even have guards?", she looked around the bronze doors of the castle before her.

"I shall open it for you, my lady", Marco moved forward but the bronze doors came flying open by themselves.

The butler then materialized before their eyes. "Good day", he bowed.

"Calen... isn't it?", Ishtar stretched her hand out for him to kiss.

It pissed off Marco that he took it.

"Right this way", he led her to the dining area.

"I see my brother still doesn't care much about furniture and decorations". Apart from how big the insides of the castle were compared to the outside, there was barely anything else to compliment.

And the fact that she couldn't sense anything from the castle... It was like she'd just entered an empty cloud of air.

Dante must have managed to stay in hiding due to whatever magic had been cast on the castle.

There was food for two already set on the table.

'Had he known I was coming?'

Within a few minutes, Dante walked into the room. As usual, he wore a cold expression.

The scar across his nose didn't seem to have healed much. It had happened the day he'd challenged their father to a death match.

He was so foolish, and Hades didn't even go easy on the little boy!

Completely ignoring his sister, he'd begun to eat his lunch.

"Wow...", she shook her head before taking the cutlery up. "I've not made any progress in finding Medusa-"

"Is that really what you came to say?", Dante interrupted her with uninterested eyes.

Her lips curved mischievously. "I'm just curious about what became of your little mistress".

His eyes moved to the vampire behind her, he'd also been at breakfast that day... Marco was it?

"I didn't return to the demon continent with her, she's free now".

Ishtar's brows furrowed in disbelief. Although it was likely possible he wasn't aware she was with Pyro. "I see". She took a sip of the transparent liquid in her glass.

"Mmmm!...", it was alcoholic wine just as she liked but in his glass was red wine.

Who served the meal before she arrived?

"Were you expecting someone?", she queried deciding not to push him to say too much about the woman.


"What was her name again?"


"The woman of course", her eyes rolled.

He still didn't trust Ishtar fully, she could go back to the human world and torment Vanessa.... Or even bring her here!

Her hobbies were quite..... unethical.

Without another word, he continued with his meal. Vanessa was probably happy being with her family now... Unlike when she was with him.

"You're so boring!", she finally got up. "Well.... We're having a meeting tomorrow by 5 pm, please show up".

"I said I won't be coming to eat again..."

"Who said we're eating?", she clapped once before leaving.


As usual, Ishtar was the first to arrive at the conference room. The table was clear and no maids were present.....

Loki arrived next with Velma.

Dante arrived late alongside Calen.

Pyro was next with Diane, just as Ishtar had planned. Finmore had caught a cold the night before and couldn't make it.

"We're all here I see...".

Loki's eyes remained fixated on the woman behind Pyro. "It seems Pyro has replaced old man Finmore". He was taking his time to size her up.....

It made Diane uncomfortable as she attempted to avoid his eyes.

"What? No! He just caught a cold". Ro defended his trusty butler. "Diane is my newest servant".

"Whatever, that geezer is getting old", Loki waved a hand. "What do you want to trade her for? I wouldn't mind making her my sixth mistress". He licked his lips pervertedly.


Ishtar slammed her fist on the table to stop them. "Why don't you introduce yourself?".

Diane bowed before speaking up. "My name is Diane, I'm a witch".

Her voice was all it took to make Dante's head turn. His eyes widened at the sight before him.


Even Calen had a bewildered expression on his face. Like they'd seen a ghost...

In an attempt to regain his composure, Dante slowly turned his eyes to Ishtar.

"Wow! She even had Dante turn so quick!", Loki laughed. "Think about it woman, my virgin little brother here doesn't know how to treat a woman. You can ask Velma". He moved his head sideways.

Velma was once Pyro's maid, but the day she'd tried to seduce him... He'd ended up walking out on her...

After then, he'd treated her so poorly that there was no other option for her than to seduce Loki and make him fight Ro.

It was an easy victory, and a pitiful display from Ro's end..... he was far too weak.

Velma raised a hand to her lips in amusement, it was always satisfying to watch her master pick on his brother.

It surprised everyone when Dante got up to leave. Calen butler disappeared after him. It was quite clear Ishtar had called up this farce of a meeting just to see him react to Vanessa.

"Yes, Ro. Whatever happened to that bracelet?", Ishtar had a mischievous grin on her lips.

"Ohhm.... I left it in my room. Could you please get it, Diane?"

"Okay", she bowed before rushing off.

"Hurry!", Ishtar called out making the girl increase her pace.

After running through the dark halls for a while, she bumped into something hard. "Oww!", before she could fall on her butt... Someone caught her by the waist, pinning her back to the wall.

"What the hell are you playing at, woman?!", he was truly annoyed.

Frightened by the scarlet eyes before her, "Oww, you're hurting my shoulder!".

"Answer me, woman!", his fingers dig deeper into her shoulder.

Panicking, she slapped the man.

In the darkness, his left brow shot up in amusement. "How brave of you, Little mouse".

"My name is Diane...". She felt her knees buckle...

What exactly had made her slap an unknown man in the dark? If he was the commander or something, her life could be at risk!

But the way the second prince had spoken to her and her master was quite annoying.


Watching her struggle so much made his body tense up.

Without thinking, he lowered his face to kiss her.

Too shocked to move, she didn't struggle for the few seconds it lasted...

Although the kiss wasn't reciprocated.

"I missed you....", the strange man cupped both her cheeks.

His palm on her face felt so big..... but warm.

"Come to the little garden tomorrow by noon". He kissed her forehead once. Did he miss her that much? And why was she calling herself Diane?

Ishtar must have put her up to it!

He clenched his fist hurriedly taking his leave before anyone could see. If she was going to threaten Vanessa... He'd have to end her life.

To Diane...

An unknown man had just stolen a kiss from her.

A trembling hand moved to her tender lips...

And it felt nice...