
Slave to the Demon Lord

“This emblem on your shoulder is a sign that wherever you go, even to the ends of the six realms - I shall always find you”. __________ Vanessa Hawkins and her little sister were both used as collateral by their father to borrow money. After his sudden disappearance, she’s forced to move into the Randall house to pay off her debt. Unknown to her that the debt couldn’t be easily paid as she’d been sold off by her father because of the blood running through her veins. On reaching the Randall house, she discovers the place to be an empty castle with no one but the strange butler who informs her of the new owner of the house, Dante Vladwick, who appears and disappears as he pleases. The castle seems somewhat haunted and she longs to see the face of her master who constantly wears a mask. But when she’s caught overhearing his otherworldly conversation with the butler, Vanessa finds out she can never return to the normal life of a human. Instead, she’s stuck traveling to dangerous realms as his little slave while trying to uncover the mysteries of her bloodline. —-Cover disclaimer—-

Veedolly · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
73 Chs

Caleb Hawkins’s Contract

8th June, X781.

Valley Town.


"So.... You're telling me you'd like to borrow twenty million?". Sir Randall sent the commoner sitting adjacent to him a doubtful glance.

Caleb Hawkins nodded as his brows furrowed with seriousness. He was ready to do whatever it took to get that sum...

Lord Randall Von Laurent III, was a foreign nobleman who'd moved to live far from the capital city, Liberio. They said he gained a lot of money from gambling and being a loan shark.

Rumor also had it that he was seriously involved in underground/ black market tradings.

He moved around every decade to a new country.

The nobleman's eyes moved to his trusty butler, Chadwick who stood upright beside him before trailing back to the peasant before him.

He laughed mockingly. "You almost got me there!", cheerfully slapping his flabby belly.

"Okay, let's cut past the jokes. How much do you actually want to borrow, good sir?". There was a stern look on his face.

"Twenty million".

Sir Randall's fist pounded on his armrest. "If you came to play around, then leave my castle!", he waved for Chadwick to show him out.

Caleb jumped to his feet. "I'm quite serious, Sir".

"A mere Carpenter? You wouldn't be able to return my money for your whole lifetime! Not do you have any assets I could seize".

A mischievous smirk formed on his lips. "I am well aware, hence I came prepared".

He dug a hand into his coat's pocket. "My wife is sick and I have two daughters". He slammed the paper he'd brought out on the table right next to Sir Randall.

With narrowed eyes, he adjusted his monocle before raising the paper to eye level. "This is a contract?".

Caleb nodded. "If I am not able to return the money within five years, you have full rights to both my daughters and my next fifteen generations. As slaves or whatever you wish to use them for...".

Chadwick's eyes widened at those words. This man before him was signing away his children's future... Alongside the freedom of the next generation.


Sir Randall laughed mockingly. "You understand what is written here don't you? I could make both your daughters baby-making machines then use their offspring for hard labor or even sell them off in the black market?"

Caleb nodded with determined eyes.

"They'll have no human rights whatsoever?"

Caleb nodded once more.

The room fell silent for a few seconds. "Are you the devil or something?".

Even Chadwick had wanted to ask... Would this man put the life of his wife before everything else? Or was there an ulterior motive?

His eyes narrowed in disdain at the sly looking man.

Sir Randall tossed the paper aside on the table. "Of what worth is a few generations of commoners?", his eyes rolled.

"My wife is the eleventh biological child and fifth daughter of the King of Thames".

The nobleman's eyes widened.

This man before him was saying that his wife, had the royal blood of Thames? The most potent blood in the world?!

It was the most expensive but yet the fastest-selling thing you could get on the black market! A lot of people would kill to get hold of some royal blood!

If fermented with other things, it could be used to make high-class wine.

It could be used to treat many illnesses too, just a little blood from a royal!

In fact, instead of selling off his offspring... he could make ten times that amount from extracting the blood from their children! So why didn't he?

"Sir?", Caleb's voice made him fade back to reality.

"How do I know you're not lying?", his eyes narrowed. "And why don't you just sell your daughters blood in the black market? You'll make twenty million in a short period".

"I don't have connections or power, someone will probably just follow me back home and kidnap my children if I was to begin selling royal blood".

He was right. Being a nobleman, there was a lot of security both inside and outside his castle... As well as money and connections to recover the girls if they were to go missing.

"For your second question...", he raised a brown sack bag from beside his feet to the table. "If I may...", he opened the bag to bring out a cage.

"What in heavens..!?"

There was a half-dead rat inside who was barely moving or breathing. Next, he brought out two cocked tubes filled halfway with blood.

"This is a sick rat I found on my way from work yesterday. I'm not sure which sickness it has... but it's fatal".

Each had a label.

Vanessa and Natalie.

He first injected Natalie's blood into the rat. In about a minute... It had gotten back on its feet and began to move around.

"This is my younger daughter's, she's just seven". The potency of the blood was higher in some royals than others...

"Now this...", he reached into his bag to bring out another cage. The rat inside had unsightly sores and a sickening odor on it. Factually, it seemed to be in a worse condition than the latter.

"My elder daughter will be fourteen soon". He injected the blood into the almost dead rat.

In about two minutes, its body had started to heal before their eyes.

"What sorcery?", sir Randall's eyes shot open. "I've never seen royal blood as potent as this!"

It was probably because those who sold it in the black market rationed the blood and mixed it with normal blood before each sale.

The second rat was now more agile than the first, although it was in a worse condition!?

"Do we have a deal?", Caleb's eyes lit up at the pleased man before him.

There was a moment of hesitation before the noble spoke up again. "How about I buy your whole generation for double that amount?". A devious smile formed on his lips...

Caleb shook his head with a devious smirk. "A hundred million".

Such a scum dad

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