
Slave to the Demon Lord

“This emblem on your shoulder is a sign that wherever you go, even to the ends of the six realms - I shall always find you”. __________ Vanessa Hawkins and her little sister were both used as collateral by their father to borrow money. After his sudden disappearance, she’s forced to move into the Randall house to pay off her debt. Unknown to her that the debt couldn’t be easily paid as she’d been sold off by her father because of the blood running through her veins. On reaching the Randall house, she discovers the place to be an empty castle with no one but the strange butler who informs her of the new owner of the house, Dante Vladwick, who appears and disappears as he pleases. The castle seems somewhat haunted and she longs to see the face of her master who constantly wears a mask. But when she’s caught overhearing his otherworldly conversation with the butler, Vanessa finds out she can never return to the normal life of a human. Instead, she’s stuck traveling to dangerous realms as his little slave while trying to uncover the mysteries of her bloodline. —-Cover disclaimer—-

Veedolly · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
73 Chs

An Unknown Origin

Dante's P.O.V


For the past three days, I'd completely immersed myself within the walls of the grand library which was situated in the main castle. No matter what book or topic I glanced through, there was no mention of the labradorite stone.

Although some books spoke about the tale of Azarelle.

How exactly had the witch, Gruella known to ask Calen for the stone?

I'd also thought about threatening Ro for all he knew, but from what Vanessa had explained... My brother didn't seem to have a clue unless he would have been more careful with that mirror.

Therefore there was no use in resulting in violence.

If I couldn't separate her from Azarelle, who was to say no one would go looking for her in the human realm?

"Dante", Ishtar quietly opened the library doors, it was already late noon. "I've never seen you read so fervently". She smiled lightly before making her way to sit opposite me.